End of Q1 predictions
No wishful thinking edition
End of Q1 predictions
At least $5 if the crypto market doesn't crash
50 cents
2-3 $
45 pence, 75 pence, a couple of quid
$3 - $5
$10 by summer, and the real FOMO begins. $25 EOY.
Anyone who sells this before Q4 is a literal fucking brainlet.
What price in eth though?
Sold at 1$ and saved myself from the bleeding haha retarded reqqies getting rekt
Gonna buy friday dump at 20 cents
about tree fiddy ma mate
sold mine yesterday, but the new coin is dipping as well :(
$2-$3 is a solid guess.
Get your pink wojack ready for friday
$2-5 seems to be the most realistic assessment, if one looks at similar projects and the amount of work delivered.
You sold into a sell-off period you idiot.
>Selling low, buying high
Here's the the thing about REQ. NOBODY is predicting it to fail. Everyone is just arguing whether or not it will be $5 or $20 at EOY.
Very comfy with my 120K
ah, so that is why it lost like 40% of its value
I feel like a cuckold for ever buying REQ.
Did you happen to notice that the entire market has done that? None of that is related to the project in any way.
between 60-90 cents forever
Should have held. I know your pain this shitcoin is giving you but it would have hit $1 again within the month for a very short time (Since everyone will dump at $1 this time to get rid of the shitcoin). But selling for ~$70 is far too low my man.
90 cents. Q2 is the game changer.
I predict it will fail.
The only reason its price has dropped is that there are no big news coming up until mainnet release which is scheduled some time before Q1 end, so ppl are selling to get into any other shitcoin with more short-term profitability.
Once mainnet is out, I can easily see it going 3$+