>A """currency""" which jumps or drops 10%+ a day is useful
A """currency""" which jumps or drops 10%+ a day is useful
>A """currency""" that consistently loses half of its value every 10 years is useful
>A new technology that has a turbulent start. Haven't seen that ever before.
>A ""currency"" not backed by anything is useful
>""currency"" made of paper is always trust worthy
>A """currency""" that isn't backed by gold
No currency is backed by anything other than speculation.
no one on here actually gives a fuck.
i could care less if half of these coins go completely under after i cash out.
>an """original poster""" who is a fag and got btfo by everyone
>A """currency""" which is held primarily by faggot neckbeard numale neets
Literal brain dead retard
Prove me wrong
Bumping this just to show the rest of the board.
Imagine being this dumb.
How can people be so economically illiterate? Do they actually believe that the USD or any other currency is backed by gold or natural resources?
backed by the US army
ask anyone trying to get off the petrodollar
It's sad that the CAD pretty much did this this year. My countries currency is a joke.
I can't wait for the day of the rake.
i get where he is coming from, he means that since fiat isn't backed by anything nothing that's backed by fiat can be backed either, seems like you're the stupid one to me
wtf this board really is uneducated as fuck
the dollar is not backed by anything, though it is printed BY the strongest millitary nation on earth
but that's not to say the dollar is backed BY anything, there is no physical asset that it is issued to
and no, not even oil, thats not how its working currenty, its just that OPEC agreed to trade oil in dollars. This does not mean the US dollar is backed by oil since oil isn't intrinsically tied to the dollar at any ratio or value.
Meant to reply
currencies are backed by the fact that you must pay taxes using them or you get thrown in jail.
yes, it makes you big profit dumbass.
Which is speculation, not a tangible object
"the law" isn't an immutable asset, try again
>paying taxes is speculation
thanks for the pro-tip
you don't have to start uploading selfies since you don't understand someone's post
What's worse than a retard is a retard belittling people smarter than him, no hope for improvement.
>A currency which jumps or drops by 10%+ a day is more stable than what Greece has
Must be (((pure coincidence)))
>Backed by the #1 economy and military in the world
>Has been stable for the last 100 years with intended inflation to encourage spending
>intended inflation to encourage spending
>not inflation caused by diluting the supply of money by literally printing more of it
user where did the jews touch you
How can I make this even one fucking iota more clear to you, there not a single fucking object on this earth that backs the US dollar other than the "faith" that people have in it, there are currencies backed by the US dollar which in turn is backed by the faith of the US dollar. This "faith" is what I'm referring to as speculation, speculation from people that the believe that the US dollar has value because it is backed by a nation as established as the US. You pay taxes because you speculate that this nation that cares about the dollar will ram a big dildo up your ass if you don't.
>a reatard who doesn’t understand adoption
US dollar is backed up by nothing but violence.
Fuck central banks.
Fuck Janet Yellen
cunt kike
"B-but the nation is an object" Oh yes now we're getting philosophical, sure go ahead and argue that when you're touching US soil you're touching an object, but what backs the idea of US soil if not faith? The only reason you would call it US soil and not simply ground is because of an intangible idea of "nation". Faith, speculation, fucking fugazi; that's what all of this shit is about.
A farmer might buy a cow because he speculates it will produce milk for him throughout the year. Lo and behold it fucking died the next day, would the cow be worth the amount he payed if he knew it was sick and it would die the next day? No, because the value was tied to speculation and not something he could pick up and clobber the tradesman with.
The US Dollar is backed by the US military and oil. That's why the US is involved in the middle east
Bitcoin is not a currency, it´s a
>store of value
All you brainlets saying it's backed by the military are retarded. USD is defined as an a unit to pay taxes. It should be valued as (((value of taxes)))*x/total supply. It just happens to be that American public goods are primarily blood.
i have no faith in the US dollar nor faith in the USA but i pay my taxes in dollary doos because i don't want to go to jail, therefore real demand is created, backed by my desire to not be in jail. there is no speculation.
Oil can only be bought/traded in US dollar.
Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gadaffi tried to trade oil without the US Dollar, they were eliminated.
>i have no faith in the US dollar nor faith in the USA but i pay my taxes in dollary doos because i don't want to go to jail