Anyone else here actually not give a fuck about the price of your holdings, because you did good research and know it's going to go up long term?
Am I the only one who comes on here to laugh at 18 year olds gambling on pajeetcoins?
I will never fucking sell.
Im bleeding with you. Already down 30%. Not selling though because im not retarded
> not selling and buying lower
Yup pretty much just hold indefinitely.
Anytime I do decide to sell anything I usually get burnt anyway, like bought XVG at 50 sat, sold it on the way up around 500 sat, wanted to kill myself when it peaked at 2000 sat, still made nice profits but I'd have done better holding.
im down fiddy poicent lmao
But my 10x gains in a week mommmmmyyyyyy
What if everything pops, even good projects/coins won't survive it.
>what is opportunity cost
Trader here. I plan to hodl like a rock as soon as I hit a significant enough portfolio size. No point in waiting 2 years for my 1k to double. :/
What u holdin boi ? Sure sound confident.
Hodling as fuck
>what is opportunity cost
Staring at charts and Veeky Forums all day is an enormous opportunity cost
>Anyone else here actually not give a fuck about the price of your holdings
>because you did good research and know it's going to go up long term?
No, because I don't gamble with more than I'm ready to lose.
Thats why you don sell everything but in 25% steps to make some safe gains and gamble with the rest.
Hahaha fuck mate, good luck
Man I just wanna be rich so I can quit my job and focus on the real shit that matters: getting ripped fucking pecs and working the fuck outta that core
Yeah, but let's face it, every good project also has competitors and copycats, and being the best of the bunch doesn't guarantee that this is the one to finally succeed. Case in point: Video2000 was miles better than VHS. Or even more extreme, take any shitty bestseller like Twilight or 50 Shades of Grey, a legitimate blog fanfic getting a book deal over actual masterpieces. Life isn't fair, and it isn't logical, so don't try to apply such standards to the crazy circus that is the cryptocurrency market.
Holding COSS.
Despite the latest FUD, very nice long term hold.
>60% Neo/Gas
>25% VEN
>15% ICX
this has been my folio since late november. I dumped all my xlm at a profit as soon as ICX was listed on binance
i was mad about my -$80k, but you win..
60% ICX
20% BCPT
20% JNT
death to all daytrading degenerate faggots
I was holding NEO and VEN, FOMOed for ENG and BNTY...
Much regrets for me, nicely done sir.
fuck how much u got man
>Never fucking sell
so you just bought the coins because they give you a warm and fuzzy feeling?
so you are actually making money faggot, your hold doesn't even count
I only hold XRP and I buy it regardless of price.
>Im bleeding with you. Already down 30%. Not selling though because im not retarded
holding since prl 0,03 snov 0,01 bnty 0,08 elix 0,45 im in a bloodbath
HODLING with all my cash baby, 50% down already on DBC and AIX (all I got)
Same here, mate.
the correction after that ridiculous normie pump was inevitable, but it's still painful as fuck.
see you fuckers all at the next pump, whenever that might be...
To be honest user I just invested in the coins that seemed to have the most enjoyable memes.
Then put them on a ledger and in a place I can't access for a year.
I'm having a great time.
holding fun because it will certainty go 10x in feb
I'm desperate for some (you)'s here people, that gripper is pretty hard to close and I just did it for you
let me guess you hold a bunch of erc20 tokens and think you did good research and bought into actual tech? lmao
Just a figure of speech.
I believe Amazon stocks have grown tremendously over 20 years. Look at its lifetime growth graph. Imagine you sold just several years in.
let me guess you hold a bunch of coins and think you did good research and bought into a bitcoin/ethereum successor? lmao
How many lbs? I am working on mine.