Im comfy with my coins locked

Im comfy with my coins locked

where can i buy your coins?

Lucky cunt. Locked mine in at 12k :(

What do you mean your coins are "Locked"?

Lagged it but locked it in.


Hello summer friend

I locked at 11.5k but it says that I'm not allowed to unlock for 3 hours. Do all of the lockable wallets do this?

>Doesn't controls his own private keys
>Stores them on a server of a thirt party
>Gets a cheap plastic piece of shit instead
Trezor users are probably the most delusional morons in the whole crypto landscape

Retarded shit. you can’t lock a price

My coins are locked at a price, i did it when BTC was ATH so now i don't have to worry about nothing

Yeah it's to stop price manipulation, don't worry it's gonna take more than 3 hours to pump above 11.5K so you wont lose value, just make sure you unlock in time for the bull run.

Good luck cashing that out faggot, I'm sure people will be rushing to pay you your 18000 when bitcoins are worth literal pennies by the end of the year

i've been locking in prices since your stepdad dropped you off at the orphanage, rebecca.

Ignore the 4channer trolls -_-

He means that he locked the price in time! They are now worth 18k no matter when he sells it, goti t? :)

That's how so many people got rich with Bitcoin, they locked in with high prices early own, and made a buck years later :O

I hope I helped :*

Found the retard. Of course people would pay that much. You pay $1 for a $1 BTC, and you pay $18,000 for a $18,000 BTC. A $18k Bitcoin is worth $18k.

please help me. ive been suing trezor since 2016 and Ive NEVER seen this.....

>he thinks anyone will honour this arrangement
how naive are you?

Locked my BTC at 20k. AMA

why would anyone buy your $18,000BTC when they can buy an $11,000BTC?
this makes no sense desu

REEEEEEEEE, get out normie, go back to REEEEEEEEEDIT

The $18,000 BTC is worth more than the $11,000 BTC. This is simple math you stupid retard faggot

Holy fuck that is a good one we are fucking rich no matter what

Because it's an $18,000 Bitcoin, not a $11,000 Bitcoin.

Are you retarded?

But there's only one market price.
How is that $18000BTC not worth only $11000 if $11000 is market price?

Holy fuck that envy, im sorry you arent smart as me

stay mad and poor

How the fuck would you be able to lock the BTC to a price w/o 3rd parties?

whats the point of locking the price? If it dumps to 1 k, who the fuck is going to pay 18k for a bitcoin?

same, locked last week at 14k

it is insured. They traded a specific price for the control over their private keys. Still, if any of those faggots would have read the TOS, no legal obligation by trezor to ever pay them out or give them their private keys back

Ok chum, I'm sure you'll definitely get all that money in cold hard useable cash any day now :^)

Oh thanks :)
Just locked in my 4.06 BTC at 14'204$

Thanks :D

> hasn’t locked in prices for his BTC
> didn’t even know it was a thing

Normie detected

so really it's worth the same and everyone ITT is in denial. Got it

Dude holy fuck how can you be this stupid? It's like buying a fucking baseball card. The same card can have multiple prices depending on the quality of the card. A pristine card with no damage will be worth more than one with more wear and tear. You don't sell your pristine baseball card for the same price as the shitty one. That's the difference between an $18k BTC and a $11k BTC.

This might be the worst analogy I've ever heard in my life, lmao


see here

You can lock in your price in some wallets, thus keeping the value of the coins.

Do you really think anyone is gonna have the money to honour this arrangement when Shitcoin goes down in value with every passing moment?

see here
There will always be buyers for rarer and higher priced Bitcoins.

Someone's jealous of our locked coins, lol

>he thinks pressing a "lock" button entitles him to prices higher than market value

Holy summerfag don't you know difference between ask and bid


Would you rather have coin worth 18,000 or 8,000??? Its that simple, how can you not fathom something so easy to understandd??

>no legal obligation by trezor to ever pay them out
almost 100% sure every wallet says this

lol, no you can't. That's retarded.

Holy fuck you know nothing about markets right?

Holy fuck what a retard kek

>new product
>just hit the scene
>suddenly shilled on Veeky Forums
Gee I wonder who could be behind this

You guys are the best. Almost makes it okay the market is shitting on us today. This is why we lock in those prices amirite?

why do u fucking tell him? fag

>there are people on Veeky Forums right now who have never heard of futures, options, derivatives ect.....

>he still doesn't understand how ledgers work

Exactly this.
Yeah it is hilarious.

Fucking newfags who don't understand blockchain technology, stay mad my coins are locked at 18k.

biggest kek ever, yes price locking is very important this days

salty nolocker!

