Who here is feeling /absolutelynothing/ during this massacre?
I know the me from 1 year ago would be pissing his pants already, but now theres nothing.
Who here is feeling /absolutelynothing/ during this massacre?
down 45k in the last 24 hours and im sorta sad about it desu. 20k swings i wasnt having any issue with.
my hands are a little moist
a year ago this siutation was 100% pink wojak frontpage
now it's below 50%.
ppl here are learning lol
Actually when I think about it I'm a little concerned that I'm not treating my balls off by now.
if youre a day trader it's bad news. otherwise, joust hodl like i'm doing now
Me, I also know burgers will wake to their justed portfolios and sell. So it’s not over
Normie friends already messaging me as we speak asking if they should cash out.
Kek now I feel happy, 2 weeks ago they kept spamming my inbox with $1k gains acting smug.
I dunno man. Got into crypto month ago. Bought ICX at 5,40. Then VEN at about the same price few days ago. Im quite enjoying the ride tho i should've gotten in a long time ago, but i'm an absolute poorfag and this ain't changing a thing.
Why would I feel anything but comfy joy when most of my assets are in tether and this crash was looming in the horizon for days already.. You must have been a fool if you did not expect it
Hope you're telling them yes.
dont give a shit, saw it happen twice now
what do you think
i'm in crypto for only 2 months, this doesn't even raise an eyebrow for me.
the day will come when there is a tether run, and it will come crumbling down leaving you in the ruins
that day may not be today, but it will come
The 20x gains in the last months felt too unreal to be worrying about my imaginary money right now
So, you're saying we gonna end 2018 with crypto being a multi trln industry? Unlikely
I made what iv lost so far in the 24hours prior to the crash.
MFW: I sold early in the crash and keep going back to lower my rebuy price
>tfw down over 200k
First timer! I already fucked myself over badly on some Full Retard trades like Bitcoin Cash when it went to 2400 in two days. Lost money in other ways too, so this doesnt bug me as much.
i'm in crypto for only 2 days, this doesn't even raise an eyebrow for me.
keep at least 10% of your crypto.
Honestly think about it. After the run we had in december a lot of people are probably just deciding theyve had enough and a lot of whales are exiting the market. Especially with a potential crash in question
a lot of people think this is going to be the case, yes
Only invest what you're willing to lose...
Still painful.
Im trying to swing my LINK stack these days. Already 1.5k LINK up
Tether isn't secure... Haven't you seen the massive fucks it's taken?
Me either, not to go full normie but i turned 150 into 850 (currently) since december
Crypto helped me quit video games cold turkey and actually gave me time to read books
This ain't my first JUSTing user, I feel nothing. I an og from 2016 /rhg/, and betting on pharma penny stocks was pretty much the same as crypto except you lost 90% of the time
Normieville. Read books? Weirdo.
In that case I'll be sitting on BitUSD, so I'm still not worried
I'm pretty comfy with this. 80% of my portfolio is VEN, and I have faith, so I'm just going to HODL.
My portfolio is down but I'm more excited seeing some real blood.
I'm 19. I started with 3k last month, made 50k. Now I'm worth 40k during this massacre. I feel nothing and I don't really care if I go back to 3k. I believe in the coin I'm hodling and it's not dumping at all at all right now. It's steady at its price and keeps rising on CMC because all the other shitcoins are sinking. The coin is Skycoin if you guys are wondering.
I just laugh as every hour I check my portfolio its worth a month's paycheck less
There is some brown stain in my pants but otherwise I'm cool
you're lucky as fuck to only be down to 40k from 50k
i was at 95k two days ago, at around 43k now... i don't feel horrible but it is annoying for sure. Been in crypto for maybe 8 months and this moment is probably the hardest my portfolios been hit; even when btc crashed from 19k to 12k a few months back I didn't lose this much
>measuring altcoins in FIAT
I have my savings into crypto and I honestly dont give a shit. 10 thousand dollars is the same as zero to me, because I ain't making it on 0 and I ain't making it on 10.
Down a bit over 50% from my top. Comfier than ever.
same here, but there's a price for this, user
I feel nothing even when my gains are x10-x20
I thought it would be different. I thought there will be this feeling of making it, some kind of euphoria, but it's not. There's only a slight sense of comfy, but that's it.
The fucking memes were right: "I didn't see gains until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but numbers"
we need out own StuckSixFigs /ssf/ general imo. Of course these broke ass niggas don't sweat losing 3k or whatever
I'm NEET, the worst that will happen is that I get a comfy job to support myself until the market comes back up, and I get to buy cheap coins until it does with my wagecuck money
This shit has claimed me
I've only bought in pre june so I don't care what happens
learning well, you are, young padawan
Don't listen to this brainlet faggot.
breh, with 40k its worth investigating the other coins out there and diversifying a bit. All in on one coin is gonna get you rekt, even if you are 'right' (in the sense that it is the most longrun profitable coin given all current info)
News can come up and things can go sour pretty quick for any given coin, so you should be spreading out your gains between a bunch of different holdings, while keeping a strong backbone in big cap top coins (btc, eth, whatever)
Yeah pretty much. I was sweaty as fuck when I started but now I just don't care. I feel like I could lose it all and feel nothing.
I wish we could, losing both fiat and sats is gay.