Whats the worst country to cash out crypto?

Hey anons, ITT we list the worst countries to cash out crypto.

>be me, from Slovakia, eastern part of the EU, average gross salary $1130
>find out that I have to pay 25% income tax on my crypto. Although I am quite pissed off, but then I am - well okay
>I found out that I have to pay MANDATORY HEALTH INSURANCE from the full sum - 14 %. Doesnt matter the sum.
>39% taxation (with 14% hidden as health insurance)

How fucked is this. Pay health insurance from your crypto. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

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If I cash out 1 million, then I have to pay
250 000 for income tax

isnt this fucked up? Pay one year 140 000 health insurance in a country with an average salary of 1130 (gross)


afaik ziadna dan na crypto as of now

Financna sprava, pisal som s nimi.

Anons, if something is not regulated it doesnt mean it is not taxed. Learn the difference.

for realz? ffs

nedavno som cital clanok kde min financi zatial len naznacoval ze budu rozmyslat nad tym ako regulovat crypto v buducnosti

ako sa crypto vydeklaruje?

>30% of capital taxation - expenses for the production of income
Finland here. It's not that bad.

I know which the best country is. Slovenia.
How can I use that to my advantage, being a Slovene?

Bohuzial, ano. Oni to chcu upresnit a zdanit to. Otazka je, ci ta dan bude este pridavna k sucasnym (potom to uz mozeme rovno skoncit s celym cryptom tu) alebo nahradi sucasne. To by bolo fajn.

Das to v danovom priznani typu B - ostate prijmy, kolonka "ine prijmy".

France 62%....They chose a 80 years old guy to regulate it and he thinks crypto is tulip mania. LOL

Never cash out. Beat the jews at their own game.

>25% income tax

nigger i have to pay 53%

open a bank account elsewhere and cash out to that?

I will gift you my coins. You cash out. Then you gift the full sum back to me. Gifts are not taxed in our country, not even if you would send me one billion.

I would give you 5%. But how can I be sure that you will send me anything back?

jj, necudoval by som sa keby tam nejabali 65 percentnu dan

It's kind of normal to pay for taxes like that.
If you ever have a problem in the future, like cancer or anything, you'll have to pay nothing because the health insurance will pay anything.

up to max 60% taxation in Austria, when you have a 7 digits and more and haven't followed the 12m hodl meme.

Monero methode is the way to go. Not paying the ridicolous amount.

What about using TenX crypto debit card? Or cardano when it arrives?

You can escrow that deal.

Holy Pepe. Some socialist politicians are really retarded. Like literally.

My plan is to visit Slovenia or perhaps Malta for 183+ days and change my tax residence there. Rent a room etc. Then I have to pay taxes there. And guess what, they have 0 taxes on crypto. I can move my taxed back to my home bank account afterwards. Cant be taxed at your home country again (bilateral agreements between most countries to prevent that)

TenX is still auditable and buying something over that credit card makes a realization of your profit and leads into tax liability.

Most countries have stealth compulsory health insurance. In some it's outright insane (up to 40%). Welcome to socialism, the reigning political system on earth.

Bank account doesnt matter. They exchange the information based on your tax residence. They will tell your tax office about the one million coming into your account.

Sounds good in theory. But your tax liability, your entry point, your tax trades (taxable events) all that happened with your residence in your orignal country and wont vanish with a switch of the residence. So when they are able to track you, they will fuck you.

what about opening acc in swiz?

DESU I would rather have a mil in swiz than in Postova banka

v tom momente sa vystahujem na pol roka prec, ako som to pisal v inom prispevku a zdanim to inde.

And how does Monero help you? Yes, you can hide your coins. But it wont help you if you want to sell it and send it to your bank account.

user, would you do it? Wouldnt you be afraid if i would really cash out one million into your account? Tax office/police etc. questioning you about it etc. But otherwise it would be the ideal option for me.

Yeah, I got to that by myself already im not retarded. How do I get you to trust me?:) 7% and we're done.

Monero helps you to hide your whole wealth. Then you have to find a way to sell them for cash. Never involve banks into this game.

Same for your 2nd question. When you transfer 1m into someones account, then the bank is forced to instantly freeze the accounts. (that's how most bank regulations are) - Only possible in cash too, but then again you have to find a third person who both of you are trusting. Lawyers wor notary wont touch that shit shit either. That's a hard one. But you will always find a way.

Try germany
We have to pay 67% tax on crypto

No chance that our faggots from the tax office would be able to do things like that. Like 0 % chance of it happening. Also you could just use monero etc. before cashing out.

And yeah, its not set that switching between crypto in our country is a taxable event. They dont have a law for this yet.

Unfortunately it wont help as I wrote earlier. The banks have to exchange information with your home tax domicile country. Even those in Switzerland. Also there are few countries on Earth that dont do that. But whats the point? You have the money there and then what? You cant buy a house, car etc.

Stay in crypto without cashing out until you've made it, travel to an international tax haven, and then utilize the local jews to avoid the taxes.

Proste jeb na to, neplat dane z krypto. Vsak ti vyfukani kokoti u nas nemaju paru.

