Till death do us part

Till death do us part

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Have fun being a laughing stock for upcoming years

One of the cringest thing I've ever seen.

And I've seen a lot of cringe stuff.

>nothing showing up on reverse image search
I-is this real? Please tell me the reverse search is simply a false negative.
I can't even begin to explain how bad this.

this level of cringe was the top


I always thought it was shop, no way someone would do this.

With what? The anonymous guy or the chainlink?

probably bought it at $1.40+ too.
this is why we can't have nice things in life.

Jezus christ somebody is really walking with this kind of shit on their body. This is seriously neckbeard shit tier cringe material.

Just KYS and get it over with

This amuses me.

When the cringe yards with tattoos come into your space, you KNOW this shit belongs to the normies now. It happens EVERY TIME.

>crypto was a mistake

Link. The first is cringey enough as it is. But the link on top has no reason whatsoever being there.

>reddit loves it

somewhere right now there is a ancient neckbeard with pets.com tattoo'd on his arm

I feel like any hope I had for this world was just trounced on with a pair of iron cleets.
All the gore and torture webm's I don't even wince at, but this, this is worse than all of that.

nope bought a nice big stack at 13c

ill let you know when i regret it

no, I think they have an aversion towards being honest with people. I guarantee you a lot of them swallowed their words and tried to follow *le golden rule xD*

Absolutely based

jesus christ





the hand far away is retarded

lel the ultimate cringe madman







>le anonemoose mask man

no fucking way

dont like the anonymous boi but, I love stinky linky stamp I said if req goes to 10$ which means I can retire I am tattooing REQ under my eye screencap this if you want


thats because its not even close to finished

newsflash: plenty of other people bought link at very low prices because it was a good buy. They didn't choose to give themselves godawful poorly drawn tattoos and brag to reddit about it.
If you seriously don't see what's wrong with this nigger-tier behavior, you are part of the problem.

whoa is it 2008 again am i reliving chanology?

Why do people do this shit

why bother getting tats without lifting first? ink on a skinnyfat body is top soy, lad

Lololol now im going to get fun fair tatted on my butt cheeks


I rarely lift because all my energy goes to boxing

let me clear a few things up

its not finished

i was already getting the tattoo when i was offered 100 link to get the chainlink logo tattoo'd on me

i bought most my bag at 13c

its not finished

i dont regret it

its not fucking finished

Ah brain damage now I understand

Charlie zellenoff? Is that you?

>cringe tattoo
>gay watch
>reddit spacing
This is just too much

>i'll just have a bunch of random, boring, and unoriginal pictures plastered on my skin like stickers on some attention whore's water bottle
this is cringe, lad.

i literally dont use Veeky Forums so i haven't a clue how to format, someone just sent me a link to the post.

I really give 0 fucks about your opinion kek, but take it as you will, trashy boi, brain damage, degenerate w/e you want. One thing I know for sure tho in RL you would be all like "oooh you have tattoosssss thats nice, I don't rly like them that much tho, BUT looks good on you rly bro"

What app is that?

I don't even Reddit deserves to have to deal with you, have fun with that nigger tier life style cause that shit ain't going to last.

Post your neck so we can all see how skeleton you are.

You should see my newer ones top kek cringe


I know.
The rationalization in is fucking
haunting. There are people who literally believe that they have to go apeshit and commemorate seeing money for the first time in their miserable lives by permanently branding themselves with reddit-tier cringe.
This is how poor people react when they finally "luck out."

why do you just have a bunch of normie pictures as tattoos and nothing original or interesting?


>I really give 0 fucks about your opinion
the fact that you're posting pics of yourself says otherwise. also the fact that you have a bunch of shitty tattos says otherwise. try again, sweetie

u srs dude

holy shit its been a meme for over 2 years

Kek I would absolutely never say that what kind of faggots do you hang around

This. Anyone with those tattoos is a fucking hideous giga-virgin nigger loser and needs to commit sudoku asap.

gotcha there buddy

define original & interesting or show me an example


>One thing I know for sure tho in RL you would be all like "oooh you have tattoosssss thats nice, I don't rly like them that much tho, BUT looks good on you rly bro"
lad, it looks like you just found normie pics with a lot of likes off of facebook and printed them out and brought it into a tattoo parlor and told them "just put it where it will fit and where it will show if i'm in short sleeves."

>define original & interesting
you're hopeless, mate, and your boring tats just herald you as just another tool

>balding lower-class brain-damaged loser pays money to have retarded permanent images put on his shitty body

Yep, checks out. Kys loser lmao

>lad, it looks like you just found normie pics with a lot of likes off of facebook and printed them out and brought it into a tattoo parlor and told them "just put it where it will fit and where it will show if i'm in short sleeves."
I did exactly that, actually googled them, not even kidding.

