So grateful for my secret weapon in times like these

Keeps my hands so wrote me a years prescription worth for "panic attacks". Never been so glad to have em. EVERYTHINGS GONNA BE OKAY BOYS!!

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Me too but shit makes me slow wank to graphs.

I take percocets in times like these because I can’t get Xanax. Does the trick for a while

these were easy a fuck to get for a burg like me back in the silkroad days, how do u get these now a days?

weed is the real medicine for this bullshit. also ive abused the absolute shit outta bars in the past so fuck that, i had a seizure i was so bad on em

>needing a drug to control your weak ass hands

nigga u must know no one these are sold more than pot where i live



>ywn drink 10 beers after taking a whole bar and fuck 2 chicks at a party and not remember it again
feels bad being 34

only reason i miss them lmfao

Haha wtf?
Are you sure you don't make any retarded choice when taking these? I got a few but last time I took was like 9 months or so. Sounds like a bad idea.

I am a complete degen who can't have xanax on hand or I will literally just be on it 24 hours a day because it feels better than regular life.

If you don’t remember, why hold that memory in high regard?

i los my virginity on these

feelsbadman. still look back fondly and try to pair the missing pieces occasionally

xanax is for weak pussies and mumbling retards , drop that shit and do some MDMA OP

Enjoy fucking your brain up forever
MDMA is no joke

lol fuck off mom , my brain should be fine if i take breaks whenever i go on a rolling rampage

>implying benzos are healthy

inb4 overdose

Both are pretty bad
Withdrawals from benzosmcould be even worse than mondays' blues

That thing is harder to withdraw from than heroin, enjoy your tinnitus for 10 years

Real hard to overdose on these things if they're not prescription and you're not taking other substances with them. I used to take like 3-5 of these things on the average day and drink few beers and half of em were laced with roofies (didn't find that out til a year ago, the pill presser in towns girlfriend told me in confidence)

This shit will permanently fuck you up.
Just buy weed instead.

t. Recovering alcoholic, almost abused benzos but my doc caught on thank God.
Please stop man.

not everyone is a weak faggot like you, benzo addiction is a complete meme.

Kek you're a fucking retard

drugs are for thugs

You seriously need drugs to calm yourself over crypto?

he probably just likes the feeling
sage this dumb shit

no i'm just not an emotionally unstable woman

>tfw addicted to xans for like a month and a half this semester
>tfw ended up with a 3.8 GPA, my highest ever
What the fuck

Whoever takes benzos is going to have a short life.
weak faggots take benzos, so they can abuse themselves even further. Value your life more and fuck off.

xanax is not bealthy

>16-18 year old soundcloud rappers like Lil Pump have quit xanax after a year of doing it constantly
>they have better sense than you
top fucking kek

turned 100 bucks to 2k in a week. thanks adderall.

Enjoy the worst withdrawal known to mankind. Truthfully you have to take a lot over a long period of time for it to get serious but boi it's serious.

I bet you believe everything on the internet, hey maybe that's why you on Veeky Forums huh

former benzo addict here, i've been sober for 5 years and am still having post-acute withdrawal symptoms.

never, EVER let these become a crutch.

Benzos are Satan

Xanax killed my mother and father

>tfw have been using benzos for sleep once a fortnight for 6 months

and people said these things were addictive... maybe if you are a weak faggot

You're a complete fucking dipshit. I was also an alcoholic who was put on benzos. Alcoholism gave me panic attacks and severe anxiety, the benzos helped briefly then made my anxiety 10x worse when I wasn't on them. It probably took me a lot longer to get squared away and healthy having taken benzos in the first place.

Basically fuck benzos, and fuck alcohol.

That wasn't because of adderall, that's because everything is getting pumped like crazy

These are literal cancer

they're addictive if you're dealing with chronic anxiety. went through that in my past, it made all of that vanish, with a slight tinge of everything being just good. eventually you have to grow up and kick it though. fuck withdrawals.

Another thing I hate about these is that I eat a lot of random stuff and have awful vivid nightmares whenever I took em

>quitting xanax after a well-documented overdose is a publicity stunt
you must be retarded huh