Other urls found in this thread:
when did it go online?
"Egg prices will never decrease, or reset. Prices increase with every egg sold and will increase by 15% on launch."
I missed out on CryptoKitties and Ethermon. Consider getting an egg with those Ethercraft gains, that's what I did. Remember to have fun, good luck lads
At some point yesterday, let me see if I can snoop around and find out
~18 hours ago
I bought an egg at 0.05 eth
great find!
I'm ready
The profits from ethercraft funded my eggs.
Next egg price 0.1925 ETH
any idea when it launches?
>18 hours launched
Nahh, I bought ethercraft items about an hour into launch and I made just 1.5x my initial investment, so there is no way Im gonna get into another ponzi, specially this late.
so what exactly makes all of these shitgames not a ponzischeme?
>the goldman brothers
>also black
lol hold the phone what the fuck is even going on up in this bitch
bought 5 eggs. got 1 rare and 1 legendary. esketitttttt
no clue. today's some sort of holiday for the dev team so they may not get back to you until tomorrow if you ask
How do I look at my egg?