>He didn't lock the price of his crypto before the crash
Locked gains
Other urls found in this thread:
>he didn't lock his Bitcoin at 19k
Lmaoing at your life
This meme is reddit-tier, fur fag. Go away
Locked in my profits when ETH was 14k
feels good
how does it work?
It locks the price in, dumb shit
You can lock your price to whatever it was when you transact the coins to your own personal ledger nano. Really great for when it crashes like now.
this is shit bait. none of you fags understand how to bait on this site, this isn't plebbit where everybody will just help you out without making fun of you
You transfer your coins to GDAX and you sell them for USD.
accidentally locked my btc in @ $1k
Doesn't it have to be Gen 0 or gen 1 Bitcoin in order for pricelock to work?
>i can sell futures in bitcoin from my usb drive
I put my BTC in the freezer, is that enough to freeze the price?
Yes, when you want to thaw it you need to put it way up your butt.
You need Segwit
fucking retard locking BTC before Segwit was implemented
Yea I don't understand what they are on about either, are they saying that they locked their wallet keys such that they only have access to their wallet when it hits a certain value?
Imagine being so bad at self control and money management that you have to put a chastity belt on your wallet.
How many atomic swaps do I need to make my smart contract work with my price lock USB?