Can someone redpill me on why Tether is a scam? It's the only coin on the top 100 that's still green.
Can someone redpill me on why Tether is a scam? It's the only coin on the top 100 that's still green
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screencap this
Tether 10 usd EOY
It isn't a scam under the laws of Singapore. In the US it may violate some laws, like being a US dollar imposter.
people posting about it being a scam by bitfinex
if you knew anything about the project Tether above $3.5 defeats the whole purpose
haha I'm sure you didn't read the black paper
>(((people))) posting about it being a scam by bitfinex
Yes, took me a week to figure out what the end goal of this bubble was all about. And you morons traded for sats
shady private corporation set up in a tax haven by bitfinex guys supposedly creating USD backed tokens with no accountability or transparency?
what could go wrong.
do any of you guys even know how tether fucking works or is this just bait? With such a promising team, tether is sure to reach at least $100 by the end of this MONTH!!
thanks, just bought 100k
its fixed to the USD, so... in theory it cant go above value of USD, thus how can you ever make gains? it cant moon, EVER.
imagine believing that is true.
haha stay poor, moron.
People who dont user Tether to hold their gains are not good enough for this market.
I'm in tether since 15k.. but I'm getting a little nervous. If the exchanges had to go down, I'd lose it all.. while if I held btc in my ledger I could lose value but still own btc.
Anyone thinks tether is safe?
I bought in at 0.02. It has mooned plenty of times.
It's a pretty smart solution to the fiat liquidity problem.
It's sketchy that they don't want to have their reserves audited but tbqh you'd have to be retarded to just sit on $1.5 billion cash.
can't exclude that possibility
cup and handle forming rn
I've read the whitepaper
Tether goes up when everything goes down because people think it is USD. It is the psychological "cash out" even though you are still in.
WTF are you talking about
The price has traded sideways @ 1USD
look at the chart