A black guy sent me this. Will he be right?
A black guy sent me this. Will he be right?
Other urls found in this thread:
exrnchain? wtf i got 10MM of those for free during the airdrop are they even worth anything etherscan doesnt show their price
Your coin were worth $1950 last week. Right now it is down to 1/3 of that. Keep holding. Forget you have that coin for 1 year
he forgot req, xlm and ada
Black guys are stupid. They are just immitating white people. Intellectualism is just not part of the culture but they sure can dance good.
He's right about NEO. Possibly stealth coin.
>everything will 20x
Lowballed VEN, ENG, and QASH. Everything else is fine. Why does his race matter?
yea thats what i plan to do with all those random coins i got air dropped. The thought of it somehow mooning and me missing out is worse than losing the free 1k
thanks just sold 100k of everything listed
Black people cant swim as well because their bones are denser. There are other real differences between races too. It matters sometimes. To say it doesn’t is ignorant of reality.
Lmfao fuck off with that /pol pseudoscience. My best friend in high school was black and he was the best swimmer on the men's team. and This is at the biggest high school in my state 5000+ students
why you guys trying to help a roastie anyway
If exrn hits 27 cents I'm retired. Pls black man, don't do me wrong
Ian Balina?
MyBit looks like a scam, NEO is a solid hodl.
The rest are too small to even matter
>durr black people are not as "intellectual" as us white folk
>still buys into racist stereotypes
>white pride brother! im white so im doing something good with my life (i hope)
you're a disgrace
thinly vieled /pol/ thread
>thinks this is somehow relevant to the original post
correlation =/= causation
Yes, NEO will likely have an ethereum style run... .everything else? can never be too sure - no one has a crystal ball
I can EXRN easily getting to $0.10 in a few months, but 27 cents is quite the stretch. Maybe end-of-year 2019
>fuck off with your pseudoscience here's an anecdotal exception
Neo $1300 top kek
Yeah that’s great and all but earn real money at this Pump discord server discord gg/YQqTCqt
You're a tard and should pay closer attention to the olympics
>thinks "real science" is racist "red - pilled " shit forced by /pol/ to people who have little no interactions with black people... ZZzzzzz
There are differences but the bone thing sounds like bs
t. alberto barbosa
That isn’t a mere stereotype. Black people’s average IQ is a whole standard deviation lower than white people’s average IQ. That’s a huge difference and IQ is the best predictor of success in academics, careers, games, pretty much anywhere that you use your brain (CRYPTO)
the dankest meme
This screenshot was taken by him. The post was made by someone intellectual/reputable according to him
Because Veeky Forums trusts black people's recommended coins
I'm not a white girl
t. needs funny racist meme to defend themselves from anyone who calls out their brain-let tier spoon-fed KKK age racism
>Muh IQ meme
sort of like black kids raised in inner-city environments with hardly any money in education aren't as well educated as white kids in suburbs where money is flowing? has nothing to do with funding... must be an innate racial trait - right?
Some intelligent master racer you must be to think correlation and causation are the same thing.. or to think IQ tests are the ultimate test or racial superiority
what environment were you raised in user? do tell
$0.10 for EXRN really? actually curious why you think, I bought a bit still feels scammy. also 10 cents would be 10B marketcap
QASH needs correcting to $50 eoy
Nigga 10 cents will make thousands of people millionaire without doing anything. If it happens I'll be happy but i think 1¢ EOY
>reddit spacing
No m8
You're a fucking disgrace
Sorry faggot, but race realism is scientifically proven without a doubt. On average blacks have the lowest iq on the planet, save maybe the abbos.
You can check harvard or oxford iq tests or try military iq tests. There are also tests dividing by income and the gap is still present. Fcking nigger
>scientifically proven without a doubt
prove it
>IQ tests
so much for your "proof"
did you read my comment where I pointed out the inequality in environments? you think white people are "smarter" because they are born that way and not padded by a shield of money ? that alone casts a shadow of doubt on the whole crux of your argument
you STILL cant tell correlation from causation and you're expecting me to think your part of the "master race"
abo's are almost on tier with baboons cunt wtf.
