Does Veeky Forums have a foot fetish? Be honest
No. Would like to receive a footjob some time though. Feels weird to ask
No, you're thinking of /tv/. We're all about asians
No, I have yellow fever.
>can't fuck em
what do you even do with feet?
Yes oh yes.
>tfw from /tv/ and seeing this thread
I do
saged and reported
This is a blue board you faggots. Good job, now I'm getting sacked for looking at porn on the job.
What do you think life on tutorial mode is like?
A huge one...
serves you right for being a wagecuck
Only if they are good looking feet.
Also, cute small feet.
These are nice.
How is this biz related?
its related because we will use all the money to buy these whores you faggot
Why are you faggots constantly trying to force the foot fetish on Veeky Forums. Fuck off already.
I do I want to worship a hot girl's feet. It's part of my general femdom fetish.
Elbowfag here
Lmao I saw Abel at Cannes last year. That guy is out of his fucking mind on drugs and his movie sucked.
I do now
Gtfo, mate. This belongs in /s/. Don't make me ruin your thread.
There's nothing like a girl with sexy feet.
*only asian feet though
Nice just bought 100k feet
Crypto and Feet discord.
I do. Have had it for a long time. Wish I was normal. Oh well.
fuck my life
name of the girl ?
>implying it's not normal
search for janice a occhi
why is that? :o
cute feet are cute, but there's plenty of girls with gross feet out ther
You like these feet OP?
Responding....fml confirmed go