You all mocked me, told me I was stupid, told me to get off this board...

You all mocked me, told me I was stupid, told me to get off this board. Just because I refused to invest in crypto-currency. Because I invested all my money in the traditional stock market.

Well boys, my mutual fund went up 18% in 2017 and is continuing to steadily rise, with no crash in sight.

How's your crypto doing??

its okay im holding neo thanks user

I'm still up 300% from a week ago, so pretty well. Just sold and buying everything while it's cheap.
Have fun with that pocket change you made, don't spend it all in one place.

> no crash in sight

It’s on sale allowing me to accumulate before the next ride up

Enjoy your baby gains, I’m sure your vacation to Florida will be subpar

nice bait but im still up 10x overall in 6 months thanks for asking

lol im still up 600% from ath of 1000%

1300% this year, thanks for asking
Used this dip to increase my holdings thanks to profits i took on the way up
Good luck with your mutual funds user

Yeah? I'm still up from my initial investment 500% and I'm a fucking brainlet that started a month ago

I made 200k from an initial investment below 10k idiot. Plus I hold 1mil+ in stocks. Get rekt faggot

Up 2500% since May, plus I've already cashed out a load. Thanks for asking though.

>posted as their ponzi-scheme cypto-currency drops 20% in a single day

Lol unlike you my investments are backed by tangible wealth. Your investments are backed by the retarded hope that someone will be dumb enough to pump money in after you.

Still up about 4300% from last year. 18% gains lol gtfo

I'm still up over 100%. What's your point?

>inb4 stocks get their long awaited correction

You fool. I'm up ~5000%, cashed out 25%. Crypto is high risk/reward. Clearly too much for you to handle.

I just lost 15k in this dip. That's ok though because my total is still around 45k from an initial 3k investment

Still up 2000 percent, i'm sure your 18 percent feels fullfilling though.

Started with 4k. You tell me how much I would have in stupid mutual fuds

I'm in both stocks and crypto. Pretty comfy.

>boasts about 17% gains
>terrified of any sort of risk

The absolute state of normans

Up 300% since September.

I'd imagine absolutely everyone who invested in crypto at the beginning of 2017 would be outperforming your cuckfund even if crypto crashed 90%.

Wall Street is 100x worst than crypto. U think facebook is worth $600bill??? Most stocks give no dividends, it’s just last bag holder/ponzu system like crypto.

Still up 2476% user

lol get back to me when I'm retiring comfortably at the age of 50 and you're still working as a cashier at walmart.

quick which coin is this? hint: it's not crpyto

Lmaoooo you're fucking retarded. Even after this bloodbath I'm still up like 20% and I've been doing this for like a month. Now it's time to accumulate a bunch more and be back at 100%+ gains within a couple weeks. Stay poor with your old man investments.


LMFAO i'm still up 130% this month even after this dip

You are way too new.

I used to be you when this board had 1 if any crypto threads on the catalog at any time. Oh how rich I could have been.

This is your last chance to buy the dip this low user, don't say we didn't warn you. The bitterness is too much.

from 2011 to 2018... we make those gains in less than a month in crypto

Still up literally 100x since I invested 8 months ago. Going pretty damn well no-coiner.

>Well boys, my mutual fund went up 18% in 2017
lol, I started in november and I'm up 25x. kys

>18% gains

>thinks I didn’t retire last year at 28 because of crypto
>thinks “muh mutual fund will let me retire after another 20 years of wagecucking” is ok in any way

Jesus, I am very happy my parents didn’t let me sniff glue as a kid

still doing better than you faggot nocoiner

Even with a crash I’m running circles around your pathetic gains

But did you have fun?

This last year on Veeky Forums has seen this board actually grow into a thriving community that keeps bringing us back.

There has been countless laughs and memes as we essentially roll the dice with monopoly money.

We've been gaining and losing fortunes most of us aren't sure we'll ever be able to cash out.

While you sat there smugly looking at your marginal gains thinking you might be able to afford yourself the slightly fancier hotel on your next holiday to whatever shit hole in Florida you go to we've dreamed of drag racing lambos, penthouse apartments, and railing endless fat lines of white gold off the big booties of 10/10 Colombian whores.

We've been having fun user, have you?

18% haha u poor faggot

margin selling exists for crypto

cool story bro. currently i am at 700% since jan 17. will be back to 1500% soon. good luck with your faggot ass bonds, though :-)

Either shitty bait or retarded

>up 18%

I'm not moving a finger for 18% a year...

I will fly my personal jet to your city and drive past your retirement home in my lambos full of whores and wave before you get your pills grandpa

>LOL NORMIE why are you bragging about your 18% returns when I'm up 4000%?
>You're stupid to be bragging because I made 3000%
>What? 18% Why would you brag about that when I made 2000%
>No I won't let you have any of my money I'm up 1500%.
>lol your 18% will never match my 1000%
>Why are you still bragging when I'm up 500%?

hahahahahahahahahahahaha you idiots will keep acting like you're winning until you die in a gutter from starvation. I'm so glad the crypto (aka PONZI) market is crashing!!!

