Veeky Forums ruined my life

Put my entire life savings into Xlm at $1 because you guys shilled it. Literally already down over 60k usd and am absolutely suicidal rn. If it doesn't go back up my wife will unirinically leave me and take her son who I have taken as my own and is the closest person in my life with her. I literally lost everything because of biz.

Thanks faggots you literally ruined my life fucking memeing LARPing retards you know nothing about making money just losing it KYS

lul, larper insulting larpers, larpception

Larp, puts life savings into ath price of a coin that was 0.3$ before the moon. Kys

your welcome

just tell ur wife's son not to make the same mistakes u did

just hodl u monkey

I know that feel op, my wife's mulatto son has been laughing at me all day

You idiot, you're going to be stupid rich.

This. If you don't have steady hands, why did you get involved in this game?

Time to hang out with Sayori!

Wife's son

I don't believe u

Yes, yes, I LOVE IT. Dumbfuck newfags have been infesting this board, and with their blind greed they believe everything the scamming tards of Veeky Forums and discord pump groups say.
I really hope you newfag fucks keep making posts like these~

Never buy at ATH. And never listen to biz

you took investment adive from these idiots?
only way to fix it is to go all in on iota. (srs)

KYS pajeets ur taking joy in my life being over. No respect for you m8


January crash. Happens every year. Just wait a month.

>marry and have kids before you make it
brainlet detected


If you want to make up your losses, transfer those funds to UFR. UFR is gonna start going up steadily these upcoming days, when the 'crash' blows over. it's gonna rise like a phoenix, mark my words, lad!

>her son
>stale meme
get gud faggot

#1 rule in investing: never invest more than you're willing to lose.

You failed on the first step.

nice i just bought 100k

Your fault for investing money that you can't afford to lose.

If you were a poor fuck before crypto, then except for maybe a handful of lucky guys, you're going to remain a poor fuck.

>Larpers during bull
>I'm le crypto millionaire i turned 10 bucks into 100 gorillions in 2 days lmao i'm awesome
>Larpers during bear
>I lost my entire le savings muh wife and muh wife's son gonna leave me for tyrone
You guys should really come up with new things from time to time

> blaming Veeky Forums for his misery
you unironically deserve all this
I invested 100$ for shit and giggles
and Veeky Forums has been my main entertainment source for weeks now
please gtfo now

Oh, hi, Pajeet ! How is it today at the farm ?
The Man treating you OK ? Tell him I said Hi !

>Her son

>not your own son
>too stupid for simple risk-management
You'd already lost before you came here

I´ll take my burger with extra fries lol

dude fuck you, you listened to autistic neckbeards on the internet and got burned

get your money back

discord gg/PEKQFDX

binance pump later

>leave me and take her son
Too obvious 3/10

most likely a larp obviously, but if you do need to make your money back the surest bet is dogecoin
Wait a few months for it to reach 25 sats or lower, wait a few more months for it to rise again like it always does, get out

Just wait until end of February ;)

Have to agree, the culling of newfaggotry over the past 2 weeks has been worth all this pain.

>tfw stop loss

>her son
you succeeded if you wanted me to laugh
you failed if you wanted people to believe you

How can you not see that it's your blind greed that put you in this mess? Because that's why you're poor, retard.

If your wife is going to leave you because of money I don't know if she is worth that bro.