Why does everyone hate reddit here? Honestly i don't get it. It's just a PC version of Veeky Forums with way more people and they talk the way normal people do. I get you autists aren't normal but still the reddit hate is stupid.
You need to go back.
See no one actually has a reason. It's just a circlejerk of random hatred towards reddit where i guarantee almost all of go on a daily basis
Kill yourself you nigger loving faggot
>they talk the way normal people do
Normal people don't talk like shills.
They are too stupid to understand any humor so they need a /s on every joke. On top of this, it is full of know-it-alls who get some smug pleasure out of patronizingly explaining things that no one asked them to explain or correcting grammar mistakes. The upvote system leads to massive group think and virtue signalling for upvotes. Plus they are just full on normie and cringe.
>we did it reddit
>a reddit gold for you my good sir ;)
fuck reddit
you need to go back (nice bait dough)
Honestly out of all boards i visit/have visited the last few years this board is unironically one of the most reddit accepting boards i've been on
reddit censors everything they don't agree with. Posts that are not deleted by (((mods))) are downvoted so nobody else can see/comment on them. Similar to how youtube removes videos from search results that they don't agree with. If you like reddit then you are a literal safespace retard.
also sage
Using reddit to identify trends is ok. But thinking “there’s nothing wrong with it” makes you a faggot and you need to go back.
fuck off reddit
People hate reddit because stuff like this isn’t funny there.
Various reasons
>muh sekrit club
>"lol look at me I say nigger and faggot all the time, am I cool or what? XD"
>actual retards just parroting what retards before them said
Reddit may chock full of autists and sheltered retards that subscribe to a hive mentality, but so is this place.
Dude don't waste your time looking for reasons with the pieces of garbage that dwell here. They're failed shit sculptures with no intelligence or personality. All they know is fist fucking their queer assholes while jerking off and crying in anger. They all deserve to be beaten into comas.
60% bots, 40% people who might aswell be bots
Reddit is equally toxic to Veeky Forums, it's just a little bit more centralized and explicitly hive-mind-y about its toxicity.
It's also the sort of toxicity that hides behind inoffensive rhetoric.
>found the retarded liberal normie redditor.
You have to go back.
Right it just seems like the same thing to me just with more nudity and cursing. Fucking love that shit i still don't get the hate for reddit though.
redit = pajeets acting like smart people
4chen = Smart people acting like pajeets
Go back to redit you nocoiner faggot lord
Because every post and comment is written with the intention of reaping upvotes. It's a circle-jerk for women and soft men who need social validation.
biz doesent have a hive mentality
only thing we have in common is that we have pajeets
which is understandable
also kys faggot nigger you have to go back
this place is only bad when redditors and normies come in here.
Outside of that influx, the only downside of Veeky Forums is that there are too many disgusting degenerate drug addicts who post porn nonstop.
I really see almost zero advantage in reddit at this point. It prevents absolute turbo idiots from posting spamlike comments I guess, but you can read over that fairly quickly.
we hate reddit because you are the kind of person that thinks we are joking
>4 buzzwords in a 6 letter sentence
Congrats user, you're actually mentally handicapped
> /s
What does this mean?
hi pajeet
Reddit censors and is filled with corporate shills. Veeky Forums is also filled with shills, but it will never be filled with shills as badly as reddit because there is no metrics that can be used to gauge success of the shilling.
t.guy who works in marketing
Upvote/Karma system encourages sheep mentality as well as "controversial" opinions that aren't actually controversial at all. What you say is less important than who it is said by, which is a direct opposite of an anonymous imageboard - your post being the only thing that matters. The userbase being a vector of normies and faggots is just cherry on top of the cake.
You need to go back.
Reddit ultra autists actually cannot recognize sarcasm so people have to point it out for them.
Not even fucking kidding
Probably because the faggots downvote everything I post and ban me from their site and then circlejerk about how right they are about every fucking thing
i know right?
just go on the pcmasterrace cringe subbreddit
how many fucking posts do you see with "omg look what corsair sent me such a great service!!!111¨"
shits totally not a marketing ploy
Dubs of truth
And the puns the endless puns.
So you hate people that agree with each other basically. Literally the main reason for most of you. Sounds about right for autism.