I know there's a lot of lying going on in threads like this, but this one made me laugh out loud.

Okay, mr. Pompous McPompous.

Seriously, you can't make shit like this up...

love you

Haha. You're stupid if you think traditional stocks don't have a crash coming down the pipe.

i went from 30k to 500k in less than a month, ill stick with crypto thanks

>Well boys, my mutual fund went up 18% in 2017
Jesus Christ bud my crypto - started in September same year - is down 60% this week but would have to drop an additional 50% of what I have left before my gains are as pitiful as yours.

im up over 4800% since 2013

>mfw I'm investing in real estate, crypto and stocks

Do you think that I can only pick one? :^) Feels good to know that I'm gonna be a $-millionare before i turn 30. Also nice bait

Even with "le crash" I have made more this month, than your boomer memes will make you in 2 years.


my folio up 80% since january 1st. normie fag bitch nigger. it will take you 5 years to make these gains



(((continues to cash at crypto at a 10000000% gain)))
Heheheheheh stupid goyim

10,800, and falling...

I know. It hurts.


>Up 18%
I'm up 300% from May 2017

Still up 800% in 4 months fuck your mutual fund.

Im up 700% since November

Cashed out my principal and have 20x it left even in this dip (wasn't paying enough attention to sell at the top so just gonna hold through), pretty comfy.

1000% up in 1 month, thanks for asking.

I'm up 300% since May
So suck it you normie I'm up 200%
Why are you mocking me when I'm up 100%
brb checking my bitcoin value

Reminder that this ponzi scheme can leave you at -100% gains.



That's not bad compared to stock cucks but it's nothing to be proud of. You can make that in a good month

>Tangible wealth.
>He says when most IPOs begin the decline of major corporations.


I'm still up 270% from 3 weeks ago you dumb norman

It's still more than what you've made?

But it all those points theyre still way up more than you. Not sure whats to brag here.

17% safe gains is great if you have multimillions and I'll definitely stay moving some of my crypto gains to funds as I approach that level. But for a young person with little capital, yeah there's no point.

If you bought btc on 2017-1-1 you're up 10x

Guarantee we will be seeing ATHs again by March. cap it

>18% key
Even if every crypto I own crashes 90% I’m still up 500% since the summer

I'm still fucking x7 this month right now pussy. After the shakeoff I will be x70. DRINKING NORMIES BLOOD RIGHT NOW

>18% gains

lol. Yes that's very good considering you put your money in a conventional investment vehicle. 18% is actually very good considering most things give you 6% per year. I almost threw my money in one of these terrible places too until I found about crypto.

I started last June. I just bought a few things and held. I didn't pick well, made 1500%. Thank to this crash I'm down to 700%, still a lot better than 18%. I'm certainly not going back to conventional investment vehicles which are terrible places to part money.

200% since November, at the bottom of today's crash.

"with no crash in sight"
Almost had me

It's called a sale. Buy BTC at 7k, see it get to 20k+ by the end of the year.

The only difference between crypto and stocks is that a year in crypto is like a decade on NASDAQ. Your 18% is laughable for anyone who long-termed crypto and engaged in some basic technical analysis.

Bless you based actual knowledgeable investor.

>the absolute state of cryptocucks with zero knowledge

They don't even know the fundamentals of an economy yet they are self-proclaimed professional crypto"""traders""" ay fucking lmao

Get burned kids.

You’re being serious

>up 18% in 2017
I made >400% since September and cashed out half of it in December.

You know what you fucking boomer, short bitcoin.

100x leverage.

Fucking do it faggot.

LMAO. You can't shake me boy. I have held worst storms than this. As a matter of fact, I am buying as fast as I can.

>mfw nocoiners finally win

>in 2018

>cashes out of casino with profit
>immediately goes to another casino and puts it all on black

>mfw have a million dollar REAL portfolio and also bitcoin for $200.


holy moly I could shit out 17% gains for breakfast

guys these threads are trolls. stop falling for it. even an idiot knows crypto is still massively up from where it was even 3 months ago.

my portfolio went up 10000%, then down 50% so im still up 5000%. you suck at math

>linear scale
stay poor

but I already cashed out 1000% of my original investment. you don't even have a fucking clue what that feels like. I have 4000% of my original investment reinvested, and will be able to live comfortably for the next two years off of what i cashed out. it can all drop to zero and I'll still have a better return than you will EVER GET

I mean, I'm still at x20 gains in half a year, so you can't win this battle op.

fucking lol, even with all this crashing, I'm up 8000% from my initial investment about a year ago.

18% can happen in crypto in like 5 minutes. You waited a whole year for that? lmao baka...

desu the only thing I wish I _did_ do is cash out my initial when I was at the peak and just hold it for a dip like this.

Yeah no fucking way did you just happen to invest the majority of your portfolio in some random shitcoin that mooned while everythong else crashed. Larp