It's over
It's over
Oh but it has only just begun you weak handed normie.
>more than 50% of my portfolio is tron
>tron holder calling another tron holder a normie
Lol you know how I know youre a normie faggot?
Oldfags were shilling TRX in Dec and normie faggots from reddit like you started fudding it 2 weeks ago.
Pro-TRX= graceful oldfag
Anti-TRX= normie faggot who got dumped on
t. Bought in at .002 like a smart oldfag
you make me want to sell
> Not falling for the diversification meme
I bought at 3 cents. I'm comfy, also coin burn coming in the first quarter. I'll hold tight and watch them gains...
I was one of the ones shilling tron in December you braindead faggot. You were supposed to sell after it rose 7000%. Now you're just a bag holder ahahahahahahaha
>t. Mad his FUD project is taking off even after the pnd pajeet faggots bailed out
See you on Mars, normie.
I take it back, I was shilling in October. :)
You can actually make money on this by swing trading with the whales. Just move with the buy and sell walls. It's going from 500-700 constantly
buy in a 590 and win big boyz
Youre not understanding.
Im not saying everyone who was on biz before 2018 is an oldfag.
Im saying the influx after the holidays of more twitter/reddit faggots makes finding true oldfags difficult. No normies even knew about this shit back in eaely Dec, unless they were on biz.
the funny part is that more and more people start to get away from tron
shit will streight go back to 1cent and thats the moment sunnyboy is gonna buy back in again
remember how much TRX he sold off? Well now he can easily drive the price back up and make a hell of more money with normies
Congrats on this. Seriously.
hey at least it isn't 50% of your portfolio anymore
What’s your pathetic Neanderthal brain excuse for not selling at 0.27
You thought you were going to the moon? SORRY FUCKER IT'S ONLY THE SUN FOR YOU
Thought it was going to 50 Cents.. You tell me the all time high before it happens and I'll sell. Don't have a crystal ball faggot
Bought this chit during ICO so IDGAF about the price, just pissed I sold most at 400 sats instead of 2k.
>it's over
>anything that isn't an out right scam