This says that you were an investor in 2017-2019, Could you tell me more about it?

>This says that you were an investor in 2017-2019, Could you tell me more about it?

>No, you were born to be a Lamborghini salesman, not someone like me. Go ahead and load them onto the flatbed, I expect them at my mansion before tomorrow.

Veeky Forums rate my resume

Yes, if you'd done your research you'd know this already

Investor and researcher. I audited a lot of white papers in my basement along with some internet people

>We will call you back later

>tfw actually considering quitting my shitty low paying job and just be a NEET and gamble in shitcoins for a year

this thought runs through my head every morning

>will take a 1 to 2 month personal LOA from mediocre pay warehouse job to do shitcoins if I can break my gainz target before jan 31st

>there are people on this board that havent done that already