You have bought some, right user?

You have bought some, right user?

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Scamcoin on a scamchange

put 0.1 btc in, should i double it?

Of course

Predicted growth

legitimate working coin, currently only on shit exchanges. hmm I wonder where I've heard this before (XRB XRB XRB)

Buy now before you miss another moon mission you pajeet fucks!

Please could you explain this image to me? I've got 1.37m, and just can't imagine being a millionaire by 2019.

I can't see this being right either (also holding 1m+), but it would be pretty cool

Due to only a few units being released during the initial listing of the coin, the price was incorrectly listed as hundreds of dollars, fucking up the graph.

This is a scamcoin, it has 5 minute block times and takes at least 15 minutes for confirmations. Its literally a slower version of litecoin with a flashy website. DYOR