Trannies aren't like cis girls and therefore are less likely to divorce and take half my money right?
What if we also adopt children? I doubt that divorces will happen and I'll have to pay child support because tgirls started off as males so their brains aren't as rekt as cis girls. This is a good investment right?
They also constantly take in estrogen so they age even better than girls.
Real girls are shit and divorce machines
Okay financially to marry a transgirl?
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I bid you ado
>marrying someone with a mental condition
Good luck faggot
Hey that's cissexist. What the fuck. How do you even go outside.
People still find trannies attractive. That means their bodies are not abominations like you say they are. You're just hating someone for no reason.
It's not bad mental condition. Helping someone overcome their condition is rewarding isn't it?
I seriously hope I'm falling for bait.
You may want to watch this. At the height of degeneracy, trannies were everywhere, Berlin was "the sex capitol" of Europe. The first sex change operation was performed by a jew.
It's like the ATL.
>age even better than girls
OP if you're this dumb you deserve your fate
Your video is simply /pol/ propaganda
All I know is that there was a "third" gender that was accepted in Islam because of the existence of hermaphrodites and eunuchs, both of them dressed in womens clothes and were respected. This continues to this day, Iran has a record of post-op trannies because of that passage in the Quran that allows eunuchs and hermaphrodites, they force homesexuals to either chop off their dick or to be hanged in a public square.
There are innumerable stories and legends of women cross dressing as men, but this was mostly as a narrative device or a subversion of normal female roles. These date back to the most ancient times, you have Mulan in China, Bradamante in orlando furioso, Pope Joan, the Merchant of Venice etc.
Trannies and traps have existed in every culture since time immemorial
>helping them overcome their condition
So what, you wanna marry a man? Jesus christ OP just admit that you're a fucking homo and go suck cocks, but do in it private you degenerate piece of shit.
Girls don't take estrogen supplements. Is the amount of estrogen in their bodies decreases after 30 because their bodies stop producing it at that rate. Trannies always have a constant supply of estrogen and therefore age better.
Ha. Fag.
I've fucked both and trust me, traps are more drama than women, just control your woman and you'll be fine, people get shat on because they let their wench do what they want
I'm not gay.
Trans""""girls"""" are men and you have been psy-oped and MK Ultra'd.
Sorry lads this lady(male) is mine
How rewarding is it when you discover you actually can't help them?
Crossdressing has literally nothing to do with transgenderism
You can have a sexual kink of dressing up as the other sex and wishing you were the other sex without being so deluded as to think snipping your cock makes you a girl
No you're wrong. Traps think rationally because they didn't start as disgusting females.
>Even trannies are falling for the BBC meme.
White women and white women (male) were a mistake.
Hell no, either find a FEMALE mate or spend your days with temporary furburger on the side when you want it.
Loving them might help them love themselves.
Yes it does. Crossdressing is closet transgenderism
They were not a mistake. They're cute.
>On the side
You're being degenerate by telling me to not stay monogamous.
cute AND good at vidya
Those don't really pass.
They have to pass desu.
A third gender is also predominant in India.
Where they shit in the street.
Trannies aren't just Jewish propaganda. They're creations of nature and they should be cherished.
I doubt they take half your money in the divorce and they'll be good at video games too. Surely not a depreciating investment.
I'll marry you user
We'll check our shitfolios 3000x a day together
tfw biz is full of faggots for real
>Is it okay to marry someone with a destabliizing mental illness
It is better to fuck a transgender on estrogen than to fuck a woman on testosterone,
-Bigfuckinglenny, delray misfits.
kys faggot
it's a different time now
Are you a cute tranny?
I've been on hormones since when I was 16
CD != TS
I'm glad you followed your dream.
Do you still have your peepee?
Yes but I'm going to get SRS as soon as my gains allow.
This image is transphobic and you know it
Damn - would.
I would fuck this trap so hard in the mouth
I don't know if you should get that done you know. It's not very developed procedure and alot of people regret it.
