What are you holding, bizbros? I’m all in LINK and wouldn’t ever consider selling.
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what's up my mein linker. 15k checking in. would never sell
Should i kill myself? lel
my hands are so steely they could crush a hamster user
Nice stack, I have only 7k.
Holding TRON
now that's dumb
Holding BTC, ETH and XMR
Mostly VEN (like 60 or 70% of my bags) but other than that just shitcoins which i doubt will recover to the point where i bought them: ETC, BAT, DNT, AChain, DBC (bought this for like 13 cents so, still not so bad) DRGN (bought for 2 dollars or so).
Im still like 3 times up from my initial investment cause of VEN.
Neo and hodling my shit coins. It's too late to sell them now.
hodling FUN
2k down on XRP
100% VEN
DBC, is now 0.16....I bought some at 0.66.......
Hands haven't event had a tremor with this little adjustment, I should be buying more but I'm just going to sit back and watch the show.
I am a fucking AirSwap Marine
nice iron gloves
It don't feel too bad. now everyone is suffering and not only me.
XRP, FUN, XLM, ETH, and VEN, will I make it ?
BNTY is shitting down my throat
just bought a bunch of xlm cheap. thee deals are fucking stellar!
>buy virgin altcoins
>gonna be holding those FOREVER
>buy chat bitcoin
>price goes up and down this much every day, no big deal
All in on LINK and ICX. Hopefully we are all feeling better a week from now
>mfw hands of iron are also anchors
I go down with the ship lads
I fucking bought at 1.15. Fuck you stinky linkies. How many months before we go back to $1?
i will never EVER sell, not until LINK hits $500
Im literally not even phased, been watching the original Ghost in the Shell. I dont for a second think a bear market would be a bad thing
muh dick. No but seriously wait til 1k at least
XRP and XLM holder here i'm still up from my initial investment, but it pains me that my folio bleeds.
I'm sorry i always bully Linkies, Req, and TRX
Now we're together in this ride, hope we'll make it together and shittalk each other again when we rise to new ath
Oh God senpai I love these crashes, have been here since May. Back then this board had really good conversation, and was pleasurable to be a part. But during November this boards quality went down hill. Hope this shakes some weak hands away.
ENG and RLC all the way
VEN and XRP. Made most of my gains from XRP when I bought in at .23-.55
sold half of XRP into VEN
Holding some solid coins, and some shitcoins from kucoin that i tried to make quick flips with....
Are we all idiots for not going into ETH? It still counts as hodl, or do we ride this bitch to the ground as i'm doing?
32% - SC
23% - XLM
13% - ICS
7% - NXT
6% - DBC
5% - XRP
5% - TRX
2% - XRB
lets say buying achain was a huge fucking mistake. and not selling.
not cashing out some small ammount of btc before new year ....was fucking mistake too.
now i'm just way too greedy to sell it under 17k$.
55% eth 17% omg 16% ven 10% fun am I gonna make it through this?
I had about half my stack as a slush fund that I kept moving around to avoid the red candles, but here we are.
Now I'm not moving anything.
I started at the end of October with 4.5k, had 70k a week ago.
Can't complain.
I'm strapped in and I'm not selling anymore.
Im all in xrp
as long as you dont sell. I don't know about fun tho, i never was convinced
i'm totally toasted with all my "gem" bags that was shilled on twitter or that i picked by myself. honestly. i need to watch anime and play some porn games.
of i will kys. (j.k i will not. will just cry quietly)
>75% ETH
>25% BTC
20% loss since yesterday. Fuck.
It hurts but I'm sure that it will go up again... But it will take some time.
Holding ELLA, ETN and DBC. will i make it Veeky Forums?
Thanks bro iron hands here. I'm still in the green on FUN so I'm just gonna let it ride (hoping this is near the bottom)
I still believe ENG will be 90USD and link will be 50USD by Q3.
FUN - down 30%
All in on bnty. No fucks given.
All in on FUN, no selling, just patiently waiting for that guaranteed moon. Casinos don't give a shit about the crypto market, its crashes, or its investor struggles. They're going to bump this shit to the moon.
Sitting fucking COMFY
I only invested like 3.5k, money I can afford to lose. So I don't give a shit right now. I can hold for years if need be.
But if I invested like 300k... lol
Portfolio entirely alts. down 40% this week mostl ufr. didn't even flinch, bout to buy more
I am way down, but I will never sell. Hope the market bounces back in a few weeks or months.
These hands will not let go.
I can't wait for my paycheck, so many bargains right now
20% LINK
20% LRC
20% FUN
20% BTC
20% ETH
why the fuck u group REQ with link and trx shitcoins ??
so for real, is now a good time to transfer money over to gdax to buy more alts on binance?
Or is this trying to catch a falling knife? Does anyone know, are we all fucked? Is everyone over reacting? RIP everyone?
let me take a look in my crystal ball...buy bitbean.
ty bought 100k
> first day in crypto
> entire portfolio already down 25%
Feels bad man. Never going to for sell below what I paid though, I'd rather eat the loss
fucking lol that whale wasn't fucking around.
he just bought up the whole order book
Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well.
I'm enjoying my mug and x12 gainz (bought at 0.06-0.11). Can't wait for the new engine. After that I'll live the dream Veeky Forums crypto-neet life in my very own castle.
XLM, DENT, ELT, and COSS. Never have I felt comfier. It’s just the monthly dip bois, don’t panic sell!!!
Im scared guys...
Xlm dbc bnty prl cred wish brd sophiatx
Fug lad
REQ - announcement friday.
expect a 1 cent pump
Moon time
only shitcoins omg!
1c? lol gonna be more than that. solid company. announcement have been well received. product has begun to be utilised.
Iron hands reporting in...DBC and BNTY
Same desu but were dropping with everything else now. Ven is the only reason im not pink wojaking
Used this dip to get my stack up to 15k. I'm officially all in (poorfag, I guess)
All in on LINK and Lux, both of them fucking dropping like fliessss
Yeah I feel like if I sell now this will go to $2 in a week.
why? fucker lost over 20% in couple of days
FUN and REQ. I am still above my initial investments. Didn't feel like checking my blockfolio for weeks. Comfy holds are comfy, I'll check in a couple of months or so. I can only laugh at the retards who freak out right now.
If you believe in crypto every day is a good day to invest. We have retards who bought multiple ath coins just one week ago. They're -90% by now lmao.
REQ is the only thing I'm holding that I feel like dumping. Someone please shill me on REQ and tell me it's going to be okay.
Sold 50% of my holdings for tether yesterday. Feels good. Still getting justed hard on the other 50% though.Was swing trading DBC when this happened. Ouch
I'm hodling a VEN Thunder Node, will not let go not matter what
No, because no one in their right mind would pay 50 cents for a fucking paypal token. Sell now.
Paypal 2.0
You are smart
I'm not selling even though I'm only like 650 left before breaking even
Now this is what I call a rare shitcoin collection.
The only shitcoin on there is bibox imo
Not selling no matter what.
I've been waiting for this dip forever, madly accumulating right now
Nebulas is pretty cool actually, you should check it out
Sold everything 2 days ago anticipating this.
Now I'm scooping up as much cheap LINK, REQ and ETH as possible.
REQ is currently working on adding ERC20 tokens and Bitcoin support. Fiat is after that.
The point of Request Network is that you can demand payment in whatever you want (for example USD). And the payer can pay in whatever they want (crypto,erc20,other fiat) and through 0x and kyber they will get exchanged in real time with the lowest fees possible (an order of magnitude lower than the exchange rates of credit cards).
>I'm selling my anal virginity on Ebay
>It's priced in USD, but Ebay has embedded the REQ payment system
>You get to pay with cryptos, ERC20 or fiat, and no matter what you pay with, I still receive USD as requested.
Put simply, REQ tokens are what fuels the network. The REQ tokens are not currency.
Buyers and merchants will never interact with the tokens at all. They will simply use the payment system and experience it as an instant purchase/currency swap.
Aside from its intended usage, which is what everyone is basing their valuation estimates on, it will tap directly into a $750 billion crypto-market in which it's currently hard to cash out of, and expensive to buy into.
And as for competition, YCombinator, which has a high stake in Coinbase, also have a high stake in REQ. Since REQ's very functionality will pose a threat to Coinbase's entire business model, it is only logical to assume that REQ will eventually be implemented in Coinbase to ensure that both platforms survive and thrive. Owners never let one business kill the other when it is perfectly logical to merge the two.
See picture. If REQ handles just 0.1% of the global transactions, it means $5B worth of DAILY transactions. And $912M worth of REQ being burnt annually, which increases the price of remaining REQ. With a 10% marketshare, that number increases to $500B of DAILY transactions, and $91.3B worth of REQ being burnt annually.
READ THIS REPORT: docs.wixstatic.com
Link's bottom is 42cents
if it falls further RIP