Is pussy all that matters
Is pussy all that matters
Only if all your worth is pussy.
theres also tits and ass
pussy is undefeated
it doesn't matter at all
Not if you have to pay for it.
Unironically yes. Men compete only, and ONLY to get access to more/better women.
Basically, yes. To pass on your genetics is the ultimate goal. Money, clothes, Lambos, good looks. It's all for the pussy if you boil it down.
Pussy is dirt. Fucking worthless unless you plant something.
Pussy is a divine gift
t. kissless virgin with 5.5 inch penis
No feminine penis also matters
No. Money can buy pussy plus almost anything else in life therefor money is all that matters.
unironically, yes. Procreation is the purpose of your existence.
Yes. Everything we do is for pussy, even if we don't realize it.
Did you guys read the allegations against Aziz Anzari?
"She met Ansari at an Emmy Awards after-party, they texted back and forth for a few days, and he asked her out. They met at his apartment, had a glass of wine, went out to eat, and then came back to his apartment, where the evening rapidly turned intimate:
He said something along the lines of, “How about you hop up and take a seat?” Within moments, he was kissing her. “In a second, his hand was on my breast.” Then he was undressing her, then he undressed himself. She remembers feeling uncomfortable at how quickly things escalated.
When Ansari told her he was going to grab a condom within minutes of their first kiss, Grace voiced her hesitation explicitly. “I said something like, ‘Whoa, let’s relax for a sec, let’s chill.’” She says he then resumed kissing her, briefly performed oral sex on her, and asked her to do the same thing to him. She did, but not for long. “It was really quick. Everything was pretty much touched and done within ten minutes of hooking up, except for actual sex.”
The short summary is that she resisted his efforts to have sex, continued to make out with him (and performed oral sex on him again), then finally put a stop to the evening. He called a car for her, and she left, very upset."
Thats like my textbook first date moves (except I don't have to eat girls out) Done it many times. Now it's rape? Wtf!
Consuming media is all that matters
Yes, also the bobbys
Newton died a virgin, but he also change the world through is invention of calculus and laws of physics.
Are you saying his life didn't matter?
What about traps?
Nothing matters.
All i want is to feel the security of never having to be a wagecuck again.
meh its a good pass time.
is it something to die for?
no. lol
Why do traps always have to be guys with boobs?
Why not a really cute girl who has a dick made from an operation? I want a tranny but a female-looking (and sounding!) female.
fuck no
Its easier to dig a hole than build a pole.
>haha we are just animals d00d, just a bunch of horny monkey maaaaaaan
No, if you had the choice, either x10.000 on your current holdings and never have to have intercourse with a female for the rest of your life.
Or continue with your x2-x5, and remain to have the opportunity to have intercourse with a female at some point in your life.
What would you choose? I would probably take the x10.000 - masturbation is not that bad..
Fuck's sake OP get some self worth. There's more to life than finding some dumb roastie to get you off before she betrays you.
Find something you find important. Like self improvement, art, etc. If you can't be happy without people validating you, you may as well kys now
It's the truth.
Pretty retarded, how hard is it to walk away? How do you get pressured into sucking dick? Especially when there's nothing on the line? Meanwhile women in other countries are getting raped and their genitals mutilated.
Pussy only matters for like 5 minutes, once a day. After that you can focus on other charateristics of your gf, as well as other important stuff.
does this trap have a name?
yeah, usually. at least if you are younger than 40
Flip that p upside down faggot
He didn't propagate the species so he failed yes.
>At his own apartment
>Eats her out on first date
>She sucks his ween
civil war when?
He went too fast. You can make out with a woman and 5 minutes later go grab a condom. The bitches feel they're being used and get turned off.
no, only i matter
its sometime funny to think you only exist because every single ancestor you ever had for a million years managed to get laid, and it all ends with you.
* You can't just grab a condom after 5 minutes.
joe rogan tier entry level philosophy
>You can make out with a woman and 5 minutes later go grab a condom
Well you can but only if she's a slut or really drunk
he is a pajeet or a pedostani, both rapey societies so you can't really expect him to understand foreplay
holy shit. #MeTooism has gone too far.
thank God for Trump. he's at least a bulwark against this kind of feminist fascism.
Disregard woman acquire crypto faggot
I’d take the x2-5 every fucking time wanking is all well and good but after a year or 2 you would be suicidal
Wrong.. not all individual animals need to procreate, worker ants for instance never procreate, they work so "their" genes can get passed on.
Humans are a lot like this, you can actively contribute to your genes being passed down - without you procreating, perhaps not your particular flavor or genetic composition - but given enough time that will erode anyway.
People share more than 99.5% of the same genes, for close ethno groups it is +99.9%. You can succeed in an evolutionary term if you can improve the chances of "replication" of others which are genetically close to you.
There is nothing more cringy than seeing a perfect shemale body and then discovering a horrendous face.
i've still yet to see one single shemale where i couldn't clearly see that it's a man
also i know that girls do change gender into male sometimes, so they gotta exist
maybe during the pump.
what exchanges carry it?
ebin discussion fellow memer
Yeah... hehe... I'll tell you, after 23 years you'll be suicidal :(
Money matters.
Pussy and power comes as a bonus with the money.
I am on my 6th year now, and all is well.
Chloe Salpa
what about fags?
>inb4 manpussy
pussy is a depreciating asset that you bought at ATH
This is now a nigger hate thread. Let's scare off the weak minded normies who think life is only about fucking and having children
You are either a girl or a virgin (or both) because its very easy nowdays to get a normal girl to suck you off after 5min.
Trust me I know.
90% of girls are sluts.
I blame western culture.
No. Honestly it's a bit fucking overrated. I hate how overused and cliche it sounds but the meme about how you "don't pay hookers for sex, you pay them to leave afterwards" is often true for me.
>Recently moved
>On Tinder alone 210 likes within a week
>Invite qt blonde 20 year old over for the weekend
>Fuck about 6 times, 8 if you include everything else.
>Literally bored out of my mind all weekend because I drove to pick her up and she wanted to stay until sunday. Would much rather play some games with the boys or take care of some shit before the week started.
Great sex is great, don't get me wrong. But if you really think that's all there is to life that's a bit sad. If you are lucky enough to be in love with a legitimately GOOD girl then the sex is phenomenal, but even that comes to pass one day. We're all gonna get old and have to pretend to be legitimately okay with it. We're all going to have to pretend to be attracted to our spouse forever.
Pursue your passions. Find some shit that really makes you happy. Even if it's a fucking video game. Read more. Try your hand at artwork. Write about your days in a .txt file. Pick up and interesting hobby that demands social interaction so you can meet new people. When people you know are doing shit in person get involved. I view Veeky Forums and crypto as my way to build a nest egg that can buy me freedom. Not pussy. Why would you want a girl that's only into you for your money anyways? Put yourself in a good position, pursue your passions, be social. Getting laid is actually easy if you're not autistic. Most of you have fucked your brain up beyond repair by thinking you can only go for 10's. The 10 only exists in your mind. Just go out and live life.