Is this guy full of shit?

Is this guy full of shit?

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Who's this guy

so now the retarded youtube celeb worshippers have come to biz huh

>neckbeards are in
>dump it

You're in a very dark place my friend.

If you're asking whether hes full of shit I take it you have no idea who he is.

Athene, some psychopathic piss drinker who streams games and now wants to sell his meme crypto to people

yes. he's a known scammer who personally tried shilling his coin on Veeky Forums like a week ago pretending to be someone else.
he's also much less popular than you think at first glance. he viewbots.

i'm not going to say his name and give him publicity, fuck this guy

www twitch tv /athenelive

wtf is that the best paladeen in the world?

havent seen that niggas face in years. he's trying the crypto shit now? lmao

Anybody who claims they can predict crypto is full of shit

is coin is selling like crazy though

don't give this faggot views. pls delete post

Are you serious? Are you really watching Athene crypto trading videos? Please tell me you do it for entertainment.

discord gg/PEKQFDX pump in 3hrs, 5k members

more awareness more chance for people to call out his bullshit
get over it

He's been in the scamming business for quite some time. Was only fitting that he get into crypto eventually.

Yeah, he is.

A friend of mine bought a
Goat and its costing him an arm and a leg. In the
End is it worth it to kill or breed the goat?
Desparatly need answers.


Yeh hes tried literally everything to stay relevant since his wow videos. He goes through a new phase every few months.

If you know anything about this guy it's that he does everything purely for entertainment.

It's all one elaborate act - he is a character, not a real person.

Once you realise this, you can actually kind of appreciate him - he is full of charismatic energy, and can convince people something is true when it isn't.

It's all smoke and mirrors - his shitty coin is on a low cap exchange, and easily manipulated. People are getting sucked in simply on this basis alone

damn, that sounds about right.

those wow videos lost their luster after his videos were going to shit AND he couldnt keep hitting r1.

i remember he went into poker and that was pretty interesting. think i stopped giving a shit right around then.

>next video of l33t k1ng bezt paladin da world, supernova elite, save them k1ds Athene.
>Athene browsing Veeky Forums

"Look at these scrubs who think I scam fuk you I no scam, I Athene. You nubz are jelly get on my level, you just hatin that I am the best, I Pwn you and crypto. Get rekt."

its a legit scam lmfao just look at the smart contract

only 26 tx's no one actually owns this shit LOL they are just buying and selling using their own prps and eth hoping to get some random viewer to buy

Known scammer. I could list his online "achievements" one by one and they all involve some fraudulent shit. He's still liked by normies though and that's how he survives.