Where’d you get that bullshit number from? Spitzensteuersatz is 42%

Its not a problem to sell coins for cash. At least in Europe not. I can get hundreds of thousands of euro in cash for my coins. I have sold some of my coins for large sums of cash.

But this is not that great. Yeah, you can pay for your groceries etc. with that. But you cant pay for anything above 5000 € in cash to a company (or 15000 € between two persons). You cant invest into ETF, fonds etc. because you dont have it in you account. Kind of shitty.

Uvedomujes si, ze banka nahlasi danovakom kazdu podozrivu zmenu na ucte?

Ale ja mam v krypto stovky tisic € a to kebyze si poslem na ucet, tak hned by mi to riesili. Kebyze mam par tisic, tak to neriesim. Ale takto to urcite neostane bez povsimnutia. Banky nad 15000 € musia nahlasovat podozrive operacie.

co tak kupit nehnutelnost v bitcoinoch?

Nie. To nejde. Ked kupujes dom, tak predpokladam, ze budes mat kupno-predajnu zmluvu. V tom momente by si mal ocenit svoje bitcoiny a odviest z nich dan.

Mne skor napadlo postavit dom za cash (kedze coiny viem predat za peniaze). Ved tu aj tak robotnici nedavaju blocky a chcu peniaze na ruku. Takze by sa dalo zbavit hotovosti.

Tak sa proste odjeb do ceska ked mas na to prachy, byvaj v podnajme 6 mesiacov, vybav danovu rezidenciu a vycashuj sa s tym ze budes platit 15% dan.

Tak ti treba.

Dost aktivne to zvazujem. Cesko alebo Malta/Slovinsko (tam je to dokonca 0)

>dobrovolne sa odjebat k pepikom


how difficult do you think it would be to find someone to marry in slovenia? (for ez residence)

Ma pravdu.

Rok a pol dozadu financna sprava ani poriadne nevedela co je to BTC a ak si to predaval ako "predaj sukromneho majetku" tak si mohol tvrdit, ze negenerujes zisk a bolo to OK a zastavili vysetrovanie.

kokot kazimir chce zdanovat TRANSAKCIE. vyber do fiatu zdaneny uz je

ale kokot chce zdanit aj to, ked napriklad posles niekomu BTC

myslis sa, viz hore. Normal dan je uz teraz a tych 39%

>ostat byvat v piciriti sveta namiesto krasnej prahy kde je vsetko

pici to mi ozaj nezostane nic ine len pocuvat tu cestinu kazdy den?

This is not fucking true at all. Malta has yet to clarify any tax treatment on crypto. Nowhere does it say that crypto is not taxed.

As for slovenia, an official source stating no tax on crypto trading would be nice


Ger fag here.
We are the worst in cashing out crypto.
My plan is to just hodl the coins and then get the fuck out of here. I'm not going to pay taxes for fucking muslims.

How about immigrating to Hong Kong and cashing out there?
I'm chilled living my remaining days among the chinks

You dont have to marry someone from that country. Assuming you are not a burger and rather someone from inside EU, then you can just move there, just like that.

The problem is with the 12M hodl meme. Every profit from trading before 12M has to be taxed with income tax

You can't simply immigrate there. Either you need a job, or a lot of money to invest there

Odkial to mas, ze chce zdanit samotne transakcie? To mi pride az trapne naivne z jeho strany. Ved to by si musel byt idiot aby si to priznal. Pri predaji za eura to je ine, tam sa nemas ako skryt, ak si to posles na ucet.

But Malta doesnt have capital gains on assets outside Malta. Right? Its kind of hard to determine the place of the assets and gains, but i would say that the location of the exchange would be the place where the profit is happening and then it should be tax free in Malta. But just my 2 cents about it. Not sure. Never beein in Malta.

wouldn't be asking if it were that easy ;)
i'm white though, assuming that makes a difference in difficulty

Pozorne som sledoval Kazigrafove vyjadrenia.

A ano, naivne a musel by si byt idiot :)


below 440€ no tax ...

buy shitcoins sell shitcoins within 1 year > tax (27,5%)

buy shitcoin keep for 1 year > no tax

buy shitcoin, invest IT in a wallet with interest (does that shit even exist naaawh lol) be taxed accordingly

... if i understood this fuckery right


27.5% would be nice. Aber leider wird ein progressiver Steuersatz auf die Cryptogewinne versteuert. Das heißt bis zu 60% wenn du im Millionenbereich bist.

12m hodln und du steigst gratis aus.

Das ist derzeit die Ansicht der FMA, weil cryptos nicht wie Aktien gehandhabt werden und deswegen nicht die 27,5 kest gelten

Totale fickerei

Brazilfag here

we literally have to pay 25% on top of all our gains if we cash out more than U$10k in a year... fucking shithole

Like what? Paying you to kill youself with chemo and radio? Treating cancer like that kills more people faster than cancer itself but but never gets registered. The only thing that works are mundane ilnesses and broken bones. And that would be chepaer without the mandatory health insurance

do you know how it is in other countries in South-Am? Usually not mentioned here

+25% kapitalertragsteuer wenn du weniger als 1 jahr hältst...

