What would happen if someone bought a whale's sell wall all at once?
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either the whale ejaculates for some one buying his massive bags
or its a fake wall that will get removed as soon some one buys into it
They would be a whale.
Do this sale wall thing even exist?
> all at once
> remove wall when someone buys into it
you're a retard
someone throws this million dollar sell wall on fun all the time. just curios on how it would aafect the price if someone bought it
Price would raise a bit
>being this retarded
thats a bot. We will see your buy order in milliseconds. We will place ahigh buy wall right under you. We will then remove the sell wall leaving your high bid. We then fill your high bid at an expensive price. We cancel our buy wall. The price then goes back to normal(plummets 5% like clockwork) Ever noticed why the price sinks just after you buy. You are retarded and got scammed. We make an ask. Some retard buys it. Profit. We rinse and repeat. More than 5000 times a day. You can also do this on a small exchange with 100ETH. Jews do it on Bitfinex. Russians on Wex. Americans on Poloniex and chinks on Binance. Im drunk, Ive talked too much my colleagues must not find this thread. Bye Veeky Forums
t. Bitfinex algo trader
Unless the buy order is for your sell wall price. They match up and execute. There is no warning.
Also you can’t fill my buy higher if it’s for the same price as your sell order. Nice Larp
seen it happen countless times
but hey its easier to just meme greentext and calling some one a retard than explaining right
I do this sometimes. What happens is that the sell wall disappears and I have a lot of tokens without front running or need to accumulate over a long time frame.
Honestly I bet whales have some sort of code of honor not to fuck with another whale when they are doing shit like this.
Think about it most whales have been in the game for a long ass time and are probably all good buddies but even if they don't know each other they aren't gonna go buy a cheap wall because they wouldn't want it done to them when they are trying to manipulate a coin.
Once wall street really starts getting into crypto though these guys are going to have a rude awakening.
You are literally retarded pajeet nice larp.
What if I buy the whole order book? Checkmate, faggot.
what is OPs question?
>what would happen if someone bought a whale's sell wall all at once?
>being this dense.
Brianna. This is the very backbone of HFT. The latency between the exchange and your computer is higher than my black box and the exchange. We literally hunt down the exchanges servers and colocate. My sell order will be long gone.
But we do
okay i take my time to enlighten you sheep and all you do is call me a larper okay Veeky Forums
You won’t see my order till it hits the exchange. It’s an encrypted connection faggot. Once it hits the exchange it executes. And even if it doesn’t, if I set my order for your exact price I either get your wall or effectively set up a buy wall which I can delete if I so choose. You can either fill me at that price or wait till thousands of other traders fill my order. Your choice. Nice larp
>You won’t see my order till it hits the exchange
we are talking about buy orders
Let me break it down for you brainlet
>click buy at my sell wall price(50ms)
>I remove my wall(1ms)
>I place support right under you(1ms)
>i remove my wall(1 ms)
>you pushed up the price up to the minutes ATH (1ms)
>you see this, you try to cancel(25 ms)
>i can now sell you overpriced coins(1ms)
>your cancel command hits the exchange(25ms)
>"error order not found"
>price goes back down(10ms)
If your order is sweet I wont remove the support. Its false confidence, a bullish signal. If your order is realy sweet, I call friends to bring support and you keep pushing the price up. These are basic tactics. Its a lot more complicated.
Except when someone wants to accumulate at the current price. Like me. Fill my order. I dare you nonce you sell them to me they go into cold storage and you won’t see them again. I never sell at a loss same day ever. I buy and hold for minimum 24 hours.
Depends upon the personality of the new whale / marketmaker
people like you are bad for business but you are the minority. For every one of you, there are 10 retards who fall for the scam. We can also be scammed. If someone was say, 0.5ms faster, he could wipe us out.
yes marketmaker is the word for me. Im a kraut my English is not so good
reread slower
the buy order is at the SAME price as your sell order
it's not rising the price by anything, the price was already there
if you "remove" your wall, you get to sell your coins to user at the exact same price he would have bought them from you in the first place
You guys are all conspiratorial brainlets. I’m a multimillion dollar whale and I know just as much as the rest of you and do the same shit as the rest of you. The only difference is I make bigger bets
user I can tell you’re not a Larper please enlighten us more, where is the best place to learn and implement trading algo’s and the math going on behind the scenes. Any breadcrumbs would be appreciated greatly
If he wasn’t larping he wouldn’t be posting. Real whales have better things to do than post on biz
Now .. imagine exchanges allowed regular people to pay the difference. ie. assume a massive sell wall and buy wall like 0.000000001 sats apart. I pay like $2 and pay the difference. Would cause some real chaos if it wasn't the same person in control of both walls.
the wall and what i want to sell are different. they are separate. there is a fucking reason...
all I know I learnt hier and most of my team I met here. Closest thing is maybe copy pasting shit from Quantopian
im at home, wife went to visit her parents. i browse usually /a/ for anime. Just wanted to post something on Veeky Forums. Im also drunk, probably why im here in the 1st place
And this is it. I know I can’t beat algorithm traders without inside knowledge. So I just buy good coins at a good price and hold onto them. Sell later at 5x. I will day trade if a good coin is down for no reason. Then I will buy it and sell later in the day at a profit. For example, sometimes icon dips to 9$ around 10am New York time. I know when the gooks wake up they’ll pump it over 10 so it’s an easy 10%+ flip in a couple hours.
The fuck are yall talking about “removing the wall”... the OP asked what would happen if you ate the whole wall in 1 order. You put a buy in at the same or greater quantity than the wall. You can’t just “remove the wall” because it was already eaten in one chomp.
You don’t get any ducking feedback asking if you want to accept the order, it’s just gone. It’ll execute. Breaking shit down into 1ms here and there. Won’t matter, your wall will have been eaten before you get any message from the exchange.
nothing compared to this sell wall that was bought yesterday.
>expect a colossal rise when ZCL starts rising from the ashs of shit coins and normie fomo hops in
>humpback took out these 2 walls and price stayed stagnant
>thats how you know this shit is going to blow
>thinks orders are executed on hit
Read this if you think our orders are executed the same way as yours. Thinks its a level playground
Have you seen the exchanges order matching engine. Do you think its fair? Certain order types are preferentially treated. Some people have faster data feeds than everyone else. This is the part I wanted to leave out but you forced my hand. Some of us have good relationships with these exchanges. That wall will be removed trust me, I cant delve deeper, lest I doxx myself. The sell walls you see eaten are retards who are not in the fold or inexperienced new money
Read this; en.wikipedia.org
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