If white people are more intelligent than black people, how come no-one in this thread has made 4million in a month, unlike this guy?
Black kids adopted by rich white families still score lower on iq tests than white trash trailer park kids. Sorry nigger.
Holy fuck you're so smug. I bet you've never had an independent thought in your life.
I mean, that still doesn't mean that IQ is only linked to genetics.
Is it not possible that others treatments of them because of their race affected their learning in school?
Its easy to keep making an infinite amount of pseudoscience excuses, the evidence is there on the table whenever you want to accept it.
he's got QASH on his list, he cant be completely retarded
Every fuckin hour a thread complaining about women, blacks or Indians pops up. Wtf you fagots, this is a business board. You lot should commit mass suicide by drinking kool aid laced with cyanide while singing culturally inappropriate camp songs. If you can't start a race war, fund it or design sex robots, STFU. You all have the balls to complain on an anonymous Chilean headhunting subforum , but when you go out, your beaten black and blue if you air your right wing views for example here in Berlin or are cucked by your girlfriends and wives. Kyselves. Walk the talk for once. You're no different from the coons and roasties you so abhor.
There's also the influence of the prenatal environment.
If a fetus develops in an impoverished environment (To a stressed, poorly-fed mother), then of course it will have implications on its IQ, later in life.
Go read /pol more. You'd realize that while most blacks are less intelligent than whites on average. There are a hundred million or more with Iqs in the 120+ range. Dr. Ben Carson is an easy anecdote. But yes shit tons more are dindus. But for fuck sakes use your supposedly superior brain to read the fucking threads there you fucking degenerate.
>Go read /pol more.
I choked on my coffee
>fell for the IQ meme
>calling me smug
>saying I lack independent thought while arguing against simple minded racism on Veeky Forums
wew lad, #MAGA! right??
way to respond to anything I said though
The other anons already said it... just because they are black doesnt mean they arent other variables? for people who tout the scientific method as a measure to prove their superiority you sure have no god damn idea how logic works
> for people who tout the scientific method as a measure to prove their superiority you sure have no god damn idea how logic works
Nigger, you're just making petty excuses in order to deny what is right in front of you. Niggers are ON AVERAGE less intelligent than whites. Just like sandniggers are ON AVERAGE less intelligent than Jews. Or how South East Asians are less intelligent than East Asians.
Can we at least agree that Abbo's are the dumbest people on the earth? An argument can be made for Africans if you're willing to overlook a few things, but abbo's are beyond saving.
according to what, IQ tests? We've already explained the flaw of this thinking in multiple posts now.. repeating your thesis doesnt make it any more valid.
No I dont agree with you on anything in this topic. I am a white man myself and people that think like you are holding us back as a world... cant you for a second question these racist beliefs or atleast test your argument for validity?
I'm not the one making excuses.. I can break it down further if you want but im in the middle of the movie with a friend and this is wasting my damn time
t. nigger
So, by what metric do you suggest we test intelligence if not IQ? Success? Crime rates? Or are you one of the "race is only skin deep!" type of people? Because if so, you're seriously deluded.
I live in the Netherlands. We have a sizable black population due to our colonial past, and we recently (1960's) had a big influx of Turks and later Moroccans. In the Netherlands our social welfare is quite advanced and everyone gets the opportunity to go to the same schools. Everyone can go to college and university. We have poorer area's in big cities, but nowhere near as bad as the ghetto's in the US. There is no "lmao school is for Uncle Tom's, nigga" mentality here. And guess what? The Blacks, Turks, North Africans, and others steal more, use more welfare, score lower on ANY test issued by our government (not just IQ tests), get lower grades, run into trouble more at school, are less likely to go to university. How do you explain this? Please, do tell.
He's right that NEO will blowup. I'm skeptical that it's going to reach ETH's level of value because it has zero dapps in production at this time (AFAIK).
Facts aren't racist and you aren't being intellectually honest. There are numerous studies that show that blacks (in a variety of circumstances) score lower on IQ tests than whites, asians, and jews. At least you can retort by saying that IQ isn't the only determining factor for success.
