Why did you people have to ruin everything for everyone else ?

why did you people have to ruin everything for everyone else ?

i have 6 1080ti's get fucked

Salty Nocoiners get reported.
Go over >>/v/ you fucking faggot

It's in our nature

its funny that you people arent going to make any money. cant wait until you all get fucked in the end. retards.

Oh no, you won't be able to pway youw wideo games at 4k :'(((
Meanwhile I am generating real wealth.

U think you're making it out of this shitshow w/ a virgin asshole? LOL welcome to Earf

you can't buy anything with meme coins
you actually believe you're a part of a financial revolution even though your transaction fees are higher than paypal/square
the only transactions that you would be doing that are disallowed are highly illegal
you have no moral ground to stand on, aren't revolutionizing shit w/ this inefficient ponzi scheme and are actually ruining the world
secure global e-commerce exists at fee structures lower than shit coins consuming 1/1000th of the energy this stupid shit requires
I can buy light fixtures, industrial tables, pcbs, and electronic parts from the must run down shack in china thanks to legitimate ecommerce websites
I pay for said products with EARNED money as opposed to shekels from ponzis
headline inflation is less than 3% and yet again have nothing backing your idiotic crusade to get rich quick via squandering resources and finding the bigger fool

6 vega 64s reporting in

the absolute deluded state of nocoiners

I can't hear you over all the profit I've made.

silly man babies cant eat their tendies and play their loli vr games.

>real wealth.
that you will never see or spend because its all fake. but you are too retarded to see that.

Is $550 a good deal for a used gtx1080 founders edition? I have the opertunity to grab one tomorrow.

Well you could have done the only intelligent thing and stopped playing video games and started trading crypto instead, how I did.

I mean the writing was sort of on the wall when you went to buy a new video card and saw that it costs a fortune.

>holy shit why are the cards so expensive now? what the mother fuck?
>start reading about mining
>start reading about crypto
>realize its the same shit you've done for hundreds of hours in video game auction houses/trading with other players - buy something good low, sell it when it gets high
>realize you could do it too, and do it well

It's much better than any video game, trust me user. Downside is that it can and will consume your life.


I've already cashed out 30k scrapped from the top of my gains last year.

30,000 real dollars that paid for my car and apartment.

From playing a video game auction house.

Stay poor, and stay dumb.


12 1060's reporting in.

I'm also stealing your hard drives. Mining burst with 18 8tb and an additional 1060.

reporting and saging because they are getting assblasted because they know the truth is that their coins are garbage.

I could resell all these for a profit at this precise moment.
Get double fucked nocoiners