This shit happens literally one week before the mainnet and two weeks before the summit. We could have gone to moon. I realize it will recover, but this crash just wasted HUGE hype potential.
This shit happens literally one week before the mainnet and two weeks before the summit. We could have gone to moon...
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Tell me about it. I have 3 coins launching within the next week.
something doesnt feel right about this. i feel like the entire market is revolving around this coin and korean govt is trying to bring it down. icon will be the death of korea as we know it now and will be the preview of whats to come for the rest of the world. its scary holding this thru a btc crash because its just an altcoin, but i dunno. this is the only one keeping pace with the big boys in its infant stages.
i feel like this is the one thats going to move the hardest in the coming weeks/months. its only 20% of my portfolio so im not even emotional about it either
This is the best possible timing you muppet. The market was always going to correct hard after that bullrun and now we've got it out of the way before the launch. In a week the market will have stabilised and be about ready to head up again which is perfect.
Quite the opposite, as far as the Korean government is concerned ICX is /theircoin/ and they want it to succeed.
If the bull market lasted until the mainnet, we would easily shoot towards $30 or more. Now we'll be lucky to have $15-20 EOM.
well regardless, whats going on right now is korean govt market manipulation for their own benefit. same as china, shit hasnt happened. and icx is still same spot. id rank this as one of the top 5 already now behind btc eth neo & xmr
Now that you mention it, it's very strange how well this is holding up. Same with NEO. Korea and China have their main coins chosen, it seems. The real question is what is America's coin? I'm guessing it's Bitcoin considering all the articles and wall street involvement. I feel like Ethereum might be Russia's.
Yeah it sucks cuz I kept buying up to last week from 2 bucks for this
>how well this is holding up
It fell from 15th to 18th spot senpai
that's when you buy a certified blue chip coin like icx
That's besides the point. The fact is it didn't hold up well.
Maybe it's just my perspective because I bought at $6 which wasn't that long ago. I really didn't lose much.
I averaged at $4 though.
What charts are you looking at? It's done very well and is holding at support, ready to moon.
literally two posts above
Yeah after being at 20 just before. Nothing ever moons and stops at ATH.
this shit already mooned, user
you are too deluded to see
Again, besides the point. The fact is it DIDN'T hold up well. I don't know what kind of mental gymnastics are you performing right now.
You're a literal fucking retard. It mooned, corrected a minimal amount (dropping from 15 to 18 as you put it) and is holding steady. You're obviously new to crypto.
>proved wrong so proceeds to namecalling
>hurr durr you new
I can say with a great amount of confidence I am here longer than you, faggot.
You need to buy EGAS and hold it long term, it has huge potential. 13M Max supply and it costs pennies right now. Great concept and active twitter. mooncoin material.
Take a look@
I really like EGAS, it looks like a scamcoin but even if it is, at this price it can still go 10x before it gets dumped. check it out.
Take a look@