The market dropped by $313 billion in 3 weeks
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normies entered xrp. normies cashed out forever,
Something something china
>media start discussing crypto
>normies start buying
>they are weak handed
>market starts to dip
>they think its crashing
>they all cash out
>markets dip even faster
>news says crypto at an all time high, can only go up
>normies read the news and buy
>market crashes, news says this could be the end
>normies read the news and sell at a loss
Ebb and flow, happens more or less every 3 weeks
Exactly!, but that means future pumps will be bigger than before also.
Normies ripple and tron did this
China trying to ban Crypto AGAIN
S.Korea looking to ban Crypto as well
African countries deem Crypto illegal
300 billion didnt leave the market, more like 1 billion. All the alts and bitcoin are artificially propped up. I've seen some some coins go from 1 million to 50 million valuation off next to no volume.
weak handed and weak knee normie faggots scared to lose their money
now those faggots are out, we'll see nice gains once again
Dumb people do dumb things.
shithole countries
i mean we got way more normies now more than ever for bigger hypes in the future than we've ever seen before.
Yeah, they also kill their farmers then wonder why they are starving. I dont think a crypto ban will mean much in a country were you have 10000000% inflation annually on your national currency.
oh shit they banned crypto in africa, i'm selling everything NOW
>normies buying crypto
>magically learning how to transfer to alto in exchanges
>fud selling
Have you seen the complaints on opening exchanges? They can barely get verified.
thanks op
The idiots in this world are a finite amount, no more idiots left to invest in crypto.
this and mcap is just nonsense
Normies took the XRP, XVG and TRX pills.
errrrrmmmaaaaahhhhhggggaaaaawwwwwdddd we're back down to January 1st market cap. It's a blood bath
XLM will not fair well now
Pretty much this
>Blaming normies for everything
>Tulip mania
>Beanie babies
This has happened before, you know. Time to give up trading and get a real job at McDonalds.
so give up, bye.
You should be worried when media and governments start to praise crypto as the economic revolution, then it is time to sell.
Yeah get the fuck out faggot no one here is going to accept that shit and if they do they aren't really about crypto
I really like EGAS, it looks like a scamcoin but even if it is, at this price it can still go 10x before it gets dumped. check it out.
Take a look@ coinmarketcap.com
I-it's just a d-d-dip. Th-the markets are already recovering. I-i-it won't crash again, right user? Right????
Face the facts. IT'S OVER. Meanwhile the stock market is booming. Cryptards will be losing money(virtual) while stock chads will be making steady gains(real).
It’s called a correction. Just look at the total market cap on CMC. See how in early November it starts accelerating significantly? Reasonable growth would have taken us to around $400-500 Bil right about now. 2-3 weeks of stagnantion should follow before a nice new bull market
account worth .26 rough times user
The market just went up 400 in a month right before that.
This exact scenario is what I've feared for months.
>wanting steady and secure
You sure you aren’t a woman?
africa doesn't even have the internet. fucking dick nose
billionaires took the normie money and left. now they're waiting for another opportunity
I've been saying this for fucking weeks, but XRP fags kept calling me a pajeet fudder. Normie morons overbought the absolute SHIT out of XRP and now the whole market is paying the price for that bullshit.
Fuck off pajeet with your scamcoin
stock market is booming but you normie fucks are still only making marginal gains
meanwhile here I am, a big fat fucking cryptard with my virtual money ponzi scheme and I'm up 1400% over the last year (cashed out quite a bit as well), so uh I dunno, I feel like I'm pretty comfy while you boomer assholes struggle for your 5-10%
>Meanwhile the stock market is booming
>stock goes up 5% in a week
>stockies lose their minds and party in the streets
>crypto created a wave of filthy rich fucks, that were smart enough to cash out in time before the bubble popped
>they inject their new wealth into the stock market
>stock market blows up
>normie herd follows
>stock market booms even more, crypto crashes even harder
>those crypto richfags get even richer and cash out again
>stock market collapses
>crypto booms again
Relax, I doubt we go below $3000.
