Lost 1M over last couple days
Lost 1M over last couple days
Honestly the money was never "yours" to lose.
Cryptocurrency is dying and it's fucking beautfiful
damn I thought I was balling with 25k wagerr
nigga you gonna make it x 6
I'll be buying all that off your hands when you're @ 100k buddy.
this is why you fucking cash out when you have enough money to live the rest of your life
why chase the lambo when all that matters is never working again
Jesus and im pissed that im 100 dolllars down.
>Cryptocurrency is dying
Its more alive than ever, dumb nigger
>only down 200k last 24h
Currently at 1.18m down from 1.4m
sick people who celebrate a correction as the end of crypto
>enough money to live the rest of your life
$1MM is not enough to live the rest of your life, user. My wife and I make $1MM every three years. It's just not that much money.
I agree, but you can’t cash out 1mm at a time. Right? R-right?
We need to start purging the god damn commies from this board. Judging from that 8values thread they are currently making up an ABSOLUTE MAJORITY OF Veeky Forums
commence the purge!
yeah, or at least cash out a mil, and play with the rest.
Not sure where you entered the market (i hope not the top), but if your in for the long hold, then you should be fine
See the cool thing with Blockfolio is you get to type in whatever quantities you want
What’s the new DimoncrashFEDprintMoney # user
I need to know how much VEN to HODL
Why are no coiners so bitter? Why do you want to ruin someone else's success? What is "earning it"?
Im so jealous OP, even with your losses you're easily set for life.
Fuck me for being so late to the crypto game.
kys Chad you cocksuck
>1M in shitcoins
Nigger what the actual fuck were you doing?
lol country bumpkin
tell me what you spend that money on. make me fucking laugh
Literally no one looks like this
And fucking this. You need at least 200MM if you wanna make it. A mansion alone can easily cost 50MM, then there's the other real estate you need around the world and don't even get me started on the private jet.
The ride never ends
Can we get a butthurt white boy thread going?
I can sign a Btc message
I think that was drawn in the early 90s
If youre not retired in 3 years youre a fucking idoiot kill your wife then kill you
Look forward to an update in 2 months when it’s 10m
What if you just want to live in the suburbs with a normal house?
>Cryptocurrency is dying
see you in a month when we're back to where we were earlier this week, nocoiner
>1m req tokens
wew you'll be a billionaire in a few years
then you didn't make it
Reach for the stars, user
Don't be a cuck!
>needing a mansion
even at 10 milli id buy a modest suburban home, a decent enough used car and id live my life as i do now, occassionaly spending money on experiences
I feel you brotha
Thanks anons, I needed to hear that. I'm not stopping until I have my private island away from POCS and normie whites. I'm a long way from getting out of the ghetto to there but I'm patient.
Fucking kys little kid. Just stop talking
Thanks for the worthless info
>Tfw I'm an unironic Nazi with a qt pajeet gf.
I want to save the white race but she's adorable and pumping her tiny Indian womb full of my hot Aryan seed gives me all kinds of pleasure.
Forgive me uncle Adolf.
lol senpai
Not a millionaire anymore fuckkkkkkj
Your USD is doing all right, whatever memecoin that is.
Prepare to lose another 500K or more
He won't be selling dumb fuck
you did good user, trust me
How do you account for fees when transferring between exchanges using that? Mine shows me having more money than I actually have and I don't like it.
What the fuck is wrong with you people? A million is all you need. It's enough to outright buy or put substantial deposits on 5+ properties and begin renting them out, which will bring you in more money per year passively than most people make working full time. Passive income of £50,000 a year and you complain that's not enough to live on, fuck off
Idians have more claim to the ancient aryan people than amerimutts.
>he doesn’t have chitlins
Fucking poorfag, my lifestyle requires at least 10MM / year, yes at it's MINIMUM!!
Where is ur million $?
OP, anyy coins you think are particularly worth investing in right now?
right there with you should have cashed out 2 weeks ago. Got greedy and wanted another M, now I'm under a M.
I know that feel. Lost 100 dollars....feels bad man.
Delta has a fee option
For trades but not for moving your coins to a new exchange. Unless I'm stupid (which I am).