Well I'm going to give you some great advice. You can FUD, I don't care, I'm going to post this a screenshot of this thread in exactly 2 weeks from now. If you bought in when you read this you'll do x2. Now, FUD. And I'll prove you wrong in 2 weeks. ICX
Well I'm going to give you some great advice. You can FUD, I don't care...
i got icx at 3$ im with u bro
should i buy in now or will it go lower? please advise.
You'd better buy it now, seems like the market is getting back up.
I bought at $2 dollars. And bought more today. I don't get people who cash out now. We'll recover within 2 weeks, And that's when ICX mainnet launches. Ah well, I'll be posting this in two weeks. They'll regret.
It won't go lower, that's I think. It could go, but I'm not counting on it. You will have 2x your money in exactly 2 weeks. It's your choise don't take my word for it. But I'm almost 100% sure of it.
Sorry for typing like a faggot. I'm eating pizza.
Got in at 2 bucks here user. Anybody thinking of throwing their ICX gains after mainnet into VEN?
But it was 2x a bit over a week ago you fucking faggot
Nope, going all in on Wanchain.
Fuck of normie. Trying to help you here. Piece of shit. Sell your shit. Get out of crypto.
thats not a bad idea either. are you waiting for a big exchange listing to go in?
it was 2x in usd. sat value only went down about 30% since ath.
I already have wans. I'm going all in on the first day it's getting listed. I predict a x2 within the first 24h of listing (from the original listing price)
did you get in the ico?
I got some money tied up in BAT that I want to move to ICX, when is the best time to do it? BAT has announcements and will go to $1,5 from $0,5 very soon. but I don't want to miss the main net launch
Yes I did, it sold out in 10 minutes.
I would say now is the right time. But I'm not on what' Bat is going to do. So you have to decide this yourself.
How solid is icon? Do they have a working product?
get out of my board you fucking newfag
What if I bought in at the ATH?
I'm waiting for it to go to $6. Maybe tomorrow morning.
It will blast past ATH in the next 2 weeks.
Lmao, all right Norman.
Don't think it will. But it could happen.
holy shit, dude, 20+ user's died today and you're gonna come in here shilling shit.
>x2 in 2 weeks after a huge dip
WOW you mean like literally any other coin on the market?
I really hope you're right.
just get in now. you are already getting a hella discount
3200 ICX here, still up over $5k even at these levels. Holding to the top or the bottom.
>Don't think it will.
Based on fucking what you piece of shit? Shut your whore mouth bitch
That's FOMO.
2 weeks user, remember.
Trying to save some anons. They'll curse me out now. But they won't in two weeks.
Nice user, you're definitely gonna make it.
Went all in at $1.6. I’m with you bro let’s do this. Sitting on a nice stack of these bad boys
yeah when it was holding around 10 bucks not too long ago. Sure is fomo when you buy it at a lower price and mainnet isn't out yet. Fuck off faggot
When you want people to join in on your moon mission, its best to sounds like such a loser.
Bought 40 @$9.80
Wish I got in earlier. Wish I had more capital to invest.
HODLing with iron hands
Im in 240K. 24th isnt when this shit will moon, its the 30th, after korean banks open up on crypto trading deposits.
The only thing that was holding us back was the giant gimp since its only available paire with btc or etc, but its only at around 25% now.
screen cap this.
same and I'm bitter as fuck about it
Mainnet is 31st? Not 24th?
about buying high or not enough capital?
This coin continues to tank massive dips like a boss. Icon is truly a chadcoin
You're exactly right. That's why I said 2 weeks. Nice user, you're gonna make it.
what are you doing with your life? Make the switch to delta.
Mainnet is the 24th. The Lotte Tower Expo where they will show off DAPPs and the network's usage and power.
same boat fag, never get in anything early.
Ive took a few risks these last few days so hopefully theres a good one in there.
I've consolidated my portfolio massively over the last week. I'm only in this and ETH now.
Is 250 ICX enough to make it?
Both but mostly buying high
No kidding
fuck yeah bro, we gon be rich baby
ICX has been nothing but up since its inception too, chadest coin ever
Not make it, but you'll have a good life.
We will brother.
Yes. There are already vending machines in universities.
ffs ive been semi salty over this when I checked blockfolio, now I realise I was looking at BTC price instead of ETH, Im barely even down!
To be fair, last I checked, ICX didn't really drop that much, compared to some other stuff that REALLY bled.
why does that man have slits for eyes?
nip nong ching chong, motherfucker
What's our EOY projection?
I'm thinking around 120 dollars.
It'll be easier to gauge that as time goes on. At the end of the month when we see what the price is at will may be able to project its growth better. I feel $50 and above.
I'm glad others feel so optimistic about this. When the true bloodbath happens I think ICX will be one of the projects that rises from the ashes along with ETH and NEO while the shitcoins get purged
I'm holding 666 of these.
I'll make the deals I have to
anyone who doesnt own this coin doesnt deserve to make it
I got at $2. This coin is holding strong compared to other alts. Based Chad coin.
Also: BNB
It dipped to 5900 about 10 hours ago. It’s basically recovered already. I say buy now.
You're gonna make it too.
>How solid is icon?
You can guess. It's called icon. You know, like iPhone, but iCon.
You will buying a literal con coin.
600 at around current prices, this seems like the sweet spot to add, surely could catch lower, but have to be very on top of it. This coin will 2x surely in 14 days or less.
Conservatively, $60. Very possibly, $100.
How's that tobacco comin' along in your blockchain?
yes 100 dollar overall marketcap
mainnet loopchain over 600 gooks thats all you need to know
I have a bunch of ICX, but holy shit am I sick of hearing about my coins are going to 2x by "x" date. Who the fuck knows with this market.
This. The only reason USD is down is because of that shit dinosaur coin. The sat value isn’t doing bad at all, all things considered:
>Korea FUD
>BTC dip
>correction after hitting damn near $13
>Bought in at $6.30, decided this is long hold, went all in. Felt a little sick about yesterday, then I realized it didn't even set me back 15 days, and now it will recover. Comfy some how.
bought in at $9, not masturbating furiously but still a solid coin to add to the selection.