>get in now, before the normies do
Get in now, before the normies do
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i fucking lost it thank you user for showing me da wei
Riddle user here. There are four countries planning to use CL for digital asset management. That's right at least four fucking countries. Do you want to believe?
how is that a riddle
stop shilling this fuck, accumulate. Fucking retards
b..but did you buy some stinkies?
I hope that Tyrone didn't post that to YouTube
Also my friend made that gif
Guys I’m getting really worried here and Sergey isn’t answering my emails. He said we would be going $100 EOY so I bought in at $1.20 but now it’s fallen to half that? I keep sending him emails but the most recent one said that “This inbox no longer exists” and I can’t see his social media profiles either.
I originally started doing riddles because I didn't want to spoon feed wojack hands, but now that the things going on around ChainLink are so surreal I doubt anyone believes me. So no need for riddles. People will think I'm insane or a larp
>tfw 164 stinklet
Im finally coming to understand what an API is, what an oracle is, and what chainlink will actually do, between this and vechain, im super comfy
big facts user, vechain too
Bangladesh, India, Fiji, and Tunisia. check em
larp to me then im bored
Personally still not sure if Sergey isn't just fucking everyone over with this. He doesn't come across very trustworthy.. something about this expression and voice doesn't sit right.
Plus why does CL not have a telegram channel? When I google Chainlink all I get is old news from sept 2017 from people wondering if it was just a scam or real... I don't make many losses but on this token only can I get burned everyfuckingtime, this shit is cursed
u fucking faggot. you said project urbin singapore would announce some shit with LINK. never fucking happened. go fuck off larping fag
I'd believe you if you gave sources
Still not selling though. I just think he has a very against-the-stream marketing style. If you think in a rational way: the ico was months ago and most real usecase coins/tokens took 1-2 years until a big flourishperiod came
Singapore happened. The truth is out there. Research the project and you will find what I said will happen, happened. But you're right tho, there was no announcement. Putin, Buterin and Nazarov are going to make Russia the avant garde of banking. Do you want to believe?
Wtf is up with people and ChainLink?
They only have 2 guys in the team who are funny enough just CEO and CTO and a bunch of Advisors. Like wtf do you see in this shit? 2 guys are going to make you billionares?
I can't reveal my source. But you will start seeing my prophecies come true in the near future. I'm a larp. Do you want to believe?
Did your mother never tell you not to lie? She failed.
what are your prophecies again?
No, only multimillionaires
No I want proof, this chainlink community is so toxic and full of bagholders they will go out of their way to get people to buy this