Just buy EGAS and hold it...13mil max supply and the price is sub $0.10 - at $1 it will only be 13mil market cap and even if it turns out to be a scamcoin thats still 10x returns.
Take a look@ coinmarketcap.com
too many niggers in this thread
Fucking idiot.
Learn how normal distributions work
The world would be infinitely better if all blacks and arabs simply disappeared. this is fact.
>I am a white man myself and people that think like you are holding us back as a world...
Shalom Shlomo
Yeah that's great and all but if you want to make real money join the best pump group
discord gg/YQqTCqt
I think a better question is why are you so obsessed with finding out who's "most intelligent" to begin with? world problems are more complex than "oh if we just kill X, everything will be better"
but nice ad-hom though
and begging the question
cool anecdotal evidence btw user
>Thinks its a scientifically proven "fact" beyond /pol/, stormer, etc, that blacks are inferior
The only "fact" would be lower test scores, but as previously mentioned (several times) there are more variables at play. If you're extrapolating anything beyond that - you're the one being dishonest.
here pal gonna send you a timestamp since I know you're so desperately banking on this assumption being true
What are you gonna do about it whiteboi? WE IZ KANGS you cracker.
epic jewish meme, /pol/ack - obama did 9/11 and ((( Clintons )))are reptiles !!
really activated my almonds
Don’t forget about kikes
Wow so many brainier ducks in his n wonder the market is going to shit, low test beta skeptics are here
>Y-you can't be that dumb can you?
Literally their entire argument, hitmen need to all kill themselves. Niggers are almost better
This guy will be tremendously disappointed in the near future.
>I think a better question is why are you so obsessed with finding out who's "most intelligent" to begin with?
You're the one replying 8 times to a thread trying to convince anonymous posters blacks are actually more intelligent than they give them credit for. You're the one coming off as obsessed here, my dude. I never said anything about killing. Stop being so dishonest. I'm merely stating that blacks are less intelligent than whites. There are multiple studies backing that up. You claim more factors are into play, which is true, but it's rather convenient these factors supposedly precisely make up for the difference, don't you think? As long as you can't prove to me that those factors are significant enough to make up for the difference I will err on the side of caution (the side of science) and say blacks are less intelligent than other ethnical groups. Period.
>Muh ad hominem
Ignoring what's right in front of you is textbook delusion. Me pointing that out is more than a mere ad hominem.
>Muh anecdotal evidence
It's more evidence than you supplied this whole thread.
Just buy EGAS and hold it...13mil max supply and the price is sub $0.10 - at $1 it will only be 13mil market cap and even if it turns out to be a scamcoin thats still 10x returns.
Take a look@ coinmarketcap.com
IQ differences are well documented.
>You're the one replying 8 times to a thread trying to convince anonymous posters blacks are actually more intelligent than they give them credit for.
Strawman, i'm actually pointing out that their believes of racial superiority as based on total garbage circular logic
>There are multiple studies backing that up.
Ok where are studies that conclude "blacks are less intelligent than whites?" - you certainly havent posted one, and no body else seems capable
>but it's rather convenient these factors supposedly precisely make up for the difference, don't you think?
>As long as you can't prove to me that those factors are significant enough to make up for the difference I will err on the side of caution (the side of science
Ok so you obviously can't handle the burden of proof to assert that blacks are less intelligent than white people, so you're asking me to prove something that isnt fact to begin with?
"science"? what science? - you havent posted a god damn thing
I've just been telling you the whole time why such an assumption is bullshit. To imply I need to proof to prove black people are not less intelligent than whites implies your opinion is somehow magically a fact and is ruthlessly arrogant. If this was the case I doubt all of you would be jumping on me so tirelessly to defend yourselves.
>"Ignoring what's right in front of you is textbook delusion."
Ignoring what... the monitor in front of me?
it's going to be $2K lawl
Ignoring the absolute state of anywhere where blacks congregate, and the differences of congregated poor white areas. Same with Asians, they are smarter than whites.
Why do whites mostly behave while blacks murder each other daily.
The lack of black inventors even though "muh Jewish slavetrade" they ought to have invented something by now. Same with the state of africa relying on aid no industry no nothing. Even though the colonnials left for them railways roads etc they don't maintain or build it.
