sir pls, sir
To be fair he would've just sold at a loss right now.
why sir pls tell me sir why yu do dis sir
I don't see why he got so desperate. He already lost 75% of it in the market.
most of his income is from begging and scamming
That's probably exactly why.
Also, hes a fuckin pajeet
and scamming his brother to "invest"
Give me a quick rundown on this gentleman
whos dis pls sir ?
sir pls, sir i beg
Quick rundown, please.
rundown pls sir
why do they always write 'sir' ??
fuckin pajeet
Some user tricked the pictured pajeet into selling 50k TRX for a penny. user said the only way to get it back was to send him a picture of himself and his house.
Some irani
Because they are a servile race of purpose-bred peasants and laborers. It is genetic.
Why the fuck do they:
- Always sign emails "Kind regards"
- Press enter after every 3 words
- Buy shitcoins
- Have no fucking dignity
Do they say some sort of version of sir a lot in india and translated it just sounds weird
This what’s 50k Tex worth now? Like $3k ?
I think they are just trying to do their utter best, they instinctively know that they are lower IQ than us white people. It's adorable but just like any jungle monkey, they will stab you in the back as soon as they dont need you anymore.
200 years of ingrained slavery to the British
Someone link the video I haven't seen it yet
Read the comments on this address. The man pictured got duped by a fake airdrop for TRON and lost about 50k
He begged and begged then Vic Johnson /ourguy/ showed up and trolled him further
You need to buy EGAS and hold it long term, it has huge potential. 13M Max supply and it costs pennies right now. Great concept and active twitter. mooncoin material.
Take a look@
Thought he was duped by a legit meta mask trade
warning: you'll end up feeling sorry for the guy lol
>warning: you'll end up feeling sorry for the guy
lmao if you think i'll ever feel sorry for a fat shitskin. i hope his little brown brat starves to death
As English isn't their first language and they think using 'Sir' is a sign of respect and an easy way to refer unknown people with dignity.
I do not use that word even though I'm Indian. Not everyone from India is the same.
where can i get token sir?
Anyone have a mirror of the video?
who is this pajeet and whats the story?
>Not everyone from India is the same
yeah you curry niggers always say this yet when it comes down to it, you are the same. I've seen chats ruined by your kind. It's always innocent at first. Then you invite your subhuman friends and talk to them and defend their low IQ facebook tier messages. Then you invite more. Just admit it yourself, you invited plenty of low IQ retards into biz.
No proof that pajeet tried to scam. You /pol/tards started the rumour about that metamask trade story but I doubt it's true because there's no original thread to back it up. You guys just wanted nobody to feel bad for him for being a pajeet and so you created this story.
It was ZRX months ago
There's nothing for this happening with TRX in the archive
We get it Paul, you lost your comfy computer job.
Probably a lie made up by /pol/tards. There's no proof to back it up. No old threads to depict that trade.
fucking lol
Seems like I was right. This pajeet didn't do a metamask trade.
>fat currynigger scammer gets scammed
i hope his kid starves to death
obese streetshitter destroyed
Post proof. There's nothing in the archive saying there was a metamask trade with TRX being sold for a cent.
Post proof that he tried to scam someone.
It seems he bought that tron at 21 cents.
He would have been 76% down. It was all gone anyway.
lmao it's this easy to scam scamming poos? how can i get in on this?
Pajeet says he lost his money through a fake airdrop link
That whale is a legend. The greed get cucked by the greedier in crypto
streetshitter down
/pol/ latched on to the first assumption
I find it hard to believe someone with such atrocious spelling and intelligence browsers Veeky Forums in general
Something like pic related I can see him falling for
you have to be a special breed of retarded shitskin to fall for something so obviously a scam
>I'm Indian
The Pajeet meme is real.
We need country flags so I can ignore shilling from non-whites.
It's one of the first results on Google for
'tron airdrop free'
You can't expect too much from retards he would have lost most by now anyway with tron tanking
maybe i should console him with that
I can't read this shit
Someone explain it in greentext
some illiterate /pol/tard confused zrx and trx
phoneposters /out/
>I'm indian
Poo in loo, "sir".
