Lost 50% of my play money swinging this dip
I was the one who shilled you aXpire
Always surprised at how crypto comes back from general market drops. People can call it a bubble all they want, someone/consortium of someones are hellbent on keeping this thing alive.
I spent $4600 on a new outfit and backpack at Gucci
I bought bazingacoins
Bought a huge bag of XLM at .94
No ragrets
I bought APPC because I butter fingered icx and was desperate to get back the money I lost, saw people shilling APPC claim moon was going to happen, didn't read white paper, didn't check graph, didn't engage brain
I lost everything biz I lost everything
I took out a loan I have no way of paying back, I have no choice but to declare bankruptcy
I sold everything before the crash and hope it crashes hard so I can watch you all suffer
I'm two weeks into this and already have delusions of grandeur.
Also, I'm attracted to Ripple.
How do you get a whole outfit and backpack for only 4.6k?
I bought poorfag amounts of BTC and ETH back when they were 200 and 30 euro respectively
Had to pull them out because I moved abroad and needed every penny I had
Wouldn't have made any serious money, but I still regret not buying more
I lost over 40% of my portfolio daytrading in the week before the dip.
mfw I traded in and out of NEO/USDT during the dip and won it all back.
I've been posting here since march and have never bought a single coin
I don't believe you. Noone can be that stupid. Like, at that point you either recover fully and then some, or you kill yourself.
wew lad
truly amazing
I make mean faces at toddlers when their parents aren’t looking
How? This must be troll
Wait a second. If I were to take out loans and max a few credit cards buying crypto then declare bankruptcy. Could my crypto be seized as an asset? Would it be considered money?
I have literally not a single cent worth in crypto. Nothing, never invested. I've been on Veeky Forums since october 2016 but don't even now where to buy other than Coinbase and Kraken.
I was scammed by some biztard into buying ICX VEN XLM a few days ago :( now losing a huge amount of money
-32% in a week, don't care really
im unironically 100% in fun
Portfolio from 180k+ to ~75k
Mostly holding PRL
Do you know what a fucking loser you are? You weak handed retard. You will end up homeless.
That's mean, bro
Yeah that’s great and all but if you want to make real money join a pump discord group
>>>>>discord gg/4HNeYW
sold 225 zcl at 3.81 just over a month ago
its true though
Same, but with 52%
I have to confess Veeky Forums.
>Be me a few days ago
>On the coming down of my acid trip
>Some guy I met in a discord tells me to check out the Thekey ICO
>Apply for the ICO and proceed to try to fall asleep
>I forget about it
>I remember the crowdsale is today
>Scrape up my 4 NEOs
>KYC approved
>Join the telegram
>It's a shitfest of autists asking if you need GAS to send NEO
>Whatever.jpeg and I close the tab
>5 minutes before the crowdsale begins I try to login to my account on the website
>Bad gateway 502
>Sale begins
>Bad gateway 502
>Refresh for a good 15 minutes
>Bad Gateway 504
>Making some progress
>Decide to check the telegram again
>It's a cesspool of porn and people asking “why site down??? can pm admin please???”
>One clever message presenting itself as an admin catches my attention
>I copy it and paste my own address
>Think to myself theres no way someone is dumb enough to believe this is legit
>I "ironically" send it a few times over the course of a minute then start asking for more naked asian woman to be posted in the chat
>Get banned from the telegram
>Whofuckingcares.gif fuck this cuckery anyways
>Keep refreshing the page of the worst ever ICO ever
>Give up after an hour and decide I should sell my NEO back since it's higher than I bought it and it might keep dropping
>Check NEON
>I have thirty-three fucking NEO
>mfw 3 autists actually sent me me over 5k
bought BNB ATH
180k to 110k...was just about to cash out a bunch too but wanted to wait for 1 short term trade to pan out...fucking a
Bought NEO today ATH because I thought it would keep climbing
My portfolio is 50% XLM and 50% DBC.
Pic related.
I've been thinking like this a lot likely, what the hell is even money. One can buy bitcoin, but can one buy dollars? When I think I finally have figured out something and that I've learnt how things work I just get more questions.
Whats wrong with ark? Ark is good ark is life
Bought 1 Eth @1050 2 weeks ago, bout to drop 600 more on NEO.
Its not a lot but im just trying to hodl.
Will I make it?