Or how about the "diversity" meme, if we were the same it wouldn't have to forced all the time rite?
The answers are in front of you if you open your eyes, just a brainwashed lefty cuck.
>Ok so you obviously can't handle the burden of proof to assert that blacks are less intelligent than white people, so you're asking me to prove something that isnt fact to begin with?
>"science"? what science? - you havent posted a god damn thing
What? You spend the whole thread autistically screeching about how the difference in IQ is due to nurture, not nature and now you want proof of the difference? Good job on moving the goalpost. I can't believe you're so butthurt over a relatively small thing as intelligence. Why is it so important to you that we're all equal? I thought you folks liked diversity so much?
We're different. Deal with it. Different doesn't automatically mean inferior. It just means different. Whites are inferior to blacks in terms of sprinting and running. Asians are inferior to other races in almost anything to do with physical strength. Do you see them whining about that? Blacks just so happen to be less intelligent than other races. They're only inferior if you specify that intelligence is the only measure by which a human being should be evaluated.
>Ignoring what... the monitor in front of me?
Oh, I don't know, maybe the fact that any race on earth managed to form civilizations except for one race? A race that we now know posses less intelligence than the other groups? What a coincidence. I guess it's because of other factors though. No animals to domesticate, yeah that must be it. Or the dang mosquitoes. Pesky little fuckers. And just when they were about to get their shit on track those barbaric whypipo invaded them and took all the resources they didn't even know they had! Truly disgusting. Whitey must pay
No, the kikes have done a disproportional amount of good for humanity, owing to their IQ.
>who was Einstein?
>who was von Neumann?
No written language or achievements on their history.
Stop being all racist and inferior Tyrone.
Biz is not 4 kangs
purely anecdotal.
When blacks move in en masse, expect an increase in knife and other forms of violent, random crime
Real data.
Those are like the nigger names of crypto.
(((White man)))
WHILE you're at it its time to join the unstoppable discord->> discord gg / WeSx9AD
>a guy sent
>10 replies 404
>a black guy sent
>478 replies 150 images posted
You fags are so predictable and easy to play.
Im not claiming to be superior just different. Blacks are more gifted in the physical aspects of the world (music ateletics romance) Whites are nothing special at all its actually the Jewish tradition that breeds esoteric and abstract ideas like finance and ethics all that intellectual stuff. Whites just are indoctrinated into jewish culture. Whites are not special at all. I never claimed that, but blacks are not really suited to the jewish system. This is true. If you think all races and cultures are the same but see a diffrence amongst different cryptos you got youre brainwashed.
I would agree with that on neo, maybe not straight to $1300 but $1000 easy.
>thinks statistical disparities are because of inferior (brain) genetics and not thousands of years of discrimination and unsatisfactory climates for development
>nobody calls him out for typing /pol
Holy fuck, is Veeky Forums full of fucking normies now?
Hi David!
absolutely fucking not
Why do you think the mother is so stressed? Likely because the father left and the mother is too stupid to take care of herself for her child's sake. Why is she that way? must be her mother's poor health during pregnancy, and so on until realize that no matter your excuse it is a GENETIC trait, passed down from mother to child. This includes the mother's choice in mate.
I fucking hate cunts like you. If you'd just admit there is a problem to address you'd find you may ACTUALLY be able to help black people improve over time. But that's not your goal, just want to make yourself look like a saint to other idiots concerned with such. You're so fucking weakminded you have to create a caricature of yourself so you can look at it through the eyes of others as dumb or dumber.
A white guy sent me this. Will he be right?
top kek. no. the absolute state of Veeky Forums with bluepilled nigs posting retarded theories. rope yourself
Why are we fighting? Are t we all trying to get rich? We should be working together. Once your rich the color of your skin won’t matter. When your rich you’re rich. We are all in the same boat right now and should be helping each other make it. So /pol/ go fuck off. Anyways OP, who is he guy that sent you this?
idc about this nig nog bullshit I just wanna get rich. Whats your guys opinion on QASH? Ive had my eye on it now and it seems like a pretty easy $6-10 token once it hits the bigger exchanges.