>americans panic selling the bottom
Americans panic selling the bottom
Burgers were a mistake.
How come that a country that is the embodiment of capitalism has such weak handed faggot citizens?
jesus christ it really is crashing with no survivors
eth literally went below 1000 when euros woke up
land of the pussies
Sugar, fluoride and israel
Psssshhh, we're fine.....Although I did by btc at $200....sorry m8
the fuck did you dipshits here think was gonna happen? The only reason it got so high was noobs buying in to "get rich quick". No fucking shit it's gonna crash, there's no more morons wiling to pay for all this worthless, literally UNUSED shit.
>americans are wagecucking rn
>literaly prime time in europe
Yeah us burgers amirite..
>he thinks it's the bottom
Why are they so fucking stupid?
its just cracking me up at this point
what retards are selling this low LMFAO
Americans and east asians own a much higher share of the crypto market than europe
why do u think burgers get barred from most ICO's
Thye don't want amerikangs to ICObagdrop the coin and devaluate it
An plague of soyboys has overtaken the American countryside.
Why are these retards still selling? They think crypto won't ever recover from this rock bottom shit prices? Jesus christ what morons.
>Implying this is the bottom
You cant be this retarded, can you?
You guys realize this is a good thing, right? As weak hands exit, the difference (their losses), stays in the market. Example: idiot buys at $10, panic sells at $5. He just left $5 in the system.
implying euros and chinks didnt dump on us until morning
Found the american
>the bottom
It's literally soy country now
You understand that its retards with your mentality that are causing this right now, correct? Stop being pussies.
I've been in tether since last night my dude. I'm just hoping it drops further so I can buy more btc.
without dumb westerner money, we pajeets would not be able to become millionaires. you are indirectly paying reparations, cucks. HAHAHA
>He fell for the hodl meme
I sold all my shit last week, and I can not be more satisfied with my decision.
Hodl only works for uptrends, don't try to beat the market kid.
You're massively retarded
A rich retard though
Truer words have never been spoken, sir
>Market cycle phase: Anger
Like clockwork