Post upcoming (hidden) ICO's. I got some on my list atm, I will share information with you guys. No shilling in this thread please, just speculations and toughts. ONLY (pre)ICO'S
Other urls found in this thread:
What are your pic cunt. Why should we give you our research time with nothing in return from you? Do you even have any shit coins to donate to use? I bet you are a noshitcoiner.
ahahahha pls read before you comment lil dick :)
now get out
and ofcoure i'm always on my research 4/6 hours a day. You come in here all negative hahahah, I will share information don't worry
ref: Staude
Hey user,
you gonna invest a minimum of 1 ETH in the upcoming Ignite RATINGS ICO?
GREAT! Than post your username here, and i gonna enter your username as referrer. (First come, first serve)
So i can get a 2,5% uplift on my 10 ETH investment and the best part:
You gonna get an IGNT Token amount eqaul to 5% (0,5 ETH) of my 10 ETH investment.
referrer username: Staude
EVERBODY WILL GET A 2,5% uplift on their investment, just enter "Staude" as referrer.
Thanks me later...
I shill my ICO after they have ended, as any smart person would. Fuck off OP.
Oh wait, that ICO is over
That's a scam man watch out.
then ur just a dick :) fuckoff from my thread.
oh wait... i have 45k coins :)
Lets race lambos someday :) Feels good holding AXP
sure homie! comfy hold it is..
I second this user, as a German I already can use the App and regulate my Delta Checking with it. It works and already has a always growing user base
Why should Iinvest? and have you guys checked if the team is ok? like no red flags?
It was on front page on Gizmodo, and in the news around the world. About that Anti Rape sex app.
>Yassin Hankir
Germany 2018