I wish this would've been up and running before we had this dip

I wish this would've been up and running before we had this dip

Truly a game changer. Basically a bigger, better, non-scam version of Tether. Could have been sitting comfortably in jUSD instead of getting absolutely rekt.

Don't worry user, this is the last dip before we finally have our first legitimate crypto bank. This is the first ICO to make millionaires and then subsequently can be used to protect your funds.

why would it be better than tether

Please let me buy more before shilling this legendary gems

fuck why didnt i buy more...i only have 20k

Because it will be backed by a registered financial institution in Switzerland audited by a top 4 firm instead of a scammy exchange. jCash will be exchangeable for real money at Jibrel at all times whereas Tether cannot even really prove its backed by real money, let alone allowing you to directly exchange tether for real money.

i doubt it. jUSD will be limited as it starts out compared to tether so it will be traded at a premium. i'm thinking something like this $1000 tether for 1 eth and $900 jUSD for 1 eth.

what does NEO and binance have to do with jibrel?

big product reveal and don tapscott presentation in less than 12 hours

jCHF fucking when??

It is one of the biggest events in seoul. Every reputable person will be there. And who is organizing the event? Jibrel. The world is all about networking. Accumulate as much as possible

retard here,

what's the difference between the token we bought and the jUSD/etc that people will be trading into like tether? how does the value of the token rise or will it only go up to 1.00?

That's not how it works at all. You'll be able to liquidate your crypto and receive jCash in the currency of your choice, which will then be transferrable anywhere. Or you can just keep it on your Ledger or jWallet and exchange it for real cash with them. And when they get the institutional banking license you can do the same shit with all kinds of assets. If asset trading on the blockchain picks up (protip: it will) JNT supply will deflate so quickly, because each time Crypto Depository Receiptss (CryDRs) are created, JNT is burned. The higher the volume, the more burns. And burns will start right away, because jCash is due to release really soon, probably at the same time this lists.

It's jibrelCash not jCash alright?


got 30k so fcking rdy :)) cant wait for my jUSD

jCash won't exist, the Cash is just a placeholder for EUR, USD, CNY, WON etc.. It will be available in 6 different currencies at the start. Supposedly Koreans went huge on this, so it's good they have jWon.

JNT is the token needed to create your CryDRs (at first only jCash, later on other assets). Basically your fee for using jibrel. The good thing is, JNT will be burned when the service is used. If you don't hold any, you will purchase enough automatically to cover your fees. So if a dip like today happens, imagine millions flowing into jCash and burning JNT instead of flowing into Tether.

how much jnt is burned per transaction?

so people with jnt would use heir jnt for the transactions fees and people without it will use a portion of their jCash? Also what makes this better than tether? I've only heard that tether is 'unreliable' as they can close down or run away with your money one day

>Yfw Soros advisor on board


Retard here,

So basicly JNT is what you want to buy and hodl right? JNT is what is gonna make us rich, right?


Depends on the fiat value of JNT at the time. It would be unreasonable to fix it to an absolute amount of JNT, because that could make fees really expensive when it inevitably hits 10 and then 100 dollars.

Tether is not properly audited and there is a lot of FUD around it. It's not really backed by any redulations and their audits are a joke. Jibrel is incorporated in Switzerland, and is getting registered as a financial service provider right now (expect the announcement soon). This is to release 100% regulatory compliant jCash. They will be able to act like a proper bank and PwC will make sure all jCash is properly backed by real money. Basically if Swiss banking law is good enough for you then jCash is actual real money on the blockchain.

thanks!! also, does that mean there's a big possibility binance will replace their usdt tab with corresponding jCash tab?


Yes, buy it if you want to be rich. Don Tapscott is an advisor and his only other project was ICON. The ICON ico price was 11cents.

I don't know, but exchange adoption would be absolutely huge. There is a conference with Jibrel and Binance soon, so maybe they will announce something there (probably the listing at least). I wouldn't expect them to implement jCash instantly though. If jCash works properly though, I can definitely see it gradually replacing tether. I don't need to comment on the effect this will have on market cap I guess.

Is a JNT trying to have stable USD value? If so, which value will they aim at?

Yeah, it's the token needed to make CryDRs. Every time someone turns crypto into jCash to cash out with the jibrel bank some JNT is bought at market and burned. Supply will literally be decreasing from day one.

Yeah that's cool and all but everyone knows the only real way to make money is a pump server. Join the discord at

discord gg/YQqTCqt

how long will that take for binance to implement jCash?

i know in the Tether terms of service that they recently updated it to banned anyone from the US for holding tether. it's risky to go in tether since i'm from the US. i'm worried that binance might lock my funds. i'm level 2 verified and they know that i'm american and shouldn't possess tether

Do you need to hold them somewhere special or just any old ERC20

Thank you good sirs!

Not at all. JNT is supposed to be an investment and as such is prospected to increase in value as Jibrel establishes itself as the crypto bank. I've been with this project for three months now, read everything there is, talked to the founders privately. It's probably the most legit project I came across in ages. That's why I'm shilling it shamelessly, because it literally will make me rich and everyone else who buys in early.

Well, first they need to decide if they want to implement it.
jCash will be up and running soon, so then it's just a matter of making a smooth transition. Exchange adoption likely won't happen right off the bat, but it's what's gonna bring market cap from the hundreds of millions to the billions.

JNT is an ERC20. jCash will also be ERC20. But Jibrel itself is blockchain agnostic. Seeing as they have a conference
with NEO soon and share a key advisor with ICON, as well as them supporting Won and RMB from the start, I can see them jumping on those blockchains at some point.

> I can see them jumping on those blockchains at some point.
what this means?

For now you will only be able to transfer jCash on the Ethereum network, but I can see jCash and CryDRs go on ICON and NEO blockchains as well in the future, due to their large Asian audience.

Ian Balina put this as a starter on his spreadsheet. He mentioned that he didn’t get in presale so he’s going to try and buy it once it lists on an exchange

Been on their telegram since day one. 100 people join everyday asking if the IOC is closed or not. Compared to other communities this feels different, they're able to answer every question with unlimited patience. Took a while for a brainlet like me to understand it.

Jnt to the moon!

Fucking this. 60k+ JNT presale HODLER here. Not selling any until this coin makes me a multimillionaire. Your posts are a good reminder why I'm so bullish on this coin, in addition to the fact that their team simply oozes competence and professionalism. Couldn't be more /comfy/

For real? I don't like Shillina pumping and dumping my legit projects.


Just don't sell. If jCash establishes itself (highly likely) literally all you need to do is hold.


conference tomorrow u fuckers LIVESTREAM AVAILABLE

Can I get this anywhere already? Looked up the smart contract, it's not on ED yet.

True, actually. Unlike most other coins, you might not even need to ever cash this one out. Either way, super long term hodl for me.

Tokens are locked until early February at the latest.

Nah, it will not be on ED. They will make tokens transferrable after they list on their initial 4 exchanges. You can trade on ED afterwards ofc, but it will be on 4 exchanges instantly and they are pushing to be everywhere. As others mentioned here, the team is pure professionalism.

i think they said February 1st

Can't buy before Feb. 1..

Yeah I heard Feb 1st as well, just hedging a bit in the odd chance exchanges mess up, as they are wont to do.