Wake me up inside. How is this even possible? It went from -8% to -43% in two minutes. WHAT? AAAAAAAAAAA, I was all in.

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ppl caching out of binance

Anyone else did some crazy arbitrage between BNB pairs?

What did you think was going to happen to a coin used to pay fees on an exchange when everyone leaves it idiot

>when everyone leaves it
It looks like some gigantic whale just dropped his stashes of bnb tokens.

Really what happened is a lot of people bought bnb as a safe haven of sorts. The smart ones saw everything is down 20% or more and decided to get out of bnb and into safer things like eth or monero, maybe neo. And probably plan to buy back in later. That’s a harsh drop though, remember to take your profits kiddos.

Why are people leavibg binance? I don't get it?


Should I all in?
Will it get even lower?

It's gonna recover r-right?

I don't care anymore, I've lost everything I had. Keep raping my dead corpse.

same boat

>Going to sell BNB for INT when I get home

I’d still have profited if I sell now, but I’d feel like I’m panic selling if I sell now. Should I wait for recovery? Or is BNB over

It will recover. If not, this whole crypto market is finished anyway.

>Or is BNB over
Right now it's the best moment to buy in. Unless binance goes bankrupt or people stop using the exchange, this coin will keep going up.
Too bad the btc crash happened today and not yesterday, they would've needed to burn twice as much coins

Because you panic sold like a weak faggot

Don't think it's over, but makes sense that it was majorly influenced by this crypto shitstorm.

>tfw i was predicting a neo correction so i got bnb to keep that cash stable and buy later, except everything crashed

Lesson learned I guess

who boguht the dip at 70k sats here?

bought a bit but was mostly all in at 104k


it went up like 800% in one month. this is the correction

You deserve it for being 'all in' you fucking rube.


china is voting to make gutter oil their national currency, so people are pulling out and buying gutter oil

guys, its the same shit every year. Calm your balls. We're going to the moon

sauce ?

I got this shit at ATH because of burn meme. Fuck this...

Will still hodl anyway

lol OP bought the "coin burn" meme.

>eth pair dipped to 0.009
>had buy orders ready
just made 8k while shopping for groceries
i love crypto, i love panicselling normies, i love Veeky Forumsbros
we're all going to make it

I'm unironically surprised

BNB is fucking genius, it gets pumped as the exchange gets popular, such a good idea.

Guess people are just panic selling

not sauce, gutter oil

BNB ath incoming? Millions of new users, altcoins on sale, fees to pay?

Going up again, poor guy who sold at 7k sat

You're still all in, you just have a lot less money now

You should get a 10k loan and recover your losses in the dip!
You'll double your investment in a month then return the loan easy!