I'm selling
Good bye guys
I'm selling
Buy back in around 8k we are about to brake the floor then it's going to be a bad day for a lot of people
you only lose if you sell
i bought at 1200 and sold at 17000.
if i would have hodl'd and sold now i would still win, but it would be a shitty win.
You will regret selling.
Last time it hit 11k was only briefly. Now we've got sustained activity at 11k.
f for bitcoin
Lmao pussy. There is global demand for crypto currencies and the party is just getting started. These are growing pains and you are either a part of it or you aren’t.
Asia waking up, I ain't buying their bags. Shills
Good idea. It would've been best if you sold at $17000, but selling at $11000 is a lot smarter than selling when it bottoms out at $2000.
most rubes think this will bounce, you made a tough but proper risk mgmnt choice
>global demand
literally who? The majority of humans on the planet live in shanty villages and make 3 cents a year sewing t-shirts for westerners.
y-y-yeah but they're gonna invest those 3 cents in bitcoin. J-j-just wait and see! Right guys??? Right??????
This crash isn't over as long as XRP is over $0.1.
You fuckers need to trade more often instead of holding so long. Make a strategy ie. 20% gain is sell and re-buy at another good structure level. Place stop-losses and stop this long holding stupid ass swing trading which are not suited for volatile markets.
Bitcoin isn't backed by anything.
>I-it's backed by the promise of it's holder.
That's worth nothing.
>m-m-muh ledger.
>I-it's backed by the market value.
The market is crashing.
>b-but we're sticking it to the Jew
by manipulating currency for your own profit? Isn't that what Bitcoin was supposed to fix to begin with?
Like honestly. Nobody here actually gives a fuck about fixing the inequities of the world. You gambled on bitcoin, and some of you won, good for you, some of you lost, go fuck yourself it'll be the chad insurrection if you go crawling to the tax payer for a bailout.
I care about fixing the inequities of the world. That's why other than socks and underwear (for obvious reasons) I don't buy brand new clothing. That's why I don't dine out and make all of my food from scratch. I sacrifice the benefits of 'the system' in order to reduce the amount I support it. I'm doing more to fight the Jew than any of you ever will.
You're just a bunch of salty gamblers.
This. If you actually care about the jew blocking power of crypto and not just chasing pnd's like a desperate pajeet at least invest in xmr or sky
>t. Pink pilled
Lol being in it for the money. Real pajeets are in for the thrill
>global demand for cars
literally who? The majority of humans on the planet live in shanty villages and make 3 cents a year sewing t-shirts for westerners.
>global demand fof computers
literally who? The majority of humans on the planet live in shanty villages and make 3 cents a year sewing t-shirts for westerners.
>global demand for smartphones
literally who? The majority of humans on the planet live in shanty villages and make 3 cents a year sewing t-shirts for westerners.
wow I guess those technologies will never take off too then
Meanwhile 75% of this board would have raged at you to "HODL" at the time. Good job user, I wish you a comfy future.
Haha got REKT noob
>strawmanning this hard
You know the amount of sympathy I have for you shitcoiners decreases with each post you make.
>Like honestly
fuck off back to Facebook.
People who have been here longer than a year or so see a decentralized future in economics. The profits just sweeten the deal.
i think youre just poor
>muh decentralized economics
Humans had that at one point in history. It was called barter.
The whole point of a common currency is to CENTRALIZE economic activity for the mutual benefit of all. The breakdown is the (((bankers))) who skim off the top.
What the fuck do you think you're doing by profiting off of the exchanges? You're skimming off the top. You're acquiring currency without contributing to economic productivity. You are literally a (((banker))) right now. And this is why the greatest advances in human innovation have happened under a fiat currency.
Yes, there are flaws in the idea of a fiat currency but it's strength comes from the age old adage "Don't shit where you eat". The schemes can only scheme so hard otherwise they destroy society for themselves to. Whereas you have absolutely no incentive to care where your 'free crypto dollars' come from. You can shit all over the world while enjoying your shekels back at home.
I think you're just a retard who bought in at 19k. You can get as salty with me as you want kid, but you aren't getting your money back.
Also bitstamp is now trading under 11k. Get fucked shitcoiners.
almost hitting
>The whole point of a common currency is to CENTRALIZE economic activity
Maybe national currencies.
Honestly. If you want to make real gains. Join a PnD discord group. Me and 5000 others are still gaining in this bear market.
Say what you want, but they will make a coin rocket 300%-1000% easily in a couple of minutes. Previous pumps were a major succes.
thanks, yea. have made about a yearly sallary extra compared to my current job.
i made some huge misses in early trading, beeing to greedy, etc.
bigest regret is a big (30k xrp) market sell at the absolut bottom of xrp at the first pump rollercoaster in the summer.
that threw me back but also made me grow horns, and realy read up on things before trading
inb4 not your personal blog
i lost it well played
Bought 2000 dollars of ETH literally hours before the crash. I was planning it on selling it after a pump but now it's too late for any of that
imagine selling now and missing out on a new PND in 2 hours at
discord gg/gxzyaq3
Sold all my bitcoin today at $11275
I'm out of this crypto ponzi scam. Goodbye.
Good for you user, hope you did massive profits with this scam.
good thing i only put 3k into crypto and still have a 15k plus portfolio in index funds :))
No risk no fun! :D (no profit)
Defeatist. Bitcoin will be at 30k by early summer. Screencap this.