>you're hopeless, mate, and your boring tats just herald you as just another tool
That is your opinion, still dont know what is an original or interesting tattoo tho lmk kek

I'd blast you in the face if I ever saw your ugly dumpster-lookin balding ass, faggot. You're a low-class bitchmade attention-seeking fag. I love putting people like you 6 feet under. Kys loser

>I did exactly that, actually googled them, not even kidding.
kill yourself

This. They're low-class losers that thankfully brand themselves as such, so it's easy to keep them in the dumpsters in which they belong.

well i'll tell you what's not unique and what's not souless hiveminding
>not being a typical broshit mma faggot
>not having your interests and beliefs be cultivated by reddit and mass media
>not spending thousands on tattoos like poor people
>not working out and getting tattoos for the sole sake of garnering attention and hiding his insecurities
stay on reddit and don't come back. It's better you stay ignorant. It's better you stay complacent and happy pulling 5/10's with your tats and bragging about how you box, and never realize how much of a faggot you truly are.

>I did exactly that, actually googled them, not even kidding.
next one you get should be rick and morty it'll look so cool and you'll get mad props from your reddit bros

Not balding just shave my head since I was 16 and not lower class, everything else does checks out gj sherlock

Well guys, if we buy all the link we will never lose money ever again.

>being this insecure
>telecasting that insecurity with basic bitch tattoos from the parlor's stock images
oh my lord i want normies off my board

>t-trust me g-guys, I'm n-not balding...
>h-here, look a-at my t-tattoos! aren't they c-cool? xD

Kill yourself. You're retarded trash that would be of better use as fire tinder than a living being.

>muh muh normies gtfo

I am an actual oldfag, you prob joined lastyear and now calling everbody normie makes you feel superior. gtfo

>grandpa what does this one mean?
>user, your muscles... so sexy... what does this one mean?
>I’ve got a tattoo just like that one, why’d you get it?

Lemme fucking guess you would have a top knot if you weren’t a bald potato nigger. You must be really insecure to get a bunch of tattoos over your body for no reason. Most people with body image issues do this type of shit. It would also explain why you’re posting full body pics on Veeky Forums and brag-not bragging about how you “barely lift.”

if you've been here awhile you'd know that getting stock image tattoos will only be laughed at and you wouldn't post them and then try to backpedal when we call you retarded. try again, sweetie

listen. I want to sincerely believe that you are worth saving. This is your last chance. Stop overtraining, and take attention out of the equation. Stop caring so much. Grow your hair out like pic related, and finally start to find what actually interests you. Your mind has been polluted with normie tier garbage, and that's fine, but don't bring that low-effort, path of least resistance shit over here.
Embrace your true nature untainted from others' opinions, and become a true chad.


i cannot believe what i just saw

lmao which one? the reddit linkie or the walking shutterstock portfolio?

also, if you were le oldefage then you wouldn't have to explicitly ask what qualifies as original or interesting imagery you fucking normie bitch

5 years + on Veeky Forums

Thank you kind user will def do that I'll report in in half a year or soo like a true kang chad

>walking shutterstock portfolio

>5 years + on Veeky Forums
this makes you a newfag. i don't believe this, any, as you had to ask what is an original or funny image, as though you haven't been exposed to a wide range of shitty memes for years

fuck off newfaggot and lurk moar

This. That hideous baldfag loser is a pathetic little bitchboy with daddy issues lmao.

bumping so more people can laugh at this clueless insecure faggot

rofl someone needs to archive this shit for posterity. This guy is the archetype of a mindless faggot drone, but ironically he probably thinks he's a chad. People need to use his bad example as a warning


This 100%.

How big?

show the link part

This is full retard... but you put a smile on my face, OP, so cheers...

What a nice thread.







absolutly cringe kys


Everyone replying to this thinks it's great but OP is a fucking Redditor.


Terrible tattoo. Look at the chainlink cube, it's not even a fucking cube. Look at the other hand. lmfao.


i like how the quality went to shit on the left side

i could draw a better hand

that guy should laser that shit off

cover it full black faggot this is the most retarded thing i've ever seen.
do you have a MLP tattoo too? faggot.

I don't like to use the term "faggotry" because it reeks of "le oldfag xD," but this is some pure unadulterated faggotry. I'm glad the redditors have left this thread, but unfortunately one of them will have to live as a laughing stock till the end of his days.