Friendly reminder that ECA is fueling for a trip to the moon. Get on board while you still can.
Friendly reminder that ECA is fueling for a trip to the moon. Get on board while you still can
400k ECA right now
Am i gonna make it?
dead coin is dead
ree what happened to my colx holy shit
Tell me when coinsmarkets is back
desktop wallet says 190 days for my staking reward`?
u bought at ath
140k ECA reporting in...
to the moon electra-brothers
I bought at .01 like two weeks ago
Depends, if you consider having $4m making it
based on what?
There's buy orders for 30000 sats on yobit
That shit was sub 0 sats fool
Holding 250k cause I absolutely love the name and the logo
How much fiat do I need to stake?
ECA millionaires living live
Seriously though, this and NEO are tied for #1 name/logo. Prove me wrong (you can't).
Now only if the coinsmarkets guy would finish fixing the damn server
I'm holding on tight, this project looks great to me, lots of good things coming. Very active dev team that talk with the community regularly.
Following this coin very closely and loving what I'm seeing.
Holy moly. I wish I had invested more
Got lucky and found out about the coin when it had 4 digit USD volume... did research and bought my first 780k at 0.2 sats, saw the volume picking up and bought 1.4 million more at 0.5 sats. Saw the 0lans for the website roadmap release and bough 7.5 million more at 2.8 sats thinking I would sell some after the release. Liked what I saw from the roadmap so much decided to hold on tight.
Also got my first staking reward after 12 days, and it was about 150k ECA, literally could live off stake for the year if I wanted too and not touch my original balance... next reward will put my over 10 milli, can't wait
1.37m ECA holder checking in again. Still massively envious of your stack, but looking forward to making it all the same! I've a feeling it's the same ten or so people commenting on all of these ECA threads.
1,001,498 at 2.8 sat reporting in.
CoinsMarkets guy, get your shit together so we can finally rocket!
20k here
Small bag but I hope to see good things come of it
Just shows what finding an early gem can do. I have only about 0.2BTC invested in Electra, made my first crypto purchase in April of last year and it was for 35 ETH @ 24 dollars a coin. Cashed out some for living expenses when money has been tight. And recently diversified into a few other coins. ECA makes up a huge % of my total now off about a 10% of my portfolio buy.
Predicted growth
someone help me pls. I want to buy on cryptobridge but scared of fucking up
do I need a wallet? can I just send ETH to my ETH adress on cBridge like with any other exchange? is now a good time to buy ECA or will it dip even more?
Are you the same person who posts this in other ECA threads? What do you think about the comments that the trends are wrong on the image?
160k eca reporting in, plan for long term hodl cuz this coin aint rising that fast, ill check again EOY
cryptobridge imo but coinhouse works too.
About what exchange are you talking?
What is the total supply? Am I going to make it with 40k?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA You are delusional.
2038, this coin is worth 3x the Global GDP.
The chart is obviously nonsense but you should learn how to read numerics.
nice chart thx. Holding til 2020