I see these threads about people saying "lol I don't even know what a blockchain is, but I got rich from it xDDDDdd" and I think people are just trolling.
But no, it's true, you really DON'T know how this thing work.

Pls do your research mongoloids, the value of the bitcoin is HARD CODED into the blockchain in the MOMENT IT WAS BOUGHT.
How the fuck would a blockchain work otherwise? You think people are paying for random bits of code that anyone could fake? lmao

Locked my ETH in at $1400 literally right before this crash. Thank fuck, otherwise I'd be down about $30,000


How do I lock in Bitcoin price with ledger Nan no s?

Nothing it's a incredibly dumb larp that some retards are trying to spread fud with. Sage this thread

Yes they are dumb ass redditors dont believe them

>i can 100% insure myself against any sort of market crash this is sure to work
Imagine being so naive lmao

i'm enjoying the multiple layers of irony

holy shit so many newfaggots

LMAO, this is Veeky Forums classics.

check which version of the firmware you have. only v2 and v3 support it

Who the fuck is going to buy them at 18k?

Only v2 or maybe v3 supports it. Check that first.

This whole thread is pure herpes...


This is one spicy meme

I am totally lost here, so you're saying if I "locked" my Tron at $.21 then I would be immune from the crash?

How do I lock in now if it's going to go further? Do I have to order a wallet online? That would just take even longer. What can I do now to stop this bleeding?

are you retarded? just lock your fucking coins

The market of course because the value remains the same, don't you understand anything about Blockchain do you?

Salty no-locker

wait..someone has an 18k BTC?! I need that. Please email me details of how to purchase.

[email protected]

yes, he can.
it has thousands of dollars more street value than any of that trash exchange shit.

I don't understand why brainlets don't just download Satoshi's whitepaper and fucking read how it works for themselves. It's right fucking there under the "vision" sections. like are you that retarded or is this the new China fud?
>muh market wab iz a ledger
fucking christ just BUY A HARDARE WALLET AND LOCK IN you literal fucking brainlets

You realize that coins are not fungible right? Not all coins have the same price, what you see on exchange is merely an average. See for example cryptokities: not all cats have the same price, it's the same thing for Bitcoin.

My coins are priced at 18k dollar right now no matter what happens, only if I send them through the blockchain their hashlock will be recalculated.

Yes, you’ll need to order a ledger nano s or trezor

You can't cash out. No one's gonna buy your coins at $20,000 if everyone is selling at $10,000.


Yeah, I think we're getting trolled here, I refuse to believe there are people on Veeky Forums NOW that don't know about the price lock. Wtf would be the point of having a ledger otherwise? Or wallets?
hahahaha like
just open the notepad and make your own bitcoin bro hahahah

you need to check if it's V2 or V3, if it isn't then there are jailbreaks out there for the earlier versions to get it to work, but those can be dangerous so watch out.

>tfw only have .13 of an $18k BTC

Not all wallets support it I think. Check that first.

So I'll have to wait days or even weeks before I can lock my Tron? Nothing I can act on right now?

I'm losing my mind here, I got burned on Ripple, Verge, and now Tron is weighing me down. Maybe this entire thing just isn't for me....

Put up a sell order you know won't be reached. Your tokens will be locked in price, since otherwise the sell order wouldn't be able to execute once the price hits it (too few/too many).
Once you're happy with the price just cancel the order and you'll still have your tokens with their original value.

>this thread
>rare pepes in real life

The meme has gone full circle

Dude, now you are just embarrasing yourself.

Thats because you bought garbage

I have a reverse lock on about 5 bitcoins. On this lock, I have purchased a hedge: a butterfly spread which will make money if bitcoin goes up and it will make money if bitcoin goes down.

My level, you're not on it. Level up fools.

Don't worry user, once you will learn how to lock your coins trading becomes much easier.

>being this retard

do yourself a favor and please go read how blockchain and wallets work please

you have to have tether and btc on the device, this locks the btc to the dollar, you should do more research desu

>Don't mean to be an asshole, but if you had researched properly before investing in crypto, you would have known about coin locking. No pink wojaks for me.

Your strategy is guaranteed to fail. Do some reading on spreads & hedges, pleb

My bitcoin options will go up 23% for each 5% rises OR drops.

This sounds very complicated but I'll try it out.
That is the goal.
Yeah I should've done more research instead of listening to my nephew.

>v1 firmwarelet detected

This also works yes, but not for all coins I think. (Read the Whitepaper!!!)