Was this the greatest pump and dump in human history?

was this the greatest pump and dump in human history?

Other urls found in this thread:


no that would be your mother

Not yet, but the crash from 97k to 24k will be spectacular.


op btfo







checked, keked and fbpb

It was over as soon as it went mainstream - which was, of course, carefully coordinated by financial experts behind the scenes for years. They pulled the strings to trick normies into getting involved, pumped the numbers, and now they're cashing out.

Did a bunch of virgins on Veeky Forums and Reddit really think they found a way to game the system?

I wouldn't blame OP if he actually killed himself after this

There is hope for Veeky Forums after all.

interested in your analysis for reaching 97k

>ICO starts in April, PRE-ICO going on now
>COSS & BitPay Partnership
>$0.30 each, 10 million supply
>Anons found 2.5 Million MGXL tokens in a Binance Hot Wallet
MGXL is going to be one of the biggest moon missions of 2018. Good things for all of crypto.

If you don’t have ETH in MGXL, you deserve to be a broke loser this year. Don’t turn away incredible opportunities, Veeky Forums...I don’t think we want to go back to selling kneepads or sucking dick for money

You sound like one of these people who always knew exactly what was going on. Why are you poor then?

yes, and idiots here mocked "normies" for selling at 18k 17k 16k 15k etc

if govs ban crypto exchanges they will become nearly worthless

Time to stop posting op you got btfo

Dubs and OP getting rekt. Very impressive.

How much of a fucking newfag are you?

Crypto succeeds when normies adopt it. Crypto going mainstream is the first step of it moving forward. Do you only have this opinion because you're spiteful others got in before you? It's not too late for you user

Also checkd and kekd

Who here is holding 15k+ Bitcoin bags?

Normies are getting into it to mAke a quick buck and that is it. You thin they have any clue about the Fed or how shit fiat really is. They went in hoping to be Jews and will.get fleeced like the good Goys they are.

OP got fucked, /thread

The next 3 candles on this graph will be green.

It doesn't fucking matter. You bitching about the feds and jews proves even further you're /nubiz/ that migrated straight from /pol/. I thought you idiots hated immigrants.

Crypto rising and crashing is expected and it will happen again and again. Shut the fuck up and lurk more.


Crypto will go mainstream when even the banks will offer you some kind of investment plan that comprises crypto. When that moment comes, get out as fast as you can.

In this moment the bank jews are just manipulating the market in order to accumulate more and sell out to the normies after, so there's nothing to worry about, unless you are on margin

please /pol/, shut the fuck up. If you were such experts on making money, then why did you come to this board?

You faggots are only good at making memes.

scam coin. checked the whitepaper. it's only a 9 pager. kek. real whitepapers does have minimum 60 pages (for example savedroid).

fuck off to reddit kike

Tippety toppety of keks

The irony here is ever since you faggots arrived, reddit has on average better quality posts than Veeky Forums

I'm not poor. I've made off quite well with stocks in companies with tangible products. I don't quadruple my money overnight but I'm well off and don't have to stare at trend lines every day.

put me in the screenshot

The jews control the banks, it's just a matter of fact, check it for yourself. Anyway I mentioned the "jews" just for fun, also i'm in crypto since 2010 so I don't need investment advice from this shithole, I come here only for laughs

then FUCK OFF to reddit then. dumb nigger

Unobtanium (UNO) was a massive one

Found one

No if you want pump and dumps join here

discord gg/GJcSxP3

Why should I leave when you newfags should be the ones to shut the fuck up and lurk more?

came here to post this, was not disappointed