Wait a second, 3 weeks ago it was December 26th.
Market cap dec 26th: ~600.000.000.000
Market cap today: ~600.000.000.000
Haha! Jokes on them! Fiat is trash!
Africa matters because literally every 3rd citizen has crypto im not even joking.
I was shilling pfr and prl here for you on /biz since both were 0.07 and 0.01 respectively. Get profit on egas and make me (and you) rich.
Take a look@ coinmarketcap.com
>dropped by $313 billion in 3 weeks
he actually thinks there is 313 billion
$313 billion of bitbean...just gone. it's a nightmare.
The banks pumped ripple, normies fomo'd in and then everybody cashed out. That's basically it.
You forgot Warren Buffet declaring BTC to be worthless and BTC hodler to be morons
priced in
dumb niggers thought XRP would be put on coinbase
dumb niggers thought XRP wouldn't drop back under 1.50
dumb niggers making the rich richer
dumb niggers are dumb
You could literally see the money leaving the market. I mentioned it in a couple threads, but was told that it's normal and to basically stfu. Well this is the result, and it doesn't look like it's slowing down.
trx and xrp + normies
No you silly Billy you're confusing crypto with HIV
I made 20% on my 401k playing aggressive last year. The Dow went from under 20k to over 25k, these gains are insane. I made money in crypto, don't get me wrong, but I'll still put my meager amounts into the market. Nothing wrong with hedging your bets user.
This. All my gains were wiped from first week of January but im a little above my entry point. Anyone who sold past few days is retarded
Jews are at fault for normies, without jews there would be no normies
Oh wow it boomed another 2%? Damn user, wtf is wrong with you? Do you hate money? Also,
"Crypto is done for"
t. no coiner for the 30,000th time this year
I was shilling pfr and prl here for you on /biz since both were 0.07 and 0.01 respectively. Get profit on egas and make me (and you) rich.
Take a look@ coinmarketcap.com
CMC removed the effect of korean exchanges in the coins' prices jan 8th, so it's less than 313B. Still normies who bought at 17k and up are fucked.
Its called taking profits
It also went up 600 billion in the two months prior. No one questioned that.
Well they have weak hands, which in large numbers makes every little dip a crash, because they cant hold a coin for shit
Lesson to normies on here: Hold a bit harder. Makes rest of the market more inclined to do the same and invest in rising coins, and buying dips, so we all can rise more
normies bought LTC, XRP, TRX, BCH at ATH got justd and are now going home to cry to mommy
It's tax season
Might delve into reddit and bring some laughs back for you boys. I love this shit so much i hate people and money as it buys nothing but problems. Losing 50k in an hour was a rush though
>African countries deem Crypto illegal
so this is why my NGR stack has plummeted
I took some profits
There are articles talking about how woman and minorities are discriminated from bitcoins. Face it tiger, it's over.
What exchange is that on
Buffet admitted in that same interview thaz „he had no clue how bitcoin works at all“.... so much for that genius. Would he take 2-3 weeks to get into it he would most likly shift a fat portion of Berhshire investments into BTC...
> Repeated SK FUD
> Tron and Ripple raked normies cash and scared them away from the market
> BCash cause Bitcoin confusion by taking bitcoin.com
> Bitcoin rose too fast a few months ago
That's pretty much it.
>African countries deem Crypto illegal
They do not know de way
Thanks just bought 100k NGR
Do you cucks pay Ahmed in crypto to fuck your wife ? No? Yes?
Then what the fuck is the problem. HODL and stop being whiney babies.
Idiots who went all in XRP deserve this. Crypto came here to balance out the banks yet you give the banks away your money anyway.
Fucking crazy.
>Idiots who went all in XRP deserve this. Crypto came here to balance out the banks yet you give the banks away your money anyway.
>Fucking crazy.
unironically this