>The Substratum Network is a worldwide
collection of nodes that uses industry-leading cryptography to deliver secure content anywhere, all without the need for VPNs or Tor.
>China banning exchanges via great firewall
>still not buying SUB
>Open beta this month
>The crypto lifeline of chinks
The Substratum Network is a worldwide
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This shit was proven as a scam with no intention of ever delivering a product by one of our own Veeky Forumstards.
You got to be an idiot right? You can't actually be this retarded right?
I'm in alpha II the product works. They need to optimize the economic payouts for hosting and nodes but the VPN aspect works.
>Literally not going anywhere
Prove me wrong
Can you prove you're using the Alpha?
I'm also holding SUB but the FUD is getting to me and am genuinely curious
I was at like 500% profit so I sold off 75% of my SUB
I still have a decent amount which should bump up my payout rate when I host a node on the live network
Sub is Dogshit.. if u faggots wanna actually make money this year get some Privatix in the dip. A REAL VPN COMPANY. And u can use PRIX for vpn 2day. Not in some theoretical roadmap date. Fuck sub. Pussies
How do you feel ITNS compares to PRIX?
It is already online and proving its stability to the world, unlike substratum, why would it fail?
Wow finally the internet will be decentralized. At last.
I already own Sub. Decentralized exchanges, decentralized web, nothing can stop crypto.
Sub, one of the few coins that will survive and prosper. Im holding.
>A.D 2018
>still using VPN
You know that shit is easily traced and blocked right. 99% of VPN get blocked in china.
Literally a scam.
Sky, qlink and smt are actual products with similars concepts.
kek, they are doing something completely different and their coin has been massively dumped
Bro it's a glorified VPN
VPN doesn't work for China anymore, do some research it's easily blocked. Sub gets around that.
If it is not useful for countries with censorship it is not useful and won't take off. Do the math
What? VPN? Have you at least read the first paragraph? Shift is about decentralizing entire websites, so an entity like a government can't break in the server farm and shutdown everithing because the website's data is replicated and distributed across the whole world. And it's already working in their testnet on which shiftnrg.org is already hosted and accessible by using a normal web browser, mainnet release and mass adoption it's only a matter of time now
Not about to post anything that will get me in trouble.
But I work in china you are welcome to do a reverse image search on the image. It's outside my office you.
Meant to say I work in china which is why I got selected for the alpha
I have read it. I do own some, but you are buying buzzwords and not understanding the tech behind it.
There is a reason why it's a 70 million cap coin and sub is 400milkion
Buzzwords? The one with buzzwords here is substratum who could also turn out into a scam because we have no proof of what the developers are really doing. Shift's decentralized web on the other side is already working and anyone can verify that, you are only spouting out nonsense without argumentating and also demonstrating ignorance by declaring shift a "VPN".
Also the reason why one is worth 70 millions and one 400 is because the one who is worth more had an ICO and with that money devs are also paying people to shill their coin, including journalist and youtube people like datadash
They literally said they are putting aside some coins for marketing reasons in their paper. Maybe you should be doing some reading, not me. Why the fuck is a coin that is advertising itself bad? Do you even business? Look at a the makeup whore channels on YouTube that shill products, it doesn't mean the product is a scam. God you biz fuks are retarded as fuk sometimes.
Look you might be right and shift is awesome, I have money in all of these including shit ass maidsafe I'm not arrogant enough to think I know who will win but I sure as believe this is going to be a massive bull field with the China news.
But I'd I had to bet on one horse I would bet on SUB not NRG