Great job based whale and thanks for the cheap bags
For whoever FUDded COSS last 48 hours
Please give Kucoin hell too, got some money coming in tomorrow
I'll take the girl on the right for 1 link.
It's not 2019 yet m8
I'll take the girl on the right now one eth.
I fucking hate you stinky linkies
It's only dust bro.
Being serious, I was sure dividend coins were going to be spared of this carnage, they're pure gold
well, I'm glad I'm wrong
lol fill up homie
we rune now
You bought early. It's heading back to 50 cents. Charts don't even load.
It's clearly stagnating around 1.50
COSS has some of the best and most coordinated whales I've seen. Great job guys, you're doing the Lord's work and we're all going to get shit rich buying cheap bags from the weak hands.
i know its sad thing user, but its not going much lower than this
i wanted to buy in lower too
FUD campaign worked Bros. Accumulation ends tonight.
Buy while it's cheap with all the FUD'ing. I'm about 50% COSS now, expecting big things
>expecting big things
Such as?
50% dividends for life. Fiat gateway. Give it time
>tfw lost 33% of my stack by panic buying and panic selling
i should have never gotten into this shaky project
Same girl.
You may think it is shopped, but it isn't!
Once they fix their slowness issues and start FIAT exchanges, it's going to take off. FIAT exchange will be a huge selling point, especially for the noobs who will fall for all the FOMO and FUD, and attract the whales.