I sold everything just in time, impulsively bought back when I thought it was rebounding and now I'll probably sell at a loss again because pussy
(ETH, sold at 1300, bought back at 1130, currently 1080)
All are ok coins. You will be fine.
didnt mine btc in early 2000s, buddy tells me, mine them, mine them. I was young and I only played morrowind and gothic..........
didnt go all in NEO 2 days ago, only 25%
I won't prove it but I am serious. Lurk in telegrams. Just today I saw a guy send 5ETH to a fake admin.
I doubled down on what I had planned to convert from fiat during this crash and instead of $10k, bought $20k worth of ETH instead. I got saved by Gemini's long transfer time so ETH dropped in value by 30% before my transfer went through. Thinking about overdiversifying and doing a $1.5k split each on ICX, XLM, LINK, VEN, WABI, WTC, NEO, ZRX, TRX, IOTA, ADA, BAT, and OST.
I'm gonna do this but isn't telegram linked to phone number?
I can single handedly stop this crash by selling my Bitcoin.
pls sir...
I made most of my gains off XRP
I talk crypto with lots of my friends, but I dislike some of them.
As a consequence, I root against good projects that they hold, like XRB, and I don't share the fruits of my research like QASH.
I am spiteful.
just use a brain wallet or bury a cryptosteel somewhere
I'm mostly there too, Its not very fuckin fun at the moment
Fuck you, you are doing fine you weakhanded faggot ive gone from 60k to 38k NZD
Not fucking selling
It can crash
I thought I was smart snagging eth for 1290
I bought CanYa at $5
Sold at $1.30 or something
In fact sold everything except ZCL
i am 9 ETH deep into Ethercraft
no one is this stupid, nice larp
I know who Satoshi is.
i sold 1370 LRC to pay a $300 phone bill.
haha yeah..
Just bought crypto for the first time today, because everythings crashing and I thought it'd be smart to get in now before shit stabilizes. Now I'm worried if I'm retarded for getting in now.
every second shitcoin I have in portfolio is a scam and wont make it
I come here only for the pink wojaks
70% of my portfolio is in COSS at 2.50$
I got carried away by greed and didn't take profit on 2 x10s, then again on 3 x2s
I got in on ethercraft 5 hours after the originial post was made
I sold all my ethereum early this month, for xlm.
APPC here. Lost more than 50%. Tried to get into the pump and dump.
you did good user
you are gone make it
What colour Lambo will you buy when the FairX announcement comes out?
>not fomoing in at the top during mania
you've already won even if your balances are in the red
i went all-in on trx @1750
Very nice friend.
I bought more ZRX and BAT last night during the start of the dip, I refuse to check my portfolio for another week.
ZRX has been mostly bucking the trend compared to other top 50 coins, its held pretty strong in the last few weeks. I think it will moon as soon as we're back in a bull market.
I panic sold like 50% below for a coin and now it's only at 25% below
Refuse to believe this
will i get my tokens? :(
I'm a nocoiner...and it feels good.
I have 10k into bitconnect I hope they don't run in 4 months hahahahaha
I bought more XLM today.
At least I'm averaging down r-right?
I like traps
When you buy in you never know where the bottom is, but as long as it's dumping during your buy you did good.
Just keep holding and ignore the red.
I bought dbc at 60 cents. This shit will never recover
i tricked a kid I dont like into investing every penny he had into TRX and last night during the crash I was posting market memes and he posted on one "bruh tron is mooning!"
>is 75% down from when I told him to invest
I put £500 into eth 6 days ago while drunk and wasted about half on shitcoins on bleu and ku. Until today all id lost was £40 in transaction fees. Now im £150 down but it was a price worth paying for my collection of pink wojacks.
I've been following the fluctuation and been fapping to tranny porn at the same time, feels mixed
why not 'coinfess' ?
The Veeky Forums package
Sold my positions hours ago at a marginal profit.
Everything is going up now.
Forgive me crypto father I have failed to hodl
Quit my job since dec. I rely on crypto how fucked am i?
I didn't push the button to sell my XRP holdings at $3. Neither did I take profits at my other coins' aths. I have been holding through moments I would never have bought at and ignoring any logical trades I thought of, paranoid of selling or buying anything. I haven't been able to since fucking up during early 2017 and the Ethereum summer sale. I sought out bias-confirming news to help me sleep at night.
i want to buy a sex doll
How is that a confession, isnt that a must have for biz people?
thought lambos n sheeet was the goal
mine is sex doll + vr and than I´m set