Consider keeping your peepee.
Yes. Someone who doesn't pass shouldn't be a tranny.
Yeah, and she leans right. Theryn Meyer ( as seen with Jordan Peterson) - is this /our-girl/ ???
have trans partner
Do you check your portfolios together?
famalam ESPECIALLY trannies are falling for the bbc meme
do u live under a rock?
>thinks the aging process is determined by estrogen
Is slowed by estrogen
nah, she's a nocoiner but i might buy her some after this dip
Do you intend to stay with her?
They are usually mentally ill and I'm not talking about dysphoria.
been with a few women already, and all i really have awful luck or im just not cut out for their shit. i feel like this generation of women has been shilled the equality meme too much they've become pseudo-men in psyche. now i have someone who supports my ambition
That's her?
Well done.
Any more pics?
i identify as a turd
You better price lock >her before >she leaves
Can we have some names on these beautiful ladies?
nah not her im just posting random trap pics
How is her mind?
Is it stable? Or as unstable as these crazies say all trannies are?
the fact that a man is lying he is a woman is already a clue you shouldn't trust the sneaky fuck. they'll take all your money for their stupid cosmetic surgeries too.
I live with two trannies and I have never met two more mentally unstable people.
For the record, this happened because one of them transitioned and then started living with their tranny gf here
Ill happily pay for those surgeries if it means making her happy.
You don't marry a tranny you fool, you keep them as fuck toys and dump them when they start to look like shit.
excess estrogen always leads to cancer. this goes for genetic females and especially genetic males. trannies take 3 pills. estrogen. one to balance estrogen. and another to stop their organs from shutting down from hormone therapy. wow, so attractive.
Got myself a wienergirl too. Niiiice...
moody at times but not difficult, we've been together for 2 years so that helps
if you can have a relationship with a transperson you're probably a bit wrong in the head too, just have to be aware
First hand experience? cause it doesn't sound like it.
Surgery doesn't change the fact that they are scientifically a man. Have fun marrying a dude faggot.
Ah ok cool.
It's funny how the market works - yesterday I was arguing with people on biz about coins.
Today I'm like "Fuck it - that trap is hot" haha.
you do realize once you pay for all their surgeries they'll upgrade to a better looking and richer guy?
my nigga
did he break his hand jacking her off?
read some actual medical papers on cancer brainlet
yeah gotta blow off some steam, i just bought the FUD
Well done sir - make a tape and throw it on pornhub.
Better $$ than Crypto! haha
You're right about mood. Its a volatile thing I'm going on three years. You get the you're constantly lying treatment when they hit rock bottom?
its more, let's call this relationship over, deal, but yeah i get that too
it's like swing trading
At least you got one willing to talk about ending it. I got someone that pretty much relies on my for every comfort gives me a lot of power of the relationship. Shes independent then?
It would have been a better idea to go all in on DGB after the whales dumped than to marry a tranny.
nah not really kek, though wasnt always like this
i guess you could say we have "traditional" gender roles
I'm not a degenerate.
That's so nice. I wish you well.
Scientifically and psychologically a girl. That trumps biology. Just like motivation trumps IQ.
No. That's the reason I'm not going for roasties.
Cancer doesn't arise from hormones just like that.
DGB is at a fiat ATH
So she makes you food and keeps the house?
Have you contemplated having kids?
traditional is probably for the best keeps me a lot more content. I honestly don't want her going out and finding out how pretty she is anyways. Rather she self loath and play vanilla world of warcraft all day.... maybe. idk feels rough sometimes but I guess I was never big in relationships anyways.
yes cooks, i help clean, she does most of the housework
we got cats, who needs fucking kids they're horible
That's really nice.
oh aw man, i know how this is-- have dated some trans with experiences like this.
just go out and be normal people, dont worry about it. if she cheats or leaves, dump her, get some newer models
the more you try to control the more she'll slip away