Are you shitcoin faggots ready for your ass rape by papa BTC?
Ready for the 25% wall street bonus pump
protip: if you don't own bitcoin you're a nocoiner
What will happen to NEO? Am I safe? Spoonfeed me, papa.
Neo has been bad boy eating daddys food and getting fat
Time to whip his ass and put on water diet
Oh hey check it out. Its THIS thread again. so we are going from crash number 9 now apparently. Bitcoin will have a nice run to 15-16kish and you dumbasses will be all like "Exit your alts or feel the pain!!" Then BTC goes sideways for a bit, MAYBE gets close to 17k ish maybe. Then crashes again.
Alts moon the entire time. So the last 8 times I predicted this it happened. Lets go for 9! Magic number 9 guys!
Wait, does this mean it will dump?
cryptokitties only have 9 lives
see you later altboi
Someone makes this thread every day right before bitcoin drops another 300 dollars. Enjoy your bags, loser. sage
i'm selling at 17k
>LN will never work
that's a testnet, it doesn't work in wild due to unsolvable routing issues. read up or just go broke waiting.
you shouldn't have bought at 19K sanjay
this is mainnet it's working great
everytime i buy alts bitcoin farts and everyone jumps and my alts tank
i'm done with this shit. going all in on zcl and then i'm done
it works! so great! wonder why everyone is still sending $30/tx transactions then, oh right, it still doesn't work.
>going all in on zcl
poor fool. Once morons realize that the fork is worth nothing and depends more on bitcoins brand performance than anything else, zcl will go back to a dollar and less.
Thanks just bought 100k
>most secure, most popular, most decentralized, best developers
oh my god it's broken!!! hahaha
>Exit all alts.
>You are already down 10%.
whatever, i was going to lose it all anyways being a brainlet