Groupthink, selfrighteousness, no sense of humor
Let me tell you. Since I've switched from reddit to Veeky Forums I've noticed I'm having fun. Something that never happened on reddit. Reddit feels like everyone is just sitting for 15 minutes designing a perfect comment that'll get the most karma points. Here are no points. You're just an user. Reddit feels like a mixture of a Rick and Morty episode with Facebook. #1 thing I hate about reddit is that everyone seems so smug yet pretending his not. So I choose to hang out with literal autists.
The world is full of special snowflakes now I guess.
Pic related.
>censured nigger loving faggotery
no thank you.
>and the endless puns
Possibly the most cancerous part, like a shitty sitcom with a fake laugh track
Reddit is left-leaning, Veeky Forums is right-leaning
None are normie places, though. Real normies are on Facebook
>6 letter sentence
nice try reddit
Lmao half of this fucking place are former redditors themselves. Veeky Forums is basically a reddit colony now
>popularity contest
just of the top of my head
No honest conversation
Everything is kept in check by fear of reputation
An post that is correct can be downvoted because it's unpopular
It's populated by retards
That comes with intelligence. Kinda explains the hate actually. You're all too autistic and smart that you hate the "dad puns" of reddit. Found our answer. Biz is a bunch of pretentious assholes too smart for dad jokes
>he thinks shitposters are the normal reddit users
Fucking degenerate.
>redit faggot.
you need to go back to redit you fucking faggot.
Who do you think watches garbage like Big Bang Theory or Rick & Morty? The same people who post on Reddit. Fucking bugmen soyboy shits.
Veeky Forums is pretty normie infested. I’d say that 50% of our current population is normies. People talking about their jobs, their wives, speaking like fucking niggers. God, this place is a shithole. I have to ignore most of the posts I see on Veeky Forums because they’re clearly written by fucking normies.
>talk the way normal people do
btfo norman
fuck you faggot, literally gas yourself
Everybody that can't afford to be a NEET shut-in already has to deal with reddit on a daily basis just by interacting with 'normal' everyday people.
I don't need more of that when I'm online, so I do not frequent places like reddit, and I prefer it if their kind isn't too numerous in muh secrit club.
the worst part is that they think that they arent normies. They seemlessly adopt Veeky Forums language and use it to describe whatever the hell they want.
I get called a "degenerate cuck" for not liking Hillary. That is the brainpower of redditors.
you know we could go to the other chan right? ive been wanting to make the switch but that board wont let you discuss cryptos like here. I almost want to make a new board there to get away from these faggots here
When I accidentally click a reddit link these days usually the comments make me physically sick similar to how american ads make me feel. If you think reddit, facebook, instagram or american ads are normal you are sick and should seek help.
Because being political correct is demanded on reddit. People aren´t voicing their own opinions or even use their own lingo. What they do is they use certain keywords and moderate opinions which will get them the most karma.
It´s entirely possible to guess every top comment on every post on reddit because they´re sheep who don´t want to get out of their comfort zone and will adapt to any ridiculous standard that is set for any given subreddit. I´m sure you can look at some reddit accounts and see how they´re language changes when they hop from subreddit to subreddit, merely to conform to the politically correct standard.
Veeky Forums has a certain amount of circlejerking too, but at least this place is free from needing to ´save face´. Having people post anonymously is brilliant actually and provides more ´real´ conversation.
tl;dr: reddit isn't real, Veeky Forums is.
>Veeky Forums is.
to an extent it is, but its not at the same time. You know how may psy ops are being run on /po/ on a daily basis?
The upvotes/downvote system on comments means discussion is always weighted towards the opinion of the masses, which further fuels their opinion and causes them to upvotes. A vicious cycle of perpetuating single viewpoints. At least on Veeky Forums you get a (fairly) diverse and honest range of opinions, even if they're all shit.
Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger. :)
>see how they´re language
yeah and you can go right back
Just like with people who voted for Hillary, the winning move is to avoid them. I don’t respond to redditors or normies, even if they reply to my post. That’s the only way to show them they’re not welcome. I don’t speak to them and I don’t help them. Exactly what I’d do if I met them in person.
