Hourly ethercraft thread

Post your inventories, and discuss tactics. Whos tryna make a Veeky Forums guild when its out?

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My personal strat, buy the consumables, the supply will only go down and they give good returns right now because of low sales.

I don't think newfags realise how much these things can grow, I know folks who make more money trading cryptokitties than actual currency itself.

Just bought all the free stuff i could aford with the rest of my ETH. Gas prices are quite high.
Also got the uncommon loot crate for some gains.
poorfag here :(

Will this be like a sort of Runescape?

I'm buying excaliburs up to 175. Dumping a ton of eth into this

these guys literally dont know about ethermon and how much it blew up. this is the ground floor get in now..

Its a shame I have to use 60 gwei now

I only bought couple of items but got half of the eth spent back in 2 hours, at this rate I should actually make some profit lol.

At this rate I am about 1 or 2 hours away from ROI.

Feels fucking good.


lol stop spreading fud, its literally mooning

No one has bought an uncommon lootbox in the past two hours.

Ponzi's more than over.

wait til all these transactions clear

Oh my holy fuck you niggers think you are going to get an actual game out of this?

There isnt even an alpha version.

What's the best item guys?

There's already a preview of the game in one of the recent articles posted.

why so salty?

you retard that is a stock photo, tineye it you nigger.

The potions give the best return

Cool, but longterm the sale boosts might be worth a lot?
And the froghat and santa stuff seems very memey, which can become rare items?

idk what the fuck but my transaction just took 2.5 hours

What's the gift bag for? Canya open it?

not yet, but when crafting opens they said, which is at the top of their dev list

the potions give no return you retarded nigger. Only golden items do

Frog hat and santa hat could be worth several ether, prob a good idea to stock up heavily now.

pump it

You need to buy EGAS and hold it long term, it has huge potential. 13M Max supply and it costs pennies right now. Great concept and active twitter. mooncoin material.
Take a look@ coinmarketcap.com/currencies/ethgas/

They increase gold gained and are consumed. You're retarded of you cant see the low supply and high demand for that.

Potions will never be big. Go back to flicking your mom off.

buy all merchant items 0.25 or lower for the best returns, and reinvest your gainz into pep's token (richfags will be paying huge premiums for this later for protection against PERMA-DEATH)


This was at 20 sales last night. I keep telling people how this works but nobody is listening. Once the ROI equalizes the whales start buying the more expensive items. Next one is Gungnir. Mark my words.


made me 0.5 eth during the night, redumping it into a new legend crate and what else? Another mage weapon?

I thought you were talking about health potions kek

It's 0.5 though, Id rather get another crate and maybe some gloves/weapon

does your ether get added automatically?

Made all my money back yesterday. All profit now..

Will I make it with 41 GWEI?

no, you have to press a withdraw button

I can sell 2 loot boxes for 80% of the current price

I can't make any transactions go through, even right up to 80 gwei I'm waiting half an hour and still nothing. WTF is going on?


on etherdelta

you guys realize there is no game nor will there ever be a game, right? you dont start selling 'crap' to play a game that doesnt exist unless you are a real POS scam-artist...

>Will this be like a sort of Runescape?

Like runescape except you make real money...... Buying gf for 1 uncommon crate

There will be a game. I'm collecting all my gear now and will prepare to mine the crypto that awaits me at the end of the dungeon run. I will be plundering dungeons while you wageslave.

these guys are going to jail hopefully. find out where they are hosting the site from. my guess is its offshore. these clowns will take the money and run about a week before their launch date. mark it on your calendars...lol

Millionaire when?

Shut up FUDfag.

Nice, reminds me a lot of it the idea is brilliant.

there will NEVER be a game. this is a lot more complicated than you think and my guess is they havent even written a single line of code related to a 'game'. hiring some pajeet at $7/hr is not gonna help the, either. they are totally fucked.......lol

>writing a client for moving some erc20 token by using metamask's api is complicated

top kek famalam

its easy to steal people money. its much harder to write an actual game, which they never will...ha ha ha

One question though. I invested a small amount yesterday and withdrew my entire initial investment. I am now up free and clear ~$200 which is peanuts compared to some people.

