Why haven't we mooned yet? Why is price getting LOWER? I hate this, after all the good news.
Even the walls are fucking gone
Market is shit right now. Blame all the faggots chasing heir 10x moons (I did too don’t get me wrong). Lots of normies got burned and left the market. Gonna be a little bit till it picks back up I think. Also WHALES
Market cap is still low.
It isnt even a top 30 coin yet.
That's my point. I want me moon now
Shhhh I need it to stay low till thursday, I need to buy more.
Ok I'll use my precious time to explain:
1) Nobody here ever heard of Vechain pre 1000% during last month.
2) After 1000% increase people FOMO'd in hard and started to shill like crazy, price went ATH.
3) Few days went by, whole market corrected + Walton shitposting FUD + yes, whales
4) People that FOMO'd in are now starting to panic sell
5) What you see now is the healthy steady price of VEN.
Smart people didn't sell off, maybe a few swing traded to increase their stack, yadayadayada.
VEN, VEN VILL IT MOONZ? Soon, I'm retiring in 6 months.
patience, young one. We still have 760% past 30 days
Lol I started chasing moons as well when I found Veeky Forums about a week ago. Thank god I was smart enough to only invest like 10% into the "moons".
After a few days, market has corrected, more news will slip out, price will rise again -> More people will buy in -> More VEN shilling will occur -> More people will fomo in which will increase all of the above.
Rinse and repeat, weak hands get shaken out during the entire process, while smart people accumulate.
Look at all the NEO threads now. People chase moon-pump, shill NEO in hopes it'll go higher, soon market corrects aka people take profits then you'll see the
post inc, blabla yadadadada, dou you people even market
Yup this is why you just hold unless you wanna gamble on buying the floor and selling the ath
hold you momos.
pic related. jim bryers next to CEO of china. notice where other big boys such as alibaba ceo, apple ceo, and facebook CEO is standing. bryers knows whats up.
Yup, desu in HINDSIGHT i couldv'e made a million with about 3-4 trades alone. Don't get caught in this trap, "Shoulda woulda coulda" Nobody knows what the market is gonna do, NOOONE.
Unless you're in some sort of research think tank group or have an IQ of over 150 don't even try
because good projects dont mean shit in the crypto world.
look at qlc, icx, 0x, bat, req.
its fucking insane
Saltie waltie cuck detected warning warning you must off yourself within 5 mins or your coin drops another 10% warning warning
>tfw qlc bag holder
it will moon soon g-guys
Why pity 1000% gainz in a month? Are you retardered?
Walt will put your pathetic shitcoin out of business, not to mention the fact that we are partnered with china mobile while all you venlets get is some measly tobacco partnership LMAO
Just hang on, it's a good project. The market is being manipulated right now, people are leaving, and everything is dropping. Time to start playing smart, the period for chasing moons like a retard and it working are over for now
You seem to think your posts affect the market, else you wouldn't waste your time doing it. Which in return makes you one of the dumbest fucks I've ever seen.
And since you're one of the dumbest fucks I've ever seen and you've invested in Walton, my thought process goes like this:
Should I invest in Walton?
>Dumb fuck invested in Walton
No ty
Thanks brain, you're a real lifesaver.
Who cares about refuting this utter lie anymore, any potential investor with a decent amount of capital will do his own research and soon find out it is complete bullshit perpetuated by faggots like you. All this FUD and hate reminds me of the Antshares days, where the threat of 'Ethereum of China' was enough for retards like you to lose their shit 24/7 and FUD FUD FUD.
people are realising literally all of crypto is a scam, outside of the big 3 (btc, neo, eth)
alts are dead, abandon while you still have something left
LMFAO deluded venlets never cease to make me chuckle.
I didnt mean the Walton alliance you stupid fuck, the bullshit you spew about 'measly tobacco', while it's the China National Tobacco Corporation, OWNED BY THE CHINESE STATE GOVERNMENT.
Waltoncuck's first partnership... Aw, it's so cute... :')
literally everything is in china you retarded brainlet. Same with china mobile. check that revenue stream btw
What, you mean the 772.712 billion yuan in sales the China National Tobacco Corporation did?
How much did you make past month? I'm guessing not much, if you'd be heavy up in the green you wouldn't skip meals to promote your investments on an anonymous image board.
Which brings me to my former conclusion that you somehow believe your posts have any effect on the market, which makes you
Not everything but a lot is yeah sure. They’re like half ass communists
Don't you Salty Walties ever get tired of FUDing every VeChain thread? No one FUDs your pajeet tier project because we literally don't care.
im up around 100k in a month. I also own a ven node and even I know walton has better tech.
hahaha, god i love Veeky Forums
Nice try Abhishek, I don't want your Walton bags.
I am up 150k since the 1st.
And WTC is a cuckcoin.
I am getting more ven in a few days, If I am lucky I might get to the 50k node.
not quite sure who you're referring to but its okay because I'd literally never sell my walton GMN.
>This just in
>startup blockchain tech company pairs with solid wood furniture company
Don't get me wrong, every partnership is good at this stage but here in the US I've heard of only Haier on that list. Maybe I need to do a lot more research... or maybe I'll just stick with VEN