I tried the other chan a long time ago but it was too slow moving. How is it now? Is there a Veeky Forums?
you have to go back
>Is there a Veeky Forums?
there is a Veeky Forums but you can only talk about crypto in the sticky. Its not like it is here. If we could get people to migrate there it would be 10x better. normies woudlnt even know how to get there because its not listed on google
Hive mind seeks validation look at the nonsense for WTC and VEN and BTC on reddit. Criticize those coins and you well be crucified, banned, and outcasted. However, praise those coins and you will be loved in their respected subs. Creates cult mentality. Veeky Forums requires you to think a little harder and read between the lines.
>be me
>go on plebbit looking for loan advice
>post gets erroneously removed by faggot mod
>explain to mod why he is an idiot
>mod smugly downvotes all my comments and says if i have a problem i can message the entire mod team
>take him up on it and write faux emotional PM to mod team about being suicidal and needing to know why on earth this would happen and why this particular mod is so mean, need detailed explanations from all mods
>force the entire r/personalfinance mod team to waste hours of their collective time apologizing and going point by point, huge emails directing me toward "getting the help i need," a couple of them even going into their own history of depression and suicidal thoughts
>faggot mod who removed my post writes longest response, says he feels terrible and he needs to straighten shit out in his life and is in a bad place, apologizes a zillion times
>already had my answers just wanted to fuck them all over and make them do a lot of work and punish them for being the faggots they are
never fuck with a Veeky Forumsbro
i must admit, I've seen this picture to many times
I suppose I could take a look but I don’t like really like that crypto discussion is forced into one thread. If it’ll get me away from the normies and pajeets then it could be worth it. Current Veeky Forums is so awful that I don’t tell a single person what I’m invested in because I don’t want these shit eaters to make money. That’s how bad it is. When you can’t even help people you like because there’s too many people you hate.
Fuck you. And real lumberjacks don't have memebeards, they deal with too much heavy equipment to have the facepubes of the liberal arts phd that works at Starbutts.
You too need to go back.
Holy shit, you showed them!
Also you can recognize here pretty easily, especially when they try to post le epic greentexts. They don't understand when or how to use the meme arrow and try to parrot what they've soaked up on /r/Veeky Forums
Reddit is exactly like the episode of Black Mirror where that ginger cunt was trying to get higher social score.
Reddit is social score system like the one China is implementing.
Reddit doesn't talk like normal people as much as nonpeople. You could replace most redditors with each other and see no difference. Same with Twitter. They lack individuality. Perhaps you want to define the norm of humanity as such, but I'm more optimist. Case in point, both Veeky Forums and Facebook have more diverse perspectives on just about everything.
lol I know that feel, I dont even want to post my ICOs anymore because there are too many fuckwads. I couldnt forgive myself if I helped some discord group to discover a good ICO
Retard, it's not like I'm happy it's that way. But if you actually think Veeky Forums is still your cool secret club I have bad news. This website has got alot of new users since 2011 and it skyrocketed during the 2016 election.
>using queer instead of gay
Fucking hideous neckbeard giga-virgin autist faggot detected. Go back and kill yourself, nigger.
But with TRX they mods can’t do no longer this. Cause decentralization
>normal people
wow way to assert your conformist agenda, totally something a 'normal person' would do
Good. That's the Veeky Forums way.
This is simply wrong. Reddit is literally the normie go to website and Veeky Forums isn't the obscure and secret place it used to be in 2008. Reddit is 100% normies, just because they like "nerdy" crap like Star Wars and Zelda it's still normies. Veeky Forums is filled with the most normalfags too, especially high schoolers acting like depressed edgelords.
It's quite hilarious because I guarantee >80% of the people here check reddit on an hourly basis.
Jeez... I had a look but it’s as slow as I remember. The last post in the crypto thread was an hour ago. I like that they have flags but yeah, too slow. Guess I’ll continue sifting through the garbage bin that is Veeky Forums for the nuggets of worthwhile information.
we did it Veeky Forums :)
Fuck off and die. Why would I want to check Rick and Morty circlejerks and SJW nonsense? If I ever have to visit for any reason, the way they talk makes me sick to my stomach. I couldn't fathom a worse insult than being a redditor.
>I couldn't fathom a worse insult than being a redditor.
This. Reddit will never understand why. If you’ve spoken to one redditor, you’ve spoken to them all.