No u
we need flags, lads. OR we need just 2 flags: Pajeet and NotPajeet
Or just 1 flag. For Pajeets.
Poo flags, I'm all in for it
>Pajeet Rockefeller
I belive his name 'ki sh' has further meaning. Kiss Shemales? Kill Shemales? Or could it be Kind Shill?
it means he has a loo in his home--whether or not he poos in it is a different matter altogether. it's more of a status symbol.
>they will come soon. Probably 25 minutes from now. It should take about 1488 more seconds according to etherscan
But the pajeet actually got back his tron didnt he? Why give back a scammer his money
No he didn't.
>thank you and god bless you you curryni- err, i mean, friend :D
how did he not notice this
this is genuinely sad though damn
Fuk u white bitches
Eat my turds, you white piece shit
I wonder if he genuinely tried to scam him or if he's just a retard
Bit sad for the kid if it's the latter
He fell for the from airdrop.
I'm the "Vic Johnson" who messaged him yesterday. I never scammed him. I only exploited his desperation and told him I was the scammer so that I could fuck with him. The actual scammer was either a pajeet or some other guy from a previous thread
Is that the pajeet's eth address?
Because it looks like he's been receiving thousands of TRX during the last 2 days.
You’re retarded
Loads of people fell for it because it was first in google
it's one of the remnants of colonialism. english in india is littered with a bunch of archaic english terms patched together with regular english because of england's history there.
you're defending subhuman shitskins giving their private keys to a website
shitskin nigger detected
I though Veeky Forums was done torturing people since forever, you guy are still evil I see, that's no good
falling for this classic Veeky Forums scam. Ill try it again in a few days and see if I get lucky
yes this was the first one. Somebody pulled it off again weeks ago with UFR I cant find it on warosu though.
back 2 reddit, pajeet
Here the actual legit quick rundown for all who care:
>Theory #1: Scammer #1 pretends to be retarded, thus another pajeet scammer #2 (the one in video) attempts to scam the original scammer who is faking how dumb he is
>scammer #2 actually falls for it and scams himself
>Theory #2: Pajeet was stupid enough to put his private key into an airdrop
>Either way, the Jeet was scammed by another jeet
>sells off his TRX for ~$11.5
>actual market value he had was around 10K usd in tron (49.5k TRX at $0.20)
>loses everything
>probably took money from his family/other sources
>claims they were his life savings
>begins freaking out for hours
>spamming etherscan comments
>someone links it in Veeky Forums
>immediate lulz
>vic johnson begins reviewbrahposting to the scammed Jeet
>claims he was the receiver of the tron and wants to return it + more
>asks jeet for video to prove he's poor
>jeet send video of him and his daughter
>kids wearing various pieces of gold jewelry
>guy has internet and TV and apt
>uploads video, then removes it
>vic johnson reuploads it to streamable
>more lulz
>jeets come in last two threads trying to defend their countryman
>Veeky Forums goes full /pol/ mode (with good reason)
>moralfags message scamee and tell him the truth
>more memes arise
>jeets going ape shit
>ruining every thread with Pajeet Internet Defense Force pooposting
>mass people call for flags on Veeky Forums
>mass attention brought on to the fact that Indians literally infest and ruin these boards and are major scam artists
>Collectively considered to be #poogate
That's what has happened up until now. If you ever questioned how many jeets are on this board, you know now.
>Some hilarious banter and old style trolling in the comments.
Original video (reuploaded):
fat pajeet murders his brown brat and suicides when?
links to the threads in question if anyone cares. Should be able to spot the dozens of butthurt pajeet posters that came out of the woodwork to defend their countryman.
Thread 1: → → #
Thread 2: → → #
Thread 3: → → #
Thread 4: → → #
If you ever needed convincing of what nation dominate online shilling, coin scamming, and FUD-ing, just look at the dozens of Jeets that crawled out of the sewers to show their true colors.
>Jeets that crawled out of the sewers to show their true colors
but they were brown going in and brown coming out
this has happened numerous times, ape. We can't find the UFR or the XVG one either.