Does anyone else follow hot girls that are into crypto? If so drop names. I message Luna quite often I wonder if I could get her to say hi to biz
Who’s your favorite “crypto girl”
That slut can eat fat donkey dick.
Fuck off with these stupid whores.
riple chan
Probably does so on the daily while making more gains than 90% of the normies
jesus fucking christ how much of a hopeless neckbeard do you have to be to post this thread
Just sold all my SC
>Does anyone else follow hot girls that are into crypto?
Now it's the tron bitch
Yeah, really. Whores have to bring their whoring to this space too. Nauseating.
I see tits on here all day I finally find a girl that’s into crypto and everyone hates wuuuut
This thread is so pathetic it almost made me physically ill
all these dumb bitches would be ten grand in the red on an MLM if it wasn't for TRX or VRG. if bizarre cult behavior and spent single bitches calling themselves "day traders" and "momtrepreneurs" hasn't persuaded you to sell those dog shit coins then you are long past the point of no return.
i think the Veeky Forums ARK girl is sexy
wtf i love ripple now
None you stupid fucking idiot
These chicks are parasites and people like you enable them
They're in crypto to rake in crypto donations from desperados like you
You beta men fuck up the game for the rest of us
These average bitches think they're supermodels now
How have you all not realize?? Crypto girls are slowly going to make money asking for advice so they don't have to suck your NEET beta dick in the future.
Fuck these thots and fuck all /biz omegas, cucks and beta-orbiters who post all that whores pictures on this board.
I wonder wtf she’s heard of this site lmao
You fool. you doomed us all
hello maim I will pay 0.000001 bazinga if you show bobs
this girl
Someone post the ‘ladies I’ve saved on the internet that have rewarded me with sex’ meme so this orbiter gets it
I will give away 100 TRX to anyone that can give me the best/most pathetic/delusional/cringe crypto woman on twitter. I'm compiling a collection of them for lols
not a give away cus that's like $5 and I don't even think enought to withdraw on binance but either way give me some links lets laugh at dumb bitches
there is no way OP is not a pajeet. Her merely responding to him is sufficient to cause him an intense orgasm.
I don’t pay her for advice. every now and then I throw her some of my gains She’s cool and actually replies to me and shows me her tits when i want. till I find a girl that accepts crypto for sex she’ll do
fuck off to r9k
who should i be following on twitter for crypto cunts?
>i pay her money to send me pictures of her tits
If you're not trolling (really hope you do) you should seriously neck yourself.
nice FUD jew
Didn’t know so many people would be mad. my life is internet why have a real girlfriend who will just nag ya and take you away from crypto and gaming.
/pol/ is already overrun by e-celeb threads. Keep this shit away from Veeky Forums.
have you ever had a real gf?
she is using your money to find chad. that's her endgame.
Best post in this thread
He knows. He programmed his mind to accept that whatever it is he's doing right now is closest he will ever come to sex.
. All I see on biz are bitches that have nothing to do with it. This threads intent was to find actual hot bitches (to follow) that are actually into crypto if you have morals then gtfo let me sin in peace
You really think it's about "having morals"?
Obviously, it's about not being some pathetic beta cuck that donates his gains to get a tiny bit of attention from some random 6/10 twitterwhore that will never actually acknowledge you if it wasn't for the money.
those 6/10 bitches whore without even having to put out xDDDD
This. Buy hookers with your gains, don't donate to cam whores
And I’m cool with it. It’s not like I’m donating your gains.
I don't know if you're trying to be sarcastic but you realise there is pretty much no difference? The rational is still the same. They're whores, don't deceive yourself.
Don't buy hookers either you dumb fuck
Then you're literally saying pussy has a PRICE. You're giving them power just the same
You're dumb as fuck if you need to pay a woman to fuck you
You can find any slut relatively easy if you dress well and look healthy, then dip the next morning and never speak to them again
Paying for hookers is enabling just the same
Yep. Same fucking thing as the alt right whores getting patreon beta bucks.
They are smart enough to rip off dumb betas. But they know nothing about tech and expose themselves too much. They are the easiest targets for hackers, social engineers and future crypto kidnapping groups.
The thing is she’s more then a Camwhore we’ve chatted about which coins we think are going to be profitable and most of the time she’s somehow right and that’s cool with me really Real girls zone out when you start talking about Block-chain technology
Thanks to beta men like you, for a average face and Veeky Forums guy like me who actually talks to women in face getting laid was never easier.