So what are we buying during this dip? I'm talking coins that have dropped significantly and will likely rebound.
Hit me with some!
So what are we buying during this dip? I'm talking coins that have dropped significantly and will likely rebound.
Hit me with some!
DBC, Upfiring & Propy
im gonna buy some VEN bags for sure
I was thinking more low cap coins.
Fun and req
I'm trying to get some discount ETH.
Get back to 88k you motherfucker.
nothing was fucked as hard as AirSwap
how much is it going to tank ...
haven't read ANY ESTIMATES anywhere how much crypto south zergs hold in total
USDT, moran
whatever you're buying is going to fall even lower right no
gettin some more of that ripple jewcoin
It will rebound within 2 days
Screenshot this
The second I posted this my buy order fulfilled.
THANKS Veeky Forums!
Why not buy some bitconnect while you're at it
Yes, but right now there is no point in buying. Ever heard the term "catching a falling knife"?
PBL and ELLA both look good to me. I'm also wondering about grabbing some DNT, although that's not so low cap. Possibly MOD as well but I might see if that one will fall further first.
QLC easily
It depends.
>ETH down 10% BTC
>down 20% USDT
>no point in buying
If you're holding BTC it's guaranteed 10% in a week.
You're fucking retarded
No one knows where the bottom is, this could be it
I am, but smaller coins will rebound more imo
Many have dropped to below ICO prices
Despite being up 300% 3 days ago....
I've been buying alt coins all day
that's why you buy USDT and wait for 10k Bitcoins or a reversal
buying right now is asking to lose 20% more
USDT is going to collapse one day and you'll be fucked
Fuck Tether
yes, I'm sure it will
I'm talking trading for USDT for like 2 days until BTC reverses
this ... wtf is wrong with people ... also i'm a filthy no coiner checking the market for months on what to possibly invest (nvmnd)
does nobody know a rough estimate how much crypto in total the s.zergs hold?
can't be too hard to figure or is it?
also how does this "crypto shut down" compare to the previous "to china's exchange shutdown"
i bet chinks fled to HK and lots to SK
You never hold it long, idiot.
check huge buy walls on binance for LINK
REQ has an announcement coming out on Friday. just sayin.
bull trap, wait for another drop
it's going to bounce off like 10k or so for psychological reasons
DBC is 1/5 of what it was a week ago. Its worth getting hold of if you think its a good concept
BNB is a safer bet
>buy walls
newcoiners everyone