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I bet she doesn't use wet wipes or water after she takes a shit.
Only snow nigger wh*tes don't. Seriously.
Who the fuck wipes with paper alone?
I'm Mediterranean master race and I always wash with water.
Snow niggers tend to shower after shitting. Don't know why they just don't get bidets like normal europe
Well, I usually shower as well, but when I can't shower I still wash with water.
Disgusting gook in the pic
I am happy to see people are enlightened about the toilet paper jew
>Next Tron
So a scam?
I told my parents not to because it's a middle eastern thing and fuck being like those terrorists
>showering every time you shit
you know you can just squat down in the shower, use jet stream and aim up your ass and that's it?
I don't have to shit 5x / day mate. Nothing wrong with a daily shower. I don't fall for the (((shampoo/bathing gel))) either
Huh is it normal to wipe your ass with wet toilet paper? I just do it dry.
A bit tryhard, innit?
Why are asian girls so good? I have clear memories of when I first started to find girls attractive at like 12 or 13 and remembering how surprised I was at how much asian girls attracted me. I recall finding out that having yellow fever was a 'thing' and being glad about it.
So why is it a thing biz? People say it's because asian grills are portrayed as sexually submissive and all that, but that general doesn't turn me on. It's because they have superior genetics, isn't it. They're more "cute" and approachable than other races. The asian race is by far the most effeminate race, and if you're really a straight male then you'll agree that asian women are paragons of beauty.
Be gone with the aggressive and wild african woman. Get out of here with your square jawed, hook nosed EU roasties. Give me a soft-faced, porcelain skinned asian.
Too bad the children of whites/asians tend to be completely fucked up. I agree Asian girls are cute though. White girls COULD be cute if they weren't fucked mentally by the ZOG
because literally 0.001% look like that. 4/10 look like this, and the rest look even worse
feminism is still pretty new in asia so the women still try to be feminine
also koreans in particular have the best hip to waist ratio in the world
I'd put the middle one in the grey shirt into the attractive category. I would not hesitate to pump that.
You're right about the rest though.
koreans are shitty on the inside and good on the inside, the country is americanized so they act like stuck up american women
im in korea rn and these bitches are entitled af
I would dump my seed into each and every one of those women
Still better than the average white girl, don't get me started on black girls.
koreans westernized, pinoys getting there too slowly as they get more developed
apparently, poor = trad women
Dry is still the norm, but think about it
If for some reason you got shit on your hand, be it your own shit or dog shit or something, do you just wipe it off with a dry cloth and be on your way?
Yeah I just wipe it on the wall and go have lunch.
Animals. The best way is thus
The actual real best way is to use a bidet and then dry wipe afterwards but who the fuck can be bothered to use a bidet.
>they need to wipe after taking a shit
you fuckers need to stop eating garbage and get on a plant based vegan diet. i LITERALLY never have to wipe my ass %95 of the after taking a shit. my shits are clean and my health is super optimal motherfuckas. get on my level
How about not wiping at all and just use bidet
>paying jewish logging companies exploiting the resources of our mother lands
>literally using dollar bills to wipe your ass
Why would you not dry after using a bidet? That's literally what pajeet does.
you only need to whipe your cheeks with a towel. Sometimes, even having wet ass is not a problem as it will dry up eventually either way
I love how this thread about shitcoin became thread about ass wiping.
this man speaks the truth
I have IBS otherwise I'd have good shits, fucking sucks man. Anxiety is a bitch
W-w-who is she?
Why does eating only plants make your shit not stick to your asshole? Sounds hard to believe to be honest. Maybe you just don't notice your ass smells after you leave the bathroom without wiping but everyone around you does.
stop eating meat, dairy, eggs, oil, refined foods and limit your fat intake to 10% of your total calories.
this will cure your bowels.
Hodge twins of crypto? Giving us advice on buying the biggest dip for biggest gains.
But hey, you can do whatever the fuck you wanna do. Being poor is a choice.
because i dont have flesh and oil sticking and rotting to my insides.
it's like washing dishes. if you cook with oil and meat you have to scrub really hard to clean you pots and pans. if you cook vegetables, rice, potatoes, etc...all you need to do is soak in water and that shit removes on its own with barely any scrubing at all
i LITERALLY have no body odor. Why would I? I have no rotting flesh in my body so i dont smell.
Gotta be a hapa with that long torso and limbs.
So you mean you shit comes out dry and doesn't leave any residue at all on your asshole? It doesn't break up at all as it's coming out?
I'm not a vegan but I have been on a vegetarian diet for an extended period of time coupled with regular high enemas to clean out my system and I still had to wipe my ass after shitting.
Girls don't shit or fart
It's hard to explain. It's just the most glorious shits you could ever experience. No pushing hard, just natural. Out of the bathroom in less than a minute.
Today I learned plant matter has no oil or rotting parts in it, thanks Veeky Forums!
I do those 'easy shits' on my non-vegetarian diet, I'm in and out quickly too. I guess I'll have to try it out then and become a vegan for a few months and see if I can do these magical turds you speak of.
you can't eat oil or refined carbohydrates
your fat intake must be 10% or less
OK I can do that.
I did a no-carb diet to get rid of candida overgrowth not long ago for half a year. It was pretty easy once I got used to it.
No oil? Not even coconut?
>Master race
Pic one and one only.
Thanks, interesting stuff. Always nice to learn about a new point of view.
read the book The Starch Solution by Dr. John McDougall
It's the best