>browsing Veeky Forums
>my stocks and bonds are doing great
you reap what you sow. can't believe so many fell to that pyramid scheme called cryptocurrency.
Browsing Veeky Forums
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Enjoy your 5% gains per year faggot. FYI market is already recovering.
only newfags regularly browse biz
congrats though, seriously
> down 50% in a week
> still up 1500% since November
> you reap what you sow
>The eternal boomer everyone
>my 8000% is now 6000%
Oh nooooooooooooooooooooooo
Nice, Im still up more % than you will make on stocks over your lifetime.
see you in 2 month faggot
>Down 50% last week
>Down 50% this week too
>Will be down 50% next week
Keep living in denial.
>muh 2% a year stocks gainz
MFW you realize I play all markets, because I can. If you put stocks, there I am. If you pump coins, there I am. You can’t defeat me, because I am everywhere.
>up 0,000000001% in a year
>h-ha ha take that cryptocucks! enjoy your crash!
Keep living in denial
crypto market went from +16b to + 600 in one year
none of your shitty stock are anywhere close
you're a dinosaur in a dying system
you've got to be kidding me fag.
I fucking made x30 last month while your stock gains barely cover inflation. You and your stocks are pathetic.
>inb4 crypto is a bubble
We fucking know that crypto is a bubble you twat.
Greatest in the entire history of humanity! This is like a once in a lifetime opportunity!
You can either try to make use of it or don't try at all and achieve nothing
The art is to ride this bubble it and get out before it pops.
If you are too stupid or too scared to take this opportunity just don't do it. But don't talk about "INVESTING" in stocks in 2018 beasue it's pathetic.
tencent went up over 100% last year. fuck crypto, it's just gambling
>stock markets don't crash
see you in a year faggot
>6x up since August
>30% down
>muh stocks
woah 100%up thats doubling your money
>stocks and bonds
I'm still up 20x my initial in 6 months, how about you user?
>I fucking made x30 last month while your stock gains barely cover inflation. You and your stocks are pathetic.
lol Only 30x? Fucking noob. I made 300x in 4 days.
Gonna go polish my bitcoin lambo now.
>30x in one month
not even 300x? the average coin performed 50x this month
I was shilling pfr and prl here for you on /biz since both were 0.07 and 0.01 respectively. Get profit on egas and make me (and you) rich.
Take a look@ coinmarketcap.com