Warte einfach bis der deutsche Staat under den ganzen Goldstücken und Raketenchirurgen die hier ankommen kollabiert bevor du dein Crypto irgendwie für Waren und Dienstleistungen eintauschst.
Alles andere ist ökonomischer selbstmord.

+25% kest mein Freund. Aber der Sozialstaat muss ja finanziert werden :)

yup seems more complicated than i first read into ... god damn ...



Einzige Weg ist auswandern und sogar der ist unsicher weil die Steuerpflicht eigentlich schon mit deinem entry Point in Österreich angefallen ist. Aber es gibt noch keine Rechtsprechung oder Judikatur. Also abwarten und Tee trinken.

The Donetsk People's Republic.

thanks for the info mate ... so the only way to get tax free bucks from crypto in AUT, is to hodl them for 1 year+ without exchanging them into other crypto and other transactions?

(even if they rise in value a lot)

that was my plan too, but turns out it doesn't work like that. If you are living in Malta and trading there then the profit is happening there, no matter where the exchange is. That is unless they clarify some other law for crypto specifically this year

Exactly. And don't forget to pay taxes on your profit before the 12m otherwise JAIL, lol :)

Uhh, then I hope they will specify it and hopefully it will be good for us. If not, then Slovenia is a good choice I think.

>34% CGT without ability to deduct losses is "not that bad"
strong brainwashing

anyone from Chile here?

yeah hope so! If there was proof for Slovenia then I think that is a good choice, so far have only seen rumours

Well in worst case I will go to Czechia. 15% income tax, flat without any additional taxes or insurances or any shit. 15% is acceptable for me.

62% is just your income tax at the highest bracket, then you have to add 3% from whatshisname, and 18% in mandatory social contributions
There's really no option except to flee for Belgium for a year and never come back to France. Shit sucks, man. I love the country but hate the people, and I'll be damned if they take millions out of my gains to fund the next chances pour la france.

Jestli planujes cesko, tak zacni hned. Babis az sestavi vladu a zjisti co je to crypto, na 15% to urcite nezustane, je to jen otazka casu nez zase neco vymysli. Jen abys nebral tech 15% jako jistotu i treba na pristi rok.

That seems like a good option desu

Where do you find people who buy crypto for cash? Darknet i guess?

Sorry, ze sme vam tam vyslali do politky takeho idiota. Uvidim ako sa moja investicia vyvinie pocas tohto roka. Uz teraz mam velmi peknu sumu (napriklad na dom), ale chcem to este kusok znasobit. Ak to tak pojde, tak vam pribudne v Cesku o jedneho danoveho platcu viacej a odvediem vam 15% miesto nasich vydrbanych 39% (pricom teraz vykrikuju v mediach, ze idu robit nejaku specialnu krypto dan... )


What is the motivation to be even slightly successful in France if they literally take everything from you?

jesus fuck, localbitcoins

Localbitcoins. There are large buyers, you can find them. They literally buy any amount from you and give you cash.

MFW I'm from Slovakia but moved to Austria 20 years ago. I'm VERY curious how I will handle the tax issue. Luckily I only have 10k rn so I don't have to worry for a while about this.

That's like 10k max cash per mail. Thought we are talking about another level

I've handled 1.5 mil of czech crowns in a matter of month. If that's kid amount to you, you can very fucking well afford to tax it.

Tbh it is. And no i wont pay 55% tax on my already taxed investment. But thanks anyway

You have to meet in person. They cant list higher payout on the site. But believe me, there are people that can bring you one million euro in cash for your coins. I have seen it. That should be enough?

That's sound better, will look into it. With a top VPN service, monero + some Pool mixing and cash payment and all my problems should be solved

Not really. Getting the cash is easy. Imagine you have a bag full of cash. What now?

Cant buy a house with it. Cant buy a new car with it. Cant buy a company with it. Cant invest it into ETFs etc.

So? What will you do with it except paying for daily expenses?

This, think about Breaking Bad (If you've seen it), Walt isn't even allowed to buy an expensive bottle of champagne.

>be EU fag
>move to other EU country with no crypto tax
>cash out

There will be better. They create lightning network, they create mimblewimble.
We will be able to sell crypto instantly on streetcorners.

But there is not a single EU country with provably no tax on crypto

In France, you cant make money like in the us, but you can never get poor either so I'm ok with it.


Let me guess, you can't show any official source for this. Your only source is your friends friend who cashed out 2k last year.

Cyprus has never said anything about bitcoin being tax free

its completely unregulated so yes there are no crypto taxes, also their capital gains taxes applies only to property. You can even open offshore bank account without being there

Florida here. Have to pay 30% tax on crypto. Sucks.

>not cashing out in 10k vegan burgers


completely unregulated does not mean tax free brainlet

There is no exemption for crypto from tax
And what does the bank account have to do with it

>at happened with your residence in your orignal co
You're giving a bunch of random fucks in an office far too much credit, especially if he justs goes to fucking slovenia, you paranoid fuck.