So how exactly are they stealing my money?

the clowns who made up this website are shilling here hard, guys. dont get raped by a couple hipsters who promise the product 'later'...this has NEVER worked out for anyone besides the scam artists...trust me

>he doesn't even own a frog hat and a full set of merchant gear

yes, if you got in early you may have made your investment back, but that is simply a ponzi scheme. the creators are claiming a 'game' is coming and i can almost guarantee you that will never happen....

yes, lets all buy a frog hat for $500 that will be useless to play in a game that will never exist.....ha ha...you guys got scammed.

someone send me a Lootbox to


il send you all my balance back.

put up a buy order and post it so we don't have to blindly trust you


t. salty nocrafter

there is no 'crafting' going on, boys. they simply wrote a script to allow you to purchase useless ether tokens that you will NEVER be able to sell...they thought if they attached it to 'minecraft' they could due people into getting excited for it but there will NEVER be a game

Oh but if there is, we are looking at 50eth legendary crates doublenigger

And what evidence do you have for that? They've wrote plenty of articles and people are already making money.

Everyone's entitled to their own opinions, including FUD. But, there's one problem.

>NEVER be able to sell
You can sell your items on EtherDelta right now since all the items have their own smart contract.

The devs are super active on Discord and Telegram, this thing has been built from the ground up it's far from a simple clone of other Crypto games.

that feel when withdrawal gas fee cost more than the amount you're withdrawing.

Another scam.

what value do these tokens possibly have in the future? i repeat: there is NO game to play and there never will be....you jackasses.

the only evidence anyone has seen of a 'game' is a snapshot of some graphic some moron created in photoshop...i repeat: NEVER will you morons be playing this 'game' so your tokens are useless....

They do not regulate the GAS price

i'll buy your items off you if you're interested.

To answer the first part of that, the price of every item goes up after a certain number of purchases. They will be releasing an auction where players can sell their items directly to other players.

'super active' doing what??? shilling on /biz?? wheres the code? is it a 'secret' game??? lol....jackasses

I think you are missing the point, the actual game they describe is basically just a slot machine with a few extra options and mechanics.

What they have already done is actually impressive. We know they can write solidity code, what they have written so far is not copy pasted. It is really not a far cry from what they have accomplished already to make a basic gambling RPG.

stop fudding you dumb cuck.

the whole game is basically a big smart contract.
they CAN'T mess with other people's money in any way.
also if they bring down the client, you can still call the smart contract function and recieve your ponzi money

kys pajeet

ah, so now the shills admit that this 'game' is NOTHING like they are describing on their website and is simply another ponzi....what a surprise!! ha ha

>gambling RPG
Exactly. This was my understanding of what the game loop would look like. Change a few options and let your character go and see what happens.

there is no 'ponzi 'money, dumbass.....your money is gone....you bought a bunch of worthless shit you will never be able to use or sell....you might as well invest in TRX

you type like a literal boomer

Everyone's entitled to a little FUD. What you should be doing is convincing him to join in on the fun.

I've already made my money back user

woah my fake ethereum!

and the 1 eth i withdrawed before was fake too!

so you mean, that coinbase just gave me free money? really makes me think...

Shit maybe jolly gear isn't the way to go huh?

I will just leave it here

I can sell legendary crate and uncommon one for 80% of the current price

user, I...

i'll buy 2 rare crates at 0.1 each

give me time, im transferring my monies to ether delta. i will post an offer soonTM.

Withdrawals seem to be going a bit quicker now

>transferring my monies to ether delta
just use the ethercrafts address with metamask

shilling ETHERCRAFT on /biz be like....

I love how both of these niggers jumped in my offer to you.

This post absolutely reeks of newfaggotry

Did you even actually read what they describe the game to be user? I'm just spelling it out for you.

Sir buy my gear pls sir buy gear pls

Guys should I complete my jolly outfit? Or go for crates?

>fudding a non-existent game that uses non-existent money all day long on a thailandian audio sharing website
>calling others pajeets

1. sell stuff for a game that doesnt exist
2. dont write the game before you sell the shit to play said game

You should be stocking up on nuts, cogs, and those metals at the bottom. Once crafting is out, you will get to have a few minutes of fun.

also buy my shield.

waaaaaay underpriced.

still 50 left before the price increase

>> once crafting is out
ponzi talk

i'll pick your shield up for 0.08.

I think they will definitely end up releasing crafting.

Multiple anons have already made ROI on this ponzi scheme user. This is a really pathetic cope. Keep fomoing while we keep making free money, faggot.