uhhhhhhhhh what. no.
Operation seppuku
Lol dumb asshole
If this shitcoin didnt exist we'd be at 40k btc
Yeah, whats the point of slaying the dragon if the whole planet gets nuked in the process.
this faggot roger went the samson option. he bought @bitcoin in twitter and spends all day attacking Bitcoin and calling it Bitcoin Core.
he doesn't realize he's harming both (his shitty fork and bitcoin). Bitcoin will be dethroned this year.
put some respek on his name newfag. BTC wouldn't be what it is w/o Roger.
Unironically this
actually bitcoin core rekt itself with the whole #no2x bullshit. if they had 2x'd the block size nobody would have given bitcoin cash a second look
If BTC didn't exist we'd be at 40k BCH
Lol usually the dragon slayer should stay alive for a while longer than the dragon
Muh txn fees
Also this
Actually BCH has much better chance now after a BTC crash.
I legit think BTC is not going to recover after this.
BCH is the true BTC now.
should i exchange my 0.5 btc for bch?
I won't buy BCH because the name is gay.
just bought another .6
This is the real dragon slayer
Only if you want real bitcoin
remember the bitcoin cash anal vore? it was wrong about 10k but it was right in concept
You newfags realize OP is making a joke, right?
>BTC going down the shitter, -12%
>All alts, even the good ones, going down the shitter -12%+
>BCH going down the shitter, -20%
Worst timing ever, IMO
Just hold, if BTC crashes, everything does
BCH suicide bombed BTC
It killed BTC but BCH overlooked the "suicide" part of suicide bombing because they're retarded
Now ETH will be king
fuck no, I hate ants
If BTC didn't exist, BCH wouldn't even exist.
it hasn't even started yet, smart ass
congrats on this, seriously
wait? you fags did this ?
bitcoin cash its a fucking joke