Do you hate money user?
Buy iexec and be rich
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will I make it with 500 RLC?
I have this too
Don't ruin my dreams user
how much then?
The 2018 cryptowinner starter pack. 98% of speculators do not know how big these projects will be.
I have 2500 of these. Got a spare 1 btc sitting stagnant at the mo. Go all in?
New partnership announcement coming this week. /Comfy/ as fuck
Just wish the name was a little better and actually resembled the ticker symbol RLC
I'd say 25k+ desu. I'm holding a little over 30k.
> Accumulate.
they should rename the ticket to IEX or some shit
Shut the fuck up about RLC, and if you're going to shill it, give it the shilling it deserves.
Is it too late to invest in ?
Dream a little. I can easily see this going 500+ in the next two years
Hold more than 2k of this weird beehive currency and you will be free
I'm all in on this but this will be a long hodl.
I was jerking off the other day while looking through their github
it was the biggest cumshot I've ever had, this shit is solid as fuck
dont worry dude, this is a long hold.
You still got something like 1 month
fog computing is the next big thing.
It's almost at its ATL dude. It was 5 dollars 48 hours ago.
Get. In. Now.
alright i'm all in
get ready to be chinkscammed
all In with long till I'm retired?
its sucks everytime i must search biz for rlc and/or iexec
Think this is going to bleed more? I want to throw a few thousand in but am terrible at determining my entry.
If you hold till 2021 then yes
get ready to stay poor and retarded
dude it lost over 2$ in value already, if you dont go in right now you wont make it
This shit is gonna bleed so bad, and will continue to do so. Only reason it spiked up was because it was added to Binance. That in itself is no reason for value. It will dip to +- 2usd again.
I seriously am baffled that this coin is not at 500mill+. With all that's to be released and the all star team I can't believe this coin is barely above what it traded for back in May. Like seriously, is this the most obvious moon mission to me or am I seeing things? If golem can hit 600mill back in June why can't rlc at least hit 100 on merit. Seriously wtf.
It's already at ~230mil though. Personally holding myself, just get the numbers right
Buy sonm instead of this trash
yes please buy the competition that is run by just out of uni coders that have 1/10th the experience of any one person on IEXec's team
SONM and Golem are dead coins. RLC actually has a fucking working dapp store and new partnerships happening all the time
Split